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    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    For sure! I can't tell you how many hours I've spent just wandering around empty maps in 3D view - I'm sure there's a word for it somewhere - if not we need to invent one.
  2. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Alright then - here he is:

    I absolutely agree - it's the conversation that makes a big difference. Your encouragement goes a long way to making it worthwhile, and of course having happy guinea pig testers is always needed and very welcome. Now go play with some dragons teeth - grab Harry's map up above and take them for a spin.
  3. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Thanks for the tune!
    I did a quick battle test on your map with a reduced force - they seem fine; nothing can touch them, even tried some M7 shelling at 50m, just made big holes around them. Tanks will drive around them, going a long way out of their way just to avoid them. Infantry are happy to run through and around them, seemed to use them as cover to an extent. Breaching doesn't work though, which is also true of the original hedgehogs. So they do their job. I've bundled it up, you (and anyone else interested) can grab it here.
    Please keep in mind it's a beta and will likely change. Also the concrete texture is a new texture not a replacement, so that can just go in your z folder and won't affect anything else. The mod should work for any game that uses the hedgehog.
    Have fun!
  4. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Vacillator in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Alright then - here he is:

    I absolutely agree - it's the conversation that makes a big difference. Your encouragement goes a long way to making it worthwhile, and of course having happy guinea pig testers is always needed and very welcome. Now go play with some dragons teeth - grab Harry's map up above and take them for a spin.
  5. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Phantom Captain in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Thanks @Lucky_Strike! I think that's totally it.  CM gives us such a richness in the micro-stories/battles that happen it DOES almost feel like we are documenting it like some type of reporter.  I can re-watch some turns over and over and over.
  6. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Vacillator in Berlin CMRT Map   
    That's very nearly an ooh err moment! Phil will no doubt be happy to quash any rumours about the size of said item.
  7. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Vacillator in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Everyone knows Phil has a big helmet 😬.
    I'm thinking the love here is so great that we should all get a room together.  Imagine the offspring mods, the proliferation of CM players, the law suits...
  8. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Vacillator in Berlin CMRT Map   
    And I love it Mark, great stuff.
    Can you now mod Bud Flanagan's trilby?
  9. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Warts 'n' all in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Bud Flanagan's trilby is hanging up in one of those trees.
  10. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to JM Stuff in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Genial " no pasarán"😉
  11. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Some my interpretation for parts of META data section in CM *.mdr files.
    If taking a look at META data "meta_Unk1" and "meta_Unk2" (bottom of list) one could well imagine these triplets present XYZ coordinates defining a bounding box and likely relating to the whole (composite) objects center point (where the object is to be placed on ground according to the game´s AS 8x8m snapping points). In Blender shown as white circle with blue-red-green arrows. Think this data is measured in meters. Remains the question what this probable bounding (or hit-) box is used for in game.
    Example for CMRT tree8.mdr and tree trunk part (wood) beeing selected:

  12. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Lovely @Lucky_Strike 🤩 You did it! 😎 Though ain´t quite the uniformity of the real thing, but that´s the way they´re organized in game engine and can´t be changed I guess. Anyway... nice work! In case you can´t get the UV´s right it would suffice to use a uniformly looking texture as well IMO. I´d be ready to test some if you´re ready. Dropbox maybe? 😎 Til then lets sing along altogether 😀
    Edit: It looks like the 🦷would be welcomed by CMBS players soon as well.😅
  13. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Artkin in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Just a quickie as I must dash out. I couldn't resist those 🦷 so had a quick look at the hedgehog objects. Now this is only a first attempt and the texture is distorting like crazy - even though it looks fine in Blender (always happens) but I give you the Westwall ... 🎶 We're gonna hang out our washing ... 🎶

    These are in your Entering Germany map. As you can see there's a lot of distortion, the 🦷 need some 🪥. Otherwise the objects come in quite well. The size is about the same as a hedgehog so they space out quite well and en masse give a pretty convincing effect. Next would be to test with yer actual tanks and breaching teams to see how they deal with them. If you would like to have a go I can upload this somewhere for you to grab.
  14. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from rocketman in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Just a quickie as I must dash out. I couldn't resist those 🦷 so had a quick look at the hedgehog objects. Now this is only a first attempt and the texture is distorting like crazy - even though it looks fine in Blender (always happens) but I give you the Westwall ... 🎶 We're gonna hang out our washing ... 🎶

    These are in your Entering Germany map. As you can see there's a lot of distortion, the 🦷 need some 🪥. Otherwise the objects come in quite well. The size is about the same as a hedgehog so they space out quite well and en masse give a pretty convincing effect. Next would be to test with yer actual tanks and breaching teams to see how they deal with them. If you would like to have a go I can upload this somewhere for you to grab.
  15. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Vacillator in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Just a quickie as I must dash out. I couldn't resist those 🦷 so had a quick look at the hedgehog objects. Now this is only a first attempt and the texture is distorting like crazy - even though it looks fine in Blender (always happens) but I give you the Westwall ... 🎶 We're gonna hang out our washing ... 🎶

