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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Friendly Fire and Kurt Thanks for explaining to Arngrim that I was not patronizing him or being unfriendly to him. If I had to do it, I wouldn't have been as ah..... "diplomatic" as you were. Arngrim Strategies: Allied Strategies: German Here are just two examples from doing a search on "Strategies". As you can see, theres alot of good information here. Just giving you fair warning, you make a unprovoked smartass comment like that again, me and you will be having some problems. As for this incident, forgotten. Comrade Trapp [ April 11, 2004, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. I am assuming he means the human player suing for peace.
  3. Do a search, this topic has been discussed about 1000 times, you should come up with alot of good information. What you guys need to understand is that your strategy will depend on what your opponent does. For example, say your playing as Axis, and "Player X" is playing as Allies. "Player X" may decide to chew your ass every chance he gets. He may make a number of landings with only a few corps, forcing you to commit a certain amount of ground and air units to try and destroy them only to have they have transported back to safety. He may decide to do this when your in the middle of invading a minor, forcing you to disengage units from invasion forces to counter the landings. Your don't even have to be in the middle of a fight, the point is to waste your time, you can't invade a minor while your busy fighting him. And before you know it: "USSR Prepares for War" You see my point? Its hard to begin a game and say, "this is what I'm going to do". Because chances are, your entire strategy may have to change within the first year of the war. You want good strategies? Play any of the veteran players on this forum, everyone does diffrent things, you'll soon learn the do's and dont's. :confused:
  4. Your girlfriend plays SC with you?!? Does she have a sister? You don't know how lucky you are...... That request has been made time and again for the past year and Hubert has already said he won't make another patch for SC past v1.07. He is aware there is a high demand for this so hopefully he will implement it in SC2. hehehehe, you newbies are so much fun...... Hit "T" during TCP/IP to chat. Welcome to the forum and have a great day! Comrade Trapp
  5. hehe hehehe hehehehe hehe, no..........
  6. Why attack with a bomber when you can attack with a corps or an army? Not only are bombers more costly to repair, but you also run the risk of being intercepted and to make matters worse, a nearby airfleet that you could be using on the target would be instead commited to escort duty.
  7. I usually attack with infantry, followed by armor, and then once the target gets down to 3 or 2 strength, finish it off with airpower. Of course this would be in a ideal situation, sometimes you take heavy losses regardless of what you do.
  8. Why does Dracula wear an Iron Cross, I didn't know he served in the German Army.
  9. I have noticed a sharp increase in the number of newbies on this forum over the past 2 months. Does this mean sales have picked up sharply with the release of SC to retailers? Just wondering..... This question is directed at Moon, Hubert, or anyone else from Battlefront.
  10. Wow, another long lost member of the SC forum is back. First IrishGuards, then you. If you want to change your name back: * Go to "my profile". * Then go to "edit profile". * And then change your "Publicly Displayed Name". Welcome back, hope to see you posting again. Comrade Trapp
  11. IrishGuards, well, well, well...... Look who finally decided to come around after a year of being MIA. About time you came around and said hi, we can finally take your name off the "Missing in Action" list. Welcome back, hope to see you posting again. Comrade Trapp [ March 16, 2004, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  12. Use the forum's search feature, type in "SC 2". I'm sure it will come up with more information then you will ever need. And as always, have a nice day! Comrade Trapp
  13. It depends on your opponent, some people (me included) will not use the Dutch Gambit because we feel it is a unrealistic and cheap move to make. Others, usually the really competitive players, will use it in a heartbeat.
  14. I have to agree with Curry, I've heard much worse said by other W-League members and watched as nothing happened to them. But then again, I'm not a W-League member, so my vote doesn't count. Just throwing in my 2 cents.
  15. Ya, I thought the same thing when I first saw it. Damn you Bill..... Damn you.....
  16. ICQ is the best way to get a game these days in my opinion, regardless if your looking for a league game or just a fun game. Check out the ICQ thread to get everyone's numbers: ICQ Numbers Thread.
  17. Moon, I respectfully request that you take notice of the following threads and do what you feel is necessary with them: "Zappsweden seeks Championship battles in W-League and Panzerliga and look what he got" "Z-League NEWS: The MyLeague Challenge option now enabled." Both are completely unrelated to SC at this point and are only being used as a platform for Zappsweden's personal attacks against other BF members. I think everybody here is getting tired of listening to this bull**** that Zapp has decided to dig back up because he thinks it's funny. Feel free to lock this after your done reading it. Thanks, Comrade Trapp
  18. That's right folks, anyone who disagrees with Zapp automatically becomes part of the LYNCH MOB of "Terif Worshippers"......
  19. Careful Blashy, we might get ourselves branded as "Terif Worshippers" if we're not careful.....
  20. After all the crap you guys went through, what did you think he was going to say in response to your comment? Pissing him off is not the best way to go about getting a game. I told you on ICQ, the best way to go about this was to offer a truce and offer to put all this behind you. But you insisted on pressing the issue. Frankly, I'm sure everyone here is tired of listening to this argument. Let it die....
  21. .... .. .............. ........ ...... ? </font>
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