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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Doesn't surprise me, given what they were up against, both numerically and in quality. The Russians had a very impressive collection of Tiger-killers by then.
  2. Thanks, Dan. According to Nash those Tigers were quite successful too. Even against Stalin tanks.
  3. It can of course be easily overruled by chosing a Tiger company in May 1945 and change the date to July 1944.
  4. Thanks, Rinaldi. Yes, that's a genuine oversight for sure.
  5. No, I'm talking about Tiger I's. Totenkopf had the 9th Company with an authorized strength of 14.
  6. Well, after a very busy week I wanted to take a scenario, clear the map (as I often do) and create a hot seat battle with Totenkopf Tigers east of Warsaw. But no Tiger tanks in the editor for the Waffen SS. I know Totenkopf had a Tiger company (the 9th if I recall correctly).
  7. I might be wrong, but I think that the editor doesn't allow for Tiger tanks for the Waffen SS in the summer of 1944 (or the other months of 1944).
  8. You're welcome Slippy. Also take a look at the books of Rolf Hinze. There are also very good books in German on the subject.
  9. Hitler's Greatest Defeat by Paul Adair is a good start. Easy to find, cheap and very informative.
  10. Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War by R.M. Douglas The award-winning history of 12 million German-speaking civilians in Europe who were driven from their homes after WWII: “a major achievement” (New Republic). Immediately after the Second World War, the victorious Allies authorized the forced relocation of ethnic Germans from their homes across central and southern Europe to Germany. The numbers were almost unimaginable: between 12 and 14 million civilians, most of them women and children. And the losses were horrifying: at least five hundred thousand people, and perhaps many more, died while detained in former concentration camps, locked in trains, or after arriving in Germany malnourished, and homeless. This is an important book, deserving of the widest readership.--Max Hastings, Sunday Times
  11. My wife is heartbroken. So is her family. What a tragedy. Just read that a woman, working for the Ministry of feminine affairs has been executed. Many will follow, no matter what the Taliban promises.
  12. You're right, Phil. Sorry about that. I don't see JM's mods yet, could you perhaps post some screenshots?
  13. I take it you mean 'ignorant' instead of 'innocent', Erwin. But yeah, I agree fully.
  14. Fully agree. Dirlewanger brigade was scum. Also many thanks to JM and the above mentioned people!
  15. Magnificent, Phil, thank you! I don´t see JM´s stuff yet, but that will take some time, I guess.
  16. I've recieved Battle for the Bocage, Normandy 1944: Point 103, Tilly-sur-Seulles and Villers Bocage by Tim Saunders today. Doesn't contain much news, but well done like all his books. I would like to see Saunders widen his scope to other theaters of war though.
  17. Churchill trusted Stalin as far as he could throw him and vice versa. It was Roosevelt who delivered hundreds of millions in Stalin's claws. I think Churchill would have prevented that if he could, but Roosevelt preferred Stalin over Churchill. God knows why.
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