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Everything posted by Terrapin

  1. How come I'm always getting slaughtered by T34's when I attack the tank? I send 3 squads at once, and they still get pinned by the MG.
  2. No. I just get voices telling me to do things.</font>
  3. It's possible to break out of the forest by using FAST and some waypoints. Just make sure that you start it IN the forest, so you're really moving by the time the T2 sees you. I got over half of them into the town this way. Even King Tiger's cant hit a bunch of the fastest moving tank in WW2, if they're really moving.
  4. It's either your sound card, or a person talking on a wireless phone within 75-100 meters of your PC (depending on the MHZ of your PC). Does it cut in and out? If it is, it's your neighbor. It's not the game. [ December 30, 2002, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  5. Depends on the weather. If it's a clear day, it's somewhere around 450 meters. Even over open ground, they don't have infinite line of sight, because the engine abstracts little bushes, undulations, etc. If you're wondering why they don't shoot, they won't shoot until they're comfortable that the target is in range to do some damage. To see at any moment how far they can see, hit "L" and put the Line of Sight cursor to any target to see whether it can see it. The lighter the color "blue", the better the LOS. If it's black, they can't see it. [ December 30, 2002, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  6. I think he's referring to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I think it's a coincidence.
  7. I'll say it once, and I'll say it again, people are idiots . The GameSpy Reader's Votes are in for Strategy Game of the Year. It's exactly as I called it. I owe myself $5! The quotes are priceless. http://www.gamespy.com/goty2002/fanvote/finalresults/08_pcstrategy_results.shtml
  8. I think it's meant mostly as a graphical "mood" type of thing, with the trees swaying more or less depending on the wind.
  9. No, no, no. That wonderful system was, IMO, perfected by Sierra Games. Anyone buy Tribes 2 when it came out? Oh boy... "The UE Errors are a result of a conflict between drivers on the users own machine. Update your drivers" (but, it happens on all machines, no matter the config).
  10. They actually carry this at the little Braintree, MA CompUSA near my work. I stopped in out of curiosity. In the next patch, will Steve incorporate a new scenario involving a regiment of Lawyers attacking the dug-in CompUSA offices? "FO's can call in subpoenas on first turn only. Best played as the Lawyers against the AI..." Hey, if Civ: Call to Power can have lawyers as a unit, why not CMBB? [ December 23, 2002, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  11. They're getting a blackeye over this, that's for sure. It's well known. But, from Freedom Games perspective, it makes sense. Their game is getting murdered in reviews, and no hardcore wargamer, or grog, will go near GI Combat. Therefore, it makes sense to keep the existing sheep, er...users ( ) happy, they won't know or care what they're missing, and it keeps the forum happier. Interestingly, the attitude put on in their forum actually dissuades people from buying any follow-up from them, IMO. I mean, it's not like GI Combat is a bad concept, and not as if a sequel couldn't improve on every poorly executed feature to make a great game for the sequel. But they're PO'ing a lot of future buyers this way. [ December 23, 2002, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  12. The deal is the casualties in the game are assumed to be something along the line of "serious, perhaps fatal, injury requiring some significant healthcare, or at least a bed". In other words, no medic is going to bring these guys back to fighting conditions in an hour. You can assume that smaller wounds than that ARE handled by medics, you just can't see them. Which is why there isn't three health statuses (Healthy/Casualties/Bumps and Bruises).
  13. I wonder if sales of CMBB will show up in the weekly NPD/CSFB national retailer sales numbers?
  14. They're pretty effective in the game. You need two squads two attack anything with one of them on board. It'll look like a grenade that has an "airburst" over the squad. It doesn't reach the ground.
  15. I don't think the comments concerning "Little Timmy gets CMBB and hates it" is really a Battlefront.com specific item. It happens for everyone, and it's just the business. No real harm, IMO. I have any number of games I got for Xmas that I don't play. I mean, you can pick up Falcon 4.0 at your local Best Buy, and I'm SURE that people have gotten this game from a parent who thought it was Ace Combat 5. "Dad, what is Doppler beam sharpening on an APG-68?"
  16. My problem is that in every forum for EVERY game, particularly complex ones, there is someone who thinks they know how to make a better game, or whose fool-proof ideas just have to be taken seriously by the devs. And then they post about it. Again. And again. And again. In the Morrowind forums it's people who think they know how to get the NPCs to sound less generic, and people who think they know how to add horses to the game (and who think the game is ruined without them). In OFP forums, it's people who have GREAT ideas on how the user could give commands to make the squadmates use flanking maneuvers (sound familiar?). Maybe I'm being a little hard on you, but I've seen this too often to not say it. Either way, I'll quit doing it. And, by all means, if you or "your friends" have the skilz, let us see them, and we'll toast you to the end of time.
  17. I'm thinking of getting an appointment to the World War II museum in Natick, MA. Has anyone been there? Would I have a problem getting an appointment? For those who don't know, the World War II museum in Natick, Massachusetts (U.S.A.), is reportedly the largest private WW2 collection in the world (it's not open to the public, but will allow visitors with an appointment). ] Has over 5,300 items, including five Enigma machines, a Goliath, 83 mannequins dressed in original uniforms of WW2, original normandy invasion plans, Hitler's SA shirt, and a whole bunch of other nifty and unusual things. Anyways, has anyone toured it? Here's their Kubelwagen. What theater would that camo scheme be used in? http://www.museumofworldwarii.com/images/TourPictures/03_kubelwagen_lge.jpg
  18. Capt Cliff, don't try to plot the entire route. Do only what you can accomplish in a turn or two. I.e., if it takes four waypoints to plot road, but it would take three turns to get there, don't plot those four points. Plot one or two, and go. Then re-adjust in turn three, or whatever. It takes a while to see how far your AFVs can move in a turn, but after a while, you'll know. Yeah, it's more micro-mgmt than needed (I'd like a "plot road' option too!), but it's not really a big deal considering you also should be giving orders to most of your unit each turn, etc. Please ignore any spellings, I'm drunk as hell on Balvennie 21-year old port wood scotch, and for some reason, I play mutch better CMBB when blitzed. Thanks.
  19. In the Italian infantry squad, the 41' Bersaglieri squad shows 5 Carcano Rifles. It should be 10. This was noted by someone else as well.
  20. But loses to... Medieval: Total War. If it's anything like the Oscars, it's enough to just be nominated! http://gamespot.com/gamespot/features/all/bestof2002/pc27.htmlp Hey, BTS can be comforted that Gamespot, like the Oscars, makes weird final decisions from the nominees. Witness Morrowind being beaten out by Neverwinter Nights for RPG GOTY. It's like Star Wars Episode II beating out LOTR: The Two Towers for best fantasy action pic. Anyways, there's a reader vote available, so if you want to vote for CMBB, vote here: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/features/all/bestof2002/readers.html
  21. Hey, why don't you put together some code for this kind of geometric overlay and post it here for some of us and BTS to take a look, eh? We'll expect it in a week. Is that alright? With your obvious skill at AI programming, it shouldn't be a problem, correct? BTW, that "cake" analogy ain't working too well, get another one. [ December 22, 2002, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]
  22. Yup, agreed. Also notice that that T34 has had better days. Gun is gone (turret pen?), front and side skirts are all chewed up, etc. I assume they used functional tanks for something a little more pressing than DOG MINE TRAINING!
  23. You missed the grammatical error on my first "it's". I did that for you, Tarqulene!
  24. I see Soviet artillery on the AI's side drop heavy arty on it's own guys, so it's not supremely accurate as you imply.
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