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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. He must have his reason, mainly economical I expect, but it annoys the hell out of me. What is he waiting for?
  2. I wonder what the German tank industry is doing to speed up production and how long it will take to have effect. Perhaps Ukrainians are trained on Leo2s at this very moment, like they are on the PZH 2000. Sure hope so. The best Ukrainian hope lies in superior weapons and training. This war could last for years.
  3. Agreed. And F-16s as soon as possible, before the hords are arriving. It's a race against the clock again.
  4. Indeed. We should send state of the art equipment, not outdated stuff.
  5. MTW Kätzchen. Finally an APC that can follow the tanks without being shot to pieces. Panther II. Kugelblitz flakpanzer. Roland Flakpanzer.
  6. It's already in our family coat of arms. A t-shirt would make it cheap.
  7. I love Prussians. Always have. Always will. If it wasn't for Blucher you and I would be speaking French.
  8. I tend to agree. We will have to go all in. Taking risks. We'll never get the chance to make the Russians bleed like this again. Ukraine MUST be victorious.
  9. That's one good looking Red Cross truck, my dear JM! Imagine that along the road somewhere in Lithuania or Eastern Prussia!
  10. All Russians are Orcs. There you go and no, don't mention it, it was a pleasure.
  11. Anyone studying the Bundeswehr know that Germany has nothing left to give. Even now vehicles and other equipment has to be move from one unit to the other in order to keep the training programs running.
  12. I don't know what that means, but I don't agree.
  13. Well, that's a reproach that can be made to all of us armchair generals, including the ones who preach restraint and compassion, like yourself. But okay, in the end it's up to Ukraine to decide when it's enough. But gentle healers make stinking wounds, as a dutch proverb says. That's how I see it.
  14. This war is not only a threat, but also an opportunity for Ukraine. Perhaps one that will never return. That should be carefully considered. I think Zelensky and his advisors realize this. Securing a good position for the future might even be worth 30.000 casualties, but yes, it's Russian roulette.
  15. I think the main goal to aim at, is the restoration of Ukrainian territory, including the Crimea and the creation of a military and economically VERY strong Ukraine, proud member of NATO and EU, that can take on Russia any time it choses to. A bleeding wound in the side of Mother Russia, that will only heal when left alone. All the rest is wishful thinking. Russia will never change. With regard to 'punishing' Russia. Well, to live in such a country is punishment enough, me thinks.
  16. I like your You Tube movies better than your posts (just kidding).
  17. Hear, hear! I would be very interested to hear their experiences in Russian captivily. And I always feel sorry for people who have been bullied during their youth. Personally I haven't been, because although quite short at the time I readily used my knuckles and once starting to fight, I was too stupid to walk away from a certain and thorough beating, but I know people who have been bullied and suffered for it all of their lives. So, sorry to hear that guys. I hate bullying, ill treatment of women and other "normal"cruel behaviour and I hope you have been able to leave it behind you.
  18. Precisely. All this talk about collapse and uprising is wishful thinking. Military setbacks, yes. Economical crisis, yes. But nothing more. Not yet anyway. Perhaps next year, when the dying really starts.
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