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Everything posted by AstroCat

  1. lol... same here... My wife tried CM back in the day but just couldn't get into it, she thinks it's cool but not for her to play. Whenever we see ww2 hardware in a game, tv or movie... she always calls them out, not always correctly but at least she tries. Gotta love it. Having your wife as a gamer is a pretty awesome thing.
  2. Mixing the new ones in with the old ones works pretty good for variety, using a file renaming app helps the cause for sure. I should get some of my guys in our VO booth and do some extra lines for the game.
  3. As well if you renumber the files you can mix them in with the stock ones and use them all together at random. Oh and nice work Mord, sounds like a fun VO session!
  4. Could we please get a directory tree in-game for the saved games folders along with an in-game delete function? Thanks!
  5. 16 bit stereo .wav file at 44,100 Hz = sampling bit rate of 1.411Mbs (44.1 K/sec x 16 bits x 2 channels) so... mono would be basically 705 kbps.
  6. @Lt Bull Well said... I really enjoy the game but unfortunately as well know keenly what it is lacking and what it could be.
  7. I felt it was a little dark for the sunny days mostly because of the basic grass so I lightened it up a bit in the link I posted above.
  8. ...doh, my fault! Sorry for false hopes... no just a little tweak to blend the grass a little more...
  9. Here's the quick grass tweak if you wanted to check it out: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=POSP4C9Z
  10. Your flames and large weapon muzzle flash look great in game, as do the rest, but currently I got those two mixed in with Vein's mods.
  11. Of course with TFT LCD displays it makes a big difference on your viewing angle for overall brightness/contrast. On one system I am look pretty much at the middle of the display, here of course it's darker and inspired me to make the tweak. On another I look more down at the screen and this one is much brighter of course, probably doesn't even need the little grass tweak I did, except to reduce the mottled effect. The mini .bmp is a bit too blurry for my tastes actually... mixing in the v1 .bmp does help it out a bit. I might want to just redo it. Is it really just the full grass .bmp shrunk down to 64x64? Yeah the pavement showed up right in the middle of a Quick Battle small map with a farm house in the middle in a very rural setting. Hotfix update sounds like a much easier plan.
  12. A couple things I noticed... mini ground grass.bmp and ground grass.bmp look just a bit too mottled/dark on my screen so what I did was take your v1 .bmps and mix them together adjusting the layer opacity of the v1 layer. Seems to have turned out pretty good. The new paved road with the rounded pattern seems a little out of place for a country paved road, no? A bit too fancy? Otherwise like I said before loving the mod, thanks a ton for uploading it for us!
  13. Looks really good in-game, even the non-CMBN player (the wife, but is a gamer so I'm trying to get her to try playing CM ) in the house commented how much more realistic the game looks with your mod.
  14. Could also put it over at: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ as well... or even a file sharing site like megaupload.
  15. I think CMBN is the better game overall for sure but I do wish BF had some more time to create a more immersive and user-friendly UI. Some more modern graphic and sound techniques would be very welcome as well. I know all the "reasons" the game doesn't have these things, but I am hopefully it could moving forward.
  16. Oh yes, by far TOW has the better graphics, as well the overall presentation has much more immersion for me. I love CMBN but it can definitely feel sterile at times and could use a major "flavor" graphics/UI upgrade that would in my opinion raise the game up to the next level.
  17. Perfect! That's how my guys look right now in the Panzer Marsch campaign... painful... Oh you could renumber them and add them in addition to the stock ones for a mix of beat-up and fresh right?
  18. Well if you need any help testing the mod out along the way throw it up on a file site like http://www.megaupload.com/ and I'm sure myself and others would be happy to try it out. This sounds like a scam-o-rama but really I'd be happy to test it out, I love modding/messing with the CM games as well.
  19. If RT single player had a pause and rewind function I'd use it. The replays are just too much fun for me to give up. I usually watch each turn several times from different angles to catch all the action and "cool" moments.
  20. There used to be an awesome scenario/review site back in CMx1 days...
  21. From what I can tell so far the US side vehicles are a good dirty level, but the Germans could use a bit of dirt and dust... but I know it's a lot of work, so worries.
  22. Ok, here's an "unofficial" collection including several custom ones... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZN26JXVY Gathered from all over the place, plus some of my own... if anyone has anything in there they don't want there no problem getting rid of the link. Hope there are some fun sounds in there for people to use/mod, etc...
  23. That looks pretty good to me too... I found Flesh's changes overall a little too drastic for me. Any chance of an upload?
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