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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Did you make the map yourself? If so, well done! Looks like an interesting battle and thorough research. Briefing is short and clear, as I like them. I've changed the uniforms from Greatcoat to Winter, since I think that's more fitting for the Leibstandarte, but that's personal taste. Looking forward to playing this! I will give it a go in the coming weeks. Certainly makes me very curious about the campaign! And more scenarios/maps would be very welcome.
  2. Releasing some scenarios would be great. Duel in the Mist sounds intriguing.
  3. Of that I have no doubt. I realize I'm often behaving like a pain in the back side, but for me you and all the others working on Fire and Rubble are nothing short of artists.
  4. All battles are very good, but also make sure you play the Kampfgruppe Peiper campaign.
  5. One of the best battles I've played in CMFB. I really admire people like you who can deliver such great scenarios. I made quite a few myself for personal use, but definitely not in your league.
  6. They are not nearly good enough for releasing. Just a map with some quickly placed companies on it. No AI plans or something like that. You can easily make them yourself. Get FB by all means, it's brilliant.
  7. Command Ops 2 is more or less a perfected version of Panzer Campaigns, but much better looking and more complicated. At the moment I'm replaying a CO2 scenario called Greyhound Dash, on the assault of the 116th Panzer Division in the Ardennes and at the same time fighting the self made battles in CMFB. A very satisfying combination.
  8. Well, if the Partisans are still not in AND there well be pre-orders, I really wonder whether we will have something to celebrate on the 8th of January, but you know better than I of course.
  9. Much appreciated, Vacilllator, counting the days, although I force myself to concentrate on CMFB, CMFI and Command Ops 2 at the moment.
  10. According to the latest chit-chat 48 scenarios would mean 24 campaigns. Now, that's what I call real news!
  11. Well, it walked into the street. I don't hear any knocking yet.
  12. Me too. Hard lockdown announced today, so plenty of time for the nicer things in life.
  13. Absolutely agree. A Spy Among Friends (on Kim Philby), Agent Sonia and The Spy And The Traitor are among my favorite books on espionage. I'm reading Witchfinder by Andrew Williams at the moment. Also a great book to read in front of the fire place on a dark and cold evening.
  14. You're welcome, Danfrodo. It really saddens me to realize that with people like this kind and modest gentleman also a world is disappearing. A little taste of what getting older really means, I guess.
  15. The greatest espionage writer, John Le Carré had died, aged 89. A gentleman of the old sort and a superb writer of espionage novels. As a statement described it; '"We will nog see his like again". May he rest in peace.
  16. Expensive, but worth the money if you like details like I do. His other books are also very good. Btw, there's also a reprint of Robert Forsyth Mistel book, in case any Luftwaffe fans are reading this. Hope they will also republish his book on the Galland Circus (JV 44).
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