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Everything posted by AstroCat

  1. Yeah I noticed this on the Beta AAR thread as well. The WMM turns off all driver level AA processing including Antialiasing and Antialiasing - Transparency. I'm not sure if the CMx2 engine can handle internal post processing and driver AA?
  2. The graphics version I think is so cool to have in the game I don't know why BF just doesn't include an official version or something similar? At least an option. I especially like how you can keep track of your squad casualty count.
  3. Yeah it looks pretty rough, I'm not sure how we can fix it though given how the road textures work in the game. You could make the texture all one style and get rid of the middle change and white lines but then you'd be changing the texture a good bit. What you really need is another set from BF that is without any additional markings.
  4. Ok, understood, if it really bothers me I'll jump in and do it but like you said probably not worth the effort. I've ended using a good portion of Aris' mod, my own, a mix of some others and your desaturated version, all looking really good.
  5. Actually that is a new texture series named highway 3x [holland].bmp in the highway holland asphalt art folder that is added by CW not one from Aris. I'm not sure there is a way to fix the seams on that map.
  6. Yeah it all seems to be lining up 1 for 1 in-game, so I think we are good to go. The new strings.txt is formatted a bit differently than the 2.01 version so just have to be careful as you copy things over.
  7. For Vin's you need to start with the new strings.txt and then copy over the below sections (Light version) from the old file to the new one. Then it will totally work. soldier state display lines 4810-4945 Assistant Leader line 9291 Leader line 10614 Ldr line 10620
  8. I updated the graphics version to the new strings.txt file, works good so far.
  9. Until Vin makes the official one here is the one I fixed up real fast. This is his Light version, I used the new strings.txt files but copied over his changes. I tested it in-game and it seems to be working fine. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4107203/CMBN_MG_vin_text.rar
  10. Yeah, it is definitely needed! MG will need some UI updates from the mod community for sure.
  11. Did anyone ever make definitive list of which .wav files goes exactly with which gun/vehicle/ammo etc? I know a lot are labeled but some are not, such as the explosions. Working on a new sound mod and thought something like this would be helpful. Thanks.
  12. Oh hey my mistake actually that link is for his CMFI version, here is the CMBN one you see above in this thread: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4811/details He made one set for each game. I still think it needs to be cropped down a little bit. Here is a link to my shorter version in case you wanted to check it out. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4107203/Aris_CMBN_edited_mountains.rar
  13. Yeah, I renamed them and mixed them in with the vanilla ones, plus Aris' dirty and wounded faces. It's strange, currently the german faces named: german-soldier-skin 1 show up in the game. The german faces named: german_skin 1 do not. But the normal maps are named: german_skin 1_normal map. Should I change the normal maps to: german-soldier-skin 1_normal map like all the other nations?
  14. Thanks for the link. You know after I've looked into the smod_german_m43_soldier_uniform files I realize that the 2.0 vanilla German uniforms are better than the 1.x versions so maybe they don't really need much modding. I think I'll swap some boots, helmets and maybe add a couple from Veins to the stock ones and use a mix.
  15. Thanks... I grabbed those for sure as a good starting point to look through. Ironically no German uniforms included. I'm not sure I have to mod the uniforms but just wanted to see if there was a really good one out there I missed. I searched the repository and GaJ's as well. I think I'll try renaming Vein's as a start.
  16. Been away from CMBN but getting back into it and of course modding it all up again. When I was last around Veins_Germans_CMBN_v1 was the way to go, but I don't think its been updated for 2.x yet. Is there a new one people are using or should I go ahead and attempt to rename Vein's v1 to use it again? Thanks!
  17. The horizon is from Aris' mod. Found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2388 Couple things, I found the seams in Set 1 too distracting so I ended up using and liking Set 2 more. I don't use the clouds because I read they bug out the shadows (and they have enough issues on their own!). And I found the horizons too tall, it made it look like I was in bowl valley, so I took them in Photoshop and cut them down and now Set 2, sized down works very well! There are still some seams in Set 2 but they honestly do not bother me and are well worth the visual improvement.
  18. After a long break from the game I've come back and I've decided to mod back up from a fresh start. Your mod looks great, nice work, definitely part of my new setup! One thing I did notice was the LOD switch goes back to the thicker trees so it can be a little odd. Is there a way to thin out the LOD tress as well so the transition is smoother? Also interestingly enough after a long break I actually am liking the default color scheme much more than I did when I first got CMBN. For some reason, maybe because I used a desaturated scheme for so long in CM1x it doesn't seem so jarring like it did when I first saw it. I will be replacing some terrain features here and there for sure but I'm probably not going to use the full on much darker desaturated scheme I did the first time around. Interesting.
  19. Just curious did your M8 v2 ever get released? Awesome mods btw, I've been using them for years!
  20. @Fallout... thanks for posting the pics, exactly... AA is not working with WMM on.
  21. Sure, check out the truck in the 2nd image in this post. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1469655&postcount=229 or this edge of the vehicles in this post. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1468104&postcount=196 or the roof of the building in this post. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1466470&postcount=150 If AA was working those would not be "stair-stepping" and would be smooth. If you turned AA on in those scenes those would disappear. I actually can see it in almost all of the screenshots you posted, and I'm sure the full res. versions it is a lot easier to see. Any ideas of how to fix this? Thanks!
  22. Unfortunately from your screenshots it still looks like the anti-aliasing bug is there. Unless you have AA off? If it is still a bug is there any chance of them fixing it, it really does bother me and would prevent me from ever using the WMM, which is a shame because I'd like to check it out.
  23. Is there a fix to get movie mode to work with anti-aliasing?
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