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Everything posted by Panzertruppe

  1. I'm going back to the bar to re-order my warm "shut the hell up again" Oh well....Enjoy Matt!
  2. Dang Matt.....I thought The Three Stooges line was funny. Remember I'm one of those guys that order from Battlefront when the games are released but then buy the CDV "Special Editions" also for all the extra goodies. You guys make the best games in the world but having someone send confirmations with no heading is odd. ( Thats where the Three Stooges came to mind). I'll still wait to see if my game arrives soon..but next time I'll order from Spain, England, Germany, The West Coast, East Coast..anyplace but Iowa!
  3. Looks like the so called "confirmation" emails are going to most peoples "junk box" because it looks like the typical "unwanted mail". Nice.. real nice......next time I'll order direct from CDV instead of the Three Stooges.
  4. So if I have not gotten a "shipment confirmation email" my CMAK I ordered on Nov 20th has not even been shipped yet to Iowa? :confused:
  5. My wife will kill me if i tackle the mailman again! I shall control myself.......not! Thanks Madmatt!
  6. Thanks Moon! Although my buddies in the U.K and Germany already have the game I have nothing against CDV and their marketing abilities. You guys make the best dang tactical wargame in the world...period. Although us guys in the U.S have to wait for our copies there are no hard feelings from this camp. I'll just continue to drool whenever I check the screenies my buddies are sending. ....so you do owe me a clean shirt! Bill
  7. Exactly "Thin Red Line"....besides ordering from Battlefront I know more money is going to the developers of this fine series ( although I will buy the CDV Special Edition in the future too).
  8. I'll have to agree with Mr.Dorosh. Although I enjoy CDV's Special Editions of both CMBO and CMBB, when we order direct from Battlefront more money goes direct to Battlefront. At least I know my money is used for the next CM game....so I can wait an extra few weeks for my copy, and I'll buy the CDV Special Edition of CMAK when it comes out too! Bill
  9. I'll have to agree with Mr.Dorosh. Although I enjoy CDV's Special Editions of both CMBO and CMBB, when we order direct from Battlefront more money goes direct to Battlefront. At least I know my money is used for the next CM game....so I can wait an extra few weeks for my copy, and I'll buy the CDV Special Edition of CMAK when it comes out too! Bill
  10. I'll have to agree with Mr.Dorosh. Although I enjoy CDV's Special Editions of both CMBO and CMBB, when we order direct from Battlefront more money goes direct to Battlefront. At least I know my money is used for the next CM game....so I can wait an extra few weeks for my copy, and I'll buy the CDV Special Edition of CMAK when it comes out too! Bill
  11. Who cares? CDV has the big bucks to buy shelf space at the retail stores. CDV also sells the game at 29.95 ( no shipping charge). You also get a box and manual with the game. CDV will actually send you a CD with it's products patches on it. ( helps when you still have dialup). If you ordered from Battlefront then you will get the game. Just don't put CDV down because some retail stores are getting the game before Battlefront ships.
  12. From a tank commanders view read "Panzer Aces" and "Panzer Battles" is good too as both cover the East and West.
  13. From a tank commanders view read "Panzer Aces" and "Panzer Battles" is good too as both cover the East and West.
  14. Seanachai hit it right on the nose! When I play ASL I don't see a grid board or little counters....I see tanks and men! Gameplay over graphics anytime!
  15. Lets see.....hundreds of hours of wargaming goodness with CMBO and CMBB...do I want CMAK although the graphics are outdated? GUESS? Because of the great gameplay I don't even put a price of what I think CMAK should cost. Because Dan and the boys are giving us a lower price for CMAK is just "icing on the cake" for me and most other CM players. Thanks guys!
  16. Hope you get the "Mission Impossible" version...and it self destructs in in 30 seconds!
  17. Well I bought my CM games from Battlefront..but when the "Special Edition" CDV games came out I bought them because of all the extras. I sent my original CMBB to a friend in Turkey because he has no way of getting them there. So Steve.....do I still get my snacks after nap time?......or do I get their snacks too?
  18. Before you put down CDV....they sent me a patch disk just to patch my CMBB because I asked them nice and have dialup. For the people out there without credit cards....CDV has been able to get the CM games on retail store shelves!.....very expensive to do. Thanks CDV!
  19. Very strange.....CDV says Combat Mission 3(CMAK)is due out next week! Oh..and if your an honest gamer and don't need to make copies of your original disks (a yuppie or geek thing) then the CDV "safe disk" is no problem. It is a bummer that other countries get the game before we do though.
  20. I have to agree with MikeyD. I still love a good game of ASL.....but when I play on the computer I don't want to see grids....or(hopefully not) counters! Bill
  21. Look at my scenario "Blood And Wine" at the Scenario Depot. Vineyards should have rolling hills and secondary "dirt" roads...and don't forget a "church" type building for the winery as they sometimes resembled the cathedrals of old. Railroad tracks leading to a warehouse is good too because the wine has to be shipped. As far as using hedges for the vineyards...they do restrict movement by slowing the AFV's down and look good. Using bocage makes movement more difficult but looks terrible as vineyards. Add trees around the vineyards to make the area look like the vineyards were cut right out of the country and more natural. Experiment...and go to sites on the internet to look at vinyards. ( I used pictures from "Paul Masson" vineyards in Saratoga, California for ideas and a picture of a winery from a bottle of "Black Cat" wine. Enjoy Bill
  22. I remember playing "Battleship" with my sister in the sixties.."Mom! Billy sunk my battleship" and then she would kick me! Whiners are just little sisters at heart..just be glad they are not there to kick you! I don't cry at weddings but I do fart after eating Kilbasa! Kilbasa and cabbage......can knock a buzzard off an outhouse!
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