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Iron Ranger

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Everything posted by Iron Ranger

  1. Life is too short Rambo, I rarely have time for a good S/S/S let alone a game that can take a whole weekend. So you will have to find another in the USA to smack you around, and around, and around. Ahhhhh and remember foke's Rambo's good for fun games, not the same old 'air power' pattern most played in SC1!
  2. Well, I didnt read the 4 pages of posts. Just skimed a few and shocked really. That the AI should not be able to sniff out traps? poorly use the resources complared to a human? Lets be honest, the AI here is not big blue v3 (BB3 is only good because of the X'K games in its memory), if it can do the basic's untill 42 we should be happy. More then that would be great but its asking alot.
  3. *looks around for Yoda in fear* See's that the coast is clear and steps out of the lurker shadows. Ok ladys, its time to play with your guns. One is for fighting and one is for fun.... LINE UP! Ok, I'll send my money in once the game goes public and burn a few Sat afternoons desiding the fate of earth in 1942. Iron Ranger signed up and ready for battle.
  4. "the USA players were old men & kids......no Legends like myself" *shakes his head* Ahhh well its been a long time since I played. Guess Legends need staying power. German? Anyone with the name Keppers I guess
  5. I think so, whats the release date now? Then add 4 months
  6. I dont like them, Rambo will take forever to do a turn now with so many hex's to check Looking real good, I might have to track this and check when to send the check in to make sure I check this new game out.
  7. Funny stuff Rambo.... and the Zap - Terif feud never ends..... shame as it makes you wonder how old you guys are..... how about just lettting it drop for once and not responding. My one post in almost a year and its on this crap..... wow.
  8. Wish I could but I cant play... too many Sat day spent playing. One weekend I think Rambo and I did something like 30+ hours of play in 2.5 days. Nope no more of that.... it was fun but I dont have time for it now.
  9. Waltero, dude, you still around, I need a win to feed my Ego!!!! Guess this rules me out.. har har har har. Well I think I might come back, though with my play style I think the PL would be where I look for a game. I personally left due to time and lack of desire for another bid game. I tried several different sets of house rules to make the game more 'historical', and I thank the people that gave it a go.. but more of the 'France fell too fast so Im done' (I did it too) games made me leave. Wild to see so many of the same people still posting after how long have we been playing this game... 2 years?
  10. How about me? LOL... well I never thought this place would slow down but it has.
  11. New rules only limit the possibilities for both sides. At the moment I can only see 3 necessary/useful rules: No Rome gambit, an AA rule and no landings in Russia. Wrong... I feel there could be a much better system of House Rules for a even 'historical' game (the bid system suck I feel). But as has been pointed out before this is a strategy game based on history, not a Historical game with some strategy. Everything else solely depends on the preferences of the players and their playing style Yea, this is normally true. If someone feels a certian explote is ruining thier experiance then they will wish to change it.
  12. 4.) I retired for several reasons beside i was pissed with this system i had defenitely a burnout. There is definitely no reason for a revenge. I have your back on this one DH. That is a tough combo, burnout and discuss'd. I put some thought into a few different ways of getting the 39 game started. Even test played afew with Zapp, Rambo, CC, and a few newbies. I think they went well but you would have to ask the others (thanks again for the help with that 1 year ago guys). I do find it intereting that so little has changed in the last year. But with people like Terif rutting out every advantage and willing to teach others the learning curve for many was steep.
  13. Nice to see some things never change. Zapp and Terif not speaking, Rambo on a top 10 list in SC. Ahhh if only it didnt take 12 hours for a good game, and so many end quickly with no one willing to fight when behind . Any major changes or is it still just a air race for tech and the one behind bow's out quickly?
  14. LOL - I started reading this after being gone for several months and thought, 1) Rambo is going nuts again or 2) He has developed some wild new great plan. Then I noticed the Date. Yea back then the Axis were very over powered, only slightly now I think (39 game).
  15. 42 game - gets by the BS of tech thats in another thread. For those with time and that can 'feel' thier way through some House Rules, the 39 game is very enjoyable.
  16. 1)?? 2) Rambo, Rambo and we say Rambo 3)Kuni 4)Zapp and Bill (two diferent ways) 5)Immer Hey I saw the top 10 post / poll. Thanks for putting me up while being gone so long. The 1-2 I would have given to Terif and CC with the 3-7 spots almost interchangeable, 8-10 to some of the PBEM guys or the new blood that I have not played. It would have been interesting if you said, Best at playing both sides. Many are very good with the axis but could come up with a plan for the Allies to save thier butt. Or just cut it to best allied player, a very different look rankings you would have. This is one reason I liked the PL system of two games, you would really get a good balance to the situation, if you have no RWL and can give up 40 hours to this additive 'thing' [ May 20, 2004, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]
  17. Hey Rambo and Gang, Yea, I knew it was theridicall possiable, after all in PBEM you can can redown load and redown load till you get what you want. So why not do the same in a IP game with the auto save. However I assumed the same as Zapp, since I couldn't have two games up at one time (hot seat) that in reality it was not workable unless you had a much better computer then my 1999 POS.
  18. Beer lots of beer - and quit playing PBEM. Go IP until the game is a 'dance' and less insperation. Then you will sleep fine, knowing all the moves and not needing to think about whats the other guy is doing. PBEM in nice (about all I play now) But IP is the BOMB.
  19. The Kuni vs Iron match has not started, and I fear it never will. For whatever reason we seam not to have fitting schedules. Kurt make the call, I will bow out to Kuni (or play the winer)if you wish or perhaps you should call the Dragon vs FF game a final - It's up to you and your fair judgement.
  20. On a side note, the turn I've been trying to send you keeps coming back. Tell me if you recived it and/or if I need to send it again.
  21. I have not read more then a few lines of this continued garbage. Can someone lock this or is there somthing usefull in all the mud slinging?
  22. At first I offered sevral times to Kuni but non matched his schedule. He has contacted me latly but I'm too busy for a game during the week days, and most weekends. I'm, and I think Kuni, are uninterested in a PBEM game, as as it stands now we have not played. For a starter, Kurt how was the sides determined in the other game? If you fliped a coin could you do the same here, and tell us our flags?
  23. Personal I would put all three of those units #3 mental, but thats me. Your last one is mental (stress) for sure, because I've had that one several times (girlfriend) and its a bit@h to deal with. "When are we going out to eat?" "Are we going to the movies tonight or are you going to sit and play that stupid game again!" and my personal fav- "If your not in bed in 5 min I'll be asleep" - now when has ending a turn ever taken only 5 min, geesh!
  24. Three basic ways to win SC MPPs - you control so much MMPs the other side asks for terms Military - You've knocked out two major powers and so many units the other side Knows defeat Mental - Through unexpected actions you've destroyed the other sides moral and they surrender. Easiest example is achiving a high level of LR tech and knocking out several HQs.
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