    These are in your Entering Germany map. As you can see there's a lot of distortion, the 🦷 need some 🪥. Otherwise the objects come in quite well. The size is about the same as a hedgehog so they space out quite well and en masse give a pretty convincing effect. Next would be to test with yer actual tanks and breaching teams to see how they deal with them. If you would like to have a go I can upload this somewhere for you to grab.
  16. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from JM Stuff in Berlin CMRT Map   
    JM maybe you need to install the add-on into an older version of Blender. Those games you mention are even older than CMx2 so there's a good chance that the add-on doesn't like the new Blender environment. Worth a punt. Any file you manage to open could be saved as a blend file to open in you normal version.
    I admire your determination to try and open the mds files, but don't drive yourself nuts over it, remember if you can open them and edit them your next big problem then would be how to get back to a mds that you can use in game.
  17. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to RockinHarry in Photoshop on Mac   
    Thanks! I think I´ve all that I need now. 😎
  18. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    It's all grist for the mill! Hehe, you'll be on version 10 of your Berlin mod before you know in N, lots of extras to integrate. The list just keeps getting longer ...
    I've started to clear a bit of my other RL projects backlog so hopefully will be back onto modding CM real soon.
  19. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Phantom Captain in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    It's like being your own drone / landscape photographer / war reporter all rolled into one, the replay mode was made for it.
    Very nice job. Particularly like them running in column.
  20. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Yes, I'm gonna go and shoot up some flavour objects with some 37mm flak, see what damage I can do ...
    Yep we need all this type of stuff. I found creating the burnt ground texture that flavor objects aren't very good at sticking to the ground, they just tend to look a bit off. I ended up using one of the ploughed field textures which work well so long as the texture scale is corrected. 
    I like the idea of all of this. Very interesting models there JM.
    Dammit, I guess I can put my 37mm away again!
    This is really useful stuff Harry. I do wish the search engine on the forum was more useful so that we could consult this type of material more easily. I just know I'll forget some of it and not be able to find it easily again...
    Can this be done on the fly, so one doesn't need to keep saving then reloading a scenario but rather just adding or deleting the mod tag to force the 3D view to show, or not, the tagged mod?
    I have toyed with the idea of alternative textures for alternative weather conditions. Shed load of work, could perhaps automate it a bit using scripts for darkening ground for wet weather. I wonder if it would be possible to achieve mostly in a shader. So have a wet weather shader (rather than a movie shader), a snow shader. Can shaders be mod tagged?
    I use ReShade for creating some atmospherics in game, but it's quite time consuming and not very portable, as well as being PC only. I wish that BF would incorporate it into the CM engine somehow, it's great software which can really alter the worldview.
    I'm not very familiar with buildings, haven't really looked at modding them, though I would dearly love to have some better rubble textures. NPye's Berlin textures are a huge improvement to how urban maps could look. Your building is a great addition, I will have to go and download it to take a look.
    I looked at your Entering Germany map last night, fantastic map! Really like the way the land undulates and how well you managed to integrate the bunkers 😎. Also, and I have no idea why this would be, I had barely any slow downs panning around the map, even the very dense pine forest didn't cause hardly a judder, and that was with my own heavy tree mods installed. They can cause quite nasty frame rate drops sometimes. I can really see how the dragons teeth could enhance a map like this. We need dragons 🦷 
  21. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    I don't mind about the thread guys carry on it;s great to get all the info on 1 page.... Cheers some great stuff happening here...
  22. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to JM Stuff in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Mean that some FO can be destroy, depending that the choice of the modder ?
    If I take a crate object to replace for exemple a car, but cannot be when I choose a fountain for exemple ?
    I never thinking about this, but is interresting !
  23. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Grey_Fox in Price by Steam   
    Steam does regional pricing, making the games more affordable in non-USD currencies, and does regular sales. This makes CM far more accessible and creates sales which may not otherwise have occurred.
    Another great benefit is that users do not have to check a forum to see if there are any patches as they are downloaded automatically, and steam will notify you if any DLC becomes available.
  24. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Phantom Captain in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    I just love taking screenshots.  It's like a whole niche "photography" thing.  CM plays into it so well.
    Fallschirmjagers in the snow and on the hunt.

  25. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Kuli in t34577685s updated soviet uniform mod for fire and rubble   
    Fire and Rubble added bedroll variants to the soviet M43 uniforms, making T34s mod outdated, i fixed this issue and also added cavalry variants for the uniforms, for images refer to T34s original work (i am also too lazy to find an image hosting site), all work belongs to him i just updated it. link below, enjoy
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