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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Read a book about the suffering of the tens of thousands of British, Indian and Australian soldiers AND thousands of British women and children that followed the fall of Singapore and that remark will seem even less funny.
  2. To an individual who thinks God could be on the side of the NKWD and who believes the words of Molotov, the Soviet equivelant of Ribbentrop, about occupying other countries, yes. All these books are well recieved by reviewers from normal newspapers and magazines, available in normal book stores (although not in Russia probably) and respectable, so say what you like. It will help me to make your medical AND political diagnosis.
  3. LS, what I meant is that I buy smaller, cheaper books in the Kindle version and big, expensive books in the paper version. A book like "Panzers in Berlin 1945" would be pretty wasted as Kindle version. Don't know whether there is a Kindle version actually.
  4. I've read Overy, Bloodlands and practically every book on ww1, ww2, the Holocaust and other attrocities you can think of. Hitchen btw often quotes Overy in his book and uses the best and most respected sources. He doesn't make excuses for any German war crime or attrocity. He just paints the whole picture. Apart from that not all his conclusions are according to mine, but who cares. It's well researched and well written. Just one of many new books, with new insights. Have you ever considered reading a book that doesn't repeat the same old story or the same old lies? Stalin's secret agents by Stanton Evans or Among the Dead Cities by Grayling for example. Or The Road less Traveled by Zelikow, Stalin's War by McMeekin, The Web of Disinformation by Martin, The Venona Secrets by Romerstein, Operation Snow by Pavlov and so many other 'revisionist' books? Or books about the ethnic cleansing of all Germans in East Prussia, Pommerania, Silesia etc etc. The Germans paid for their crimes and it's high time we leave 'They deserved it' behind us and start to think as civilised people again. I've already broken my promise to say no more, so anyone who has something to say AND wants an answer can PM me. But we both know it will be pretty useless.
  5. Pm me when you've finished reading, if you like.
  6. Indeed, but I agree we must be realistic. West and East Germany yes, Britain yes, hopefully the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada, but that would already be a huge module.
  7. Stop it, Dan! You know how annoying I am when I get impatient!
  8. Imagine that. Hopefully BF is going to surprise us again!
  9. More and more it seems wise to buy expensive books like this in an early stage. When such books become scarce the prices are going through the roof. By buying often cheaper kindle books I save money so I can buy expensive books from time to time. Also saves a lot of room in my study. And in my suitcase during holidays.
  10. I fully agree with the results of the survey, but very much hope we will see the Dutch army too. And Soviet paratroopers.
  11. I will. But I strongly suggest reading what Peter Hitchen has to say on this subject in his book The Phoney Victory, partly based upon the standard work on the bombing war by Richard Overy. Very balanced and informative. I will say no more.
  12. That's what they said about the jews. The difference between good and bad people should be more visible.
  13. Old Winnie for sure didn't flick peanuts at 'the Hun', but incredible loads of high-explosive bombs combined with firebombs on in the end completly defenceless German civilian targets, like Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden and even smal towns like Pforzheim. Or as a reviewer of the book ' Among the Dead Cities', by A.C. Grayling puts it; "The bombing was horrific in its effects, so far beyond anything we can really imagine it that comes over as a kind of zombie apocalypse scenario. Red-hot scenery, hurricanes of fire, falling masonry, corpses burned to shrivelled black puppets, body parts like grilled kebabs in the ashes, cellars filled with asphyxiated bodies: this is the stuff of nightmares, but it was the actual fate of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in Germany and Japan.All this was deliberately inflicted by warlords who conceived it to be their duty to civilisation. In particular, Marshall of the Royal Air Force Arthur “Bomber” Harris applied himself to the stern task with unholy relish and pushed hard for the strategy of systematically reducing to rubble all the inner cities he could reach in Germany, at night, with hundreds of bomber aircraft dropping big high-explosive bombs and huge numbers of small firebombs onto each target, dragging civilian men, women and children out of their beds and reducing their warm bodies to cinders, night after night, for years, until he had run out of targets to incinerate." That's behaviour I would have expected from a fanatical lunatic like Hitler or Stalin, not from the war lord of Britain. Also as a side-note, the reinforcements/forces for the Greek operation could have prevented the disaster of Singapore/Malaya. If the intervention in Greece was 'good publicity', then the unfortunate, miserable fate of Arthur Percival and his 130 000 men, who went into slave labour and ill-treatment in Japanese captivity nullified that.
  14. Never heard of them. I wish I could say the same about Hitler.
  15. Let Hitler and Stalin get at each other's throat and preferably slaughter each other, re-arm the British (and French) forces both in Europe and Asia and do more to prevent the mass murder of the European jews (and give them their homeland as promised during ww1).
  16. "At present we are thinking more along the lines of adding a host of “niceities” that people have been asking for since forever, but have kept getting pushed to the back of the line. Things like better rendering shadows, improving framerates for larger or more intense battles, AI Player improvements, etc. are some of the things we’ve been talking about for the next CM2 Engine Upgrade." That sure sounds good!
  17. Perhaps the little men, who had no choice but to do what the 'great' men told them to do. Roosevelt was surrounded by communist traitors and delivered hundreds of millions into the claws of Stalin's and Mao's butchers without any hesitation. He also made sure the British, who bore the brunt of the fighting in Western Europe, came out of the war completly impoverished, so the US could take over their position as world leader. Roosevelt also missed no opportunity to humiliate Churchill and take as much British gold and assets as he could lay his hands on. Does such a president deserve the title of 'great man'? Couldn't he have done a lot more to leave behind a better world after his death in 1945? I very much think so. A man like Truman would have done a lot better. Same as Chamberlain would have done a lot better than Churchill, despite the bad press the left still gives him. I like Patton though. Rude, but honest. But that probably also cost him his life. There are so many new and well documented books, written by excellent, honest and respectable (mostly British and American) historians that there's no excuse to hold on to all those old fairy tales about great men anymore. I would be happy to recommend a list of such books, which will convince any objective reader. It won't convince certain people on this forum though, because it's not the truth they are interested in.
  18. In his book 'The Phoney Victory' Peter Hitchens makes a convincing case that Churchill did send troops to Greece and North Africa, while the defence of Malaya/Singapore was neglected. Churchill also did send hundreds of fighters and tanks to the Russians, that could have saved Malaya/Singapore. Don't forget Singapore was an even greater disaster than Greece.
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