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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. CVM created a World War 1 mod awhile back, it has some flaws, but considering the editor is pretty limited, he did one hell of a job. You can download it at Strategic Command HQ.
  2. I think we all remember this one : Posted by Moon (December 30, 2002 06:14):
  3. For the first time since I started playing SC, I think I've reached a burnout point. It may be just stress from school, I know its been effecting my overall mood these past couple months. I graduate from high school June 2nd, but our classes end this Wednesday, so I'm rushing to get stuff turned in so I can graduate. Was just looking over my AAR with aesopo123 and realized that I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and normally I wouldn't have. So aesopo123, I apologize. I owe you game as soon as I get back, shouldn't be more than a couple days, maybe a week or two. Kuniworth I'll still be on ICQ, so when you need help with the website, just ask. Comrade Trapp
  4. This doesn't really change anything, we already knew Egypt was a lost cause due to supply, this only reinforces that point.
  5. I still don't see how that would make the game load all by itself in TCP/IP. And how exactly have you proven your point, you haven't done anything..... The only thing could have proven is that A) You cheat, or You don't know how to work PBEM properly. Not all that big of a deal for me, remember, you offered the original game. So is this your way of backing out when your mouth gets you into trouble?
  6. Loading in TCP/IP has no affect on the PBEM counter (I checked), if this was the case, it wouldn't have counted as a reload. Besides, in TCP/IP, the only way it would load is if someone connects to the game. I didn't connect so your full of ****. We'll never know, you either cheated, or you did some stupid and dicked around with the file. No more of this PBEM crap, if you want to play me in a competitive game, you play me TCP/IP. Right here, right now, I offer you a rematch under the same conditions as the last game. Take it or leave it.
  7. Lets not condemn him just yet guys, but I am interested in what he has to say in his defense.
  8. It would have won the game against you, but like I just said, I don't believe in using it. Now answer my above post.
  9. aesopo123 Why does it say our PBEM file has been reloaded twice? You didn't mention anything in your previous post, so whats up?
  10. Thanks FF, no I didn't save any mainland French units, I did save the French coloinal units though. As for the LC gambit, thats one line I won't cross. Hell, you may be right though, for all that crap this guy talks, maybe I should have ended the game right then and there with the LC gambit. Oh well.....
  11. I think it is, unless you want to restart using TCP/IP, probably would go a hell of a lot faster.
  12. Resent for a thrid time, if it doesn't work, its something with your email (I've been sending things out all day).
  13. http://s3.invisionfree.com/Firebase_Bastogne/index.php?showtopic=300 Follow Kurt's instructions.
  14. August 4, 1940 Germany's expected date to achieve complete victory in France (July 1940) has come and gone. The French 4th Army and II corps is destroyed north of Paris. Paris, garrisoned by the Canadian 1st Army (entrenchment 6), is now exposed on four sides, with two French corps guarding the rear. Meanwhile, the cutoff French I and V corps launch minor attacks on both General Rundstedt and Bock's HQs, only Bock's takes damage (10% losses). In southern France, the Italian II corps attacks the French VI corps in Marseilles, but is repulsed with no losses to either side. In England, the RAF and General Montgomery pull back from the south-east channel coast. [ May 22, 2004, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  15. July 21, 1940 The French 1st Armored Tank Group, 3rd and 5th armies are overrun by German forces, while the now abandoned northern section of the Maginot Line is destroyed by German troops. I and V corps are cutoff while garrisoning the center and southern sections of the Maginot Line, they do not attempt to breakout but instead hold their positions. French troops fall back around Paris and create a new defensive line (see picture above). In the Mediterranean, French forces being a preplanned evacuation of the French colonies. [ May 22, 2004, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. July 7, 1940 The French 2nd Army is destroyed along with III corps. The French 1st Armored Tank Group, 3rd Army, and 5th Army scores a spectacular victory by immediately launching a counter-attack against the German XIX Panzer Tank Group and destroysing it without the aid of air support. Meanwhile, III corps is recreated south of Paris. In England, the RAF 3rd airfleet reinforces while the RAF 1st airfleet is repositioned to the south-west of it. Italy enters the war at the end of the Allied turn. [ May 22, 2004, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. I think its going to be a bit more than a few turns, chief. And I still have one hell of an Army to launch a counter-attack with when I feel the time is right. As for the RAF, I'm gaining much experience with intercepts.
  18. June 23, 1940 aesopo123's previous after-action report was a little off. It was the French 1st Army that was destroyed in combat, putting them two hexes from Paris instead of one, II and III corps prevent them from advancing any further. Meanwhile 5th Army on the northern end of the defensive line takes 50% losses, but is quickly reinforced. No counter-attacks made by French forces, RAF is reinforced after intercepts. Italian readiness is still at 80%.
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