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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. I've been suggesting this myself, with several details: 1) Rubble acts similarly to rough terrain, offering moderate cover to infantry, and being crossable by vehicles, although with a risk of bogging. 2) Rubble is a "solid" tile, i.e. the computer would place these tiles when the map is generated. The most important factor when calculating the frequency of the rubble tiles should be the chosen terrain damage level, obviously.
  2. You mean, two regiments of infantry pouring through the lines to be massacred by enemy tanks, MG's and field guns while your tanks are held off behind a ridge?
  3. Since in the game it is impossible to destroy roadblocks, I consider sealing off the victory flags to be gamey. If there was even a meager possibility that a roadblock could be destroyed by pioneers or heavy shelling, then it'd be ok.
  4. Slaghead, I suggest that you acquire a friend who's a WW2 freak. I'm positive that you'll learn the basic tactics in a couple of hours. A more difficult task is comprehending the massive amount of WW2 trivia: ideal force composition for date/weather/terrain, armor penetration charts, troop armaments and such.
  5. Aye, it was in one of the urban combat scenes. I remember wondering to myself, "what the hell is that blob flying off the German Pak?". This raises another question: would have these grenades been of any use against infantry?
  6. Try them against mere PzIVH's, and prepare to lose your cool. :mad:
  7. Under Gordon Molek's name, only two modded vehicles were found. Could you give us an url?
  8. Also note that with the "withdraw" command, you can force pinned troops on the go. Also, even if the troops rout when you give the order, they will head to the given waypoint, unless intercepted with cosiderable hostile fire.
  9. Aye, I think there wasn't any long-barreled pzIV models in Africa.
  10. That equipment was a bit too rare for CM's scope, I wager.
  11. I'd assume that the only way an AFV can brew up is when the engine / fuel tank suffers a catastrophic hit?
  12. To my knowledge, there has already been a handful of cases about the infantry AT weapons being thrown at record distances: it's likely a minor bug.
  13. I agree with Sergei: the AI seems to use considerable logic, and switch to more active threats should they appear before the initially targeted vehicle is identified as a knockout.
  14. My knowledge on the topic is likely outdated, so I'd like to know how it really works: The way I recall, the model 30 had a smaller warhead than the models 60 and 100, that shared a similar, improved warhead. Each model had an approximate range of it's number.
  15. Sgtgoody managed to answer before I had the chance to ask. I was wondering myself about the amount of suppression caused to the enemy ground attack planes by scattered AA fire.
  16. I could find some ruder words to describe it, but I'm sure you'll make it look swell after some slight adjusting. The first model looked like the factory workers had vomited rancid gulash all over it.
  17. It depends on your tactics - personally, I use forceful recon tactics, meaning large amounts of infantry used in initial reconnaissance. This usually draws enenmy field mortar fire, and I have a good hunch of their whereabouts once my field guns start popping. Demoss made a good point about using a move-to-contact/armor cover arc-combo: this is crucial, especially when maneuvering your gun towards the open end of a forest patch, or to a crest of a hill. It's the easiest way to insure that your gun is minimally exposed. The 150mm inf gun that SFJaykey mentioned is solid gold. It's like an miniature artillery strike with pin-point precision! Also, the HC rounds make short work out of late war Soviet tanks.
  18. Xerxes pretty much gave the best instructions. Also, if you are using a more valuable gun, you might want to consider accompanying it with a HQ team and a light mortar, to serve as a tiny counter-battery unit if the gun gets targeted by enemy mortars.
  19. In battles other than ME's, the hidden vehicles placed in foliage are thought to be camouflaged with canvas nets and the like - thus they receive a concealment bonus.
  20. Probably the one that scores the "KO" hit first?
  21. I've learned the hard way that placing your IS-2 against even late PzIV models (G, H for instance) can be too risky. The shoddy turret front armor and painfully slow ROF can become fatal flaws.
  22. Tripps, could it be that the weather conditions weigh heavily against your Axis optics? Warm climate with poor light?
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