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Everything posted by AstroCat

  1. I've been playing CM for a long time and I would very much welcome any UI improvements that improve accessibility and ease of use such as more standard mouse overs. I would also absolutely support more user feedback during the actual game and too be honest the UI of CM is really well behind were I personally feel it should be. At the very least CM should include an in-game, yes in-game, equipment encyclopedia. You can put your detailed stats in that section for more deep research and use more abstract bars or mini graphs in game as to not be overly intrusive. This should hopefully be about how do we make CM even more fun, improve the series and keep it alive, all while improving the user experience for the largest amount of the fans, while trying to bring in new ones. And yeah exactly not what CA did with Rome 2, gaahh what a mess that is. I'm also a huge fan of the Total War series and I was so disappointed with Rome 2's release. At least they are trying to salvage it, we'll have to see if they are successful or not. Oh and for the record I don't have all WW2 gear memorized even though I've been a moderate ww2 history buff and long time CM player. Sure I have a "feel" for it and have a working knowledge of WW2 gear but I have no interest in memorizing every single stat of all the vehicles and gear and I honestly don't think that should be the barrier for entry into the CM series.
  2. I am interesting in learning more about the graphic's engine upgrades. Specifically, lighting and shadowing rendering and overall performance. These are some areas I thought the CMx2 engine really struggled in. Thanks and congrats on the upcoming releases!
  3. Overall, love the series and fully support the company behind it, just frustrated at the performance of the game system even on high end hardware. I only wish the best of luck and success for you guys. What about something like The Creative Assembly's Warscape engine?
  4. I know Rage used OpenGL and a few others, L4D 1 and 2 I believe, I wonder how the id Tech 5 engine would work for a game like CMxx, my gut is telling me might not be the best match, but that would take a lot more research. I would explore using a 3rd party for the port if the numbers made sense. OSX(and previous versions) have never had a relatively strong gaming market. Slower hardware options and non-existent or outdated drivers being one of the issues. My overall point being that I believe you could get a lot better performance out of the terrain/model/texture rendering than the current engine is doing. I know the 580gtx I have is not being used in an efficient manner with the CMxx engine.
  5. Awesome, can't wait to try this puppy out. Thanks for all your great work!
  6. I know that native OSX support would be lost with DirectX but I wonder what the OSX user base is vs. base gained by a better and more modern looking and performing game engine? Macs can dual boot, its the OS that's the issue, not the hardware, and/or the game could have been ported later to regain some of that lost market share.
  7. I just wanted to quickly throw my voice in here, the performance even on a super clean, perfect shape high end PC is terrible with the CMxx engine. I've tested this like others extensively and there is no way around it. The engine for this game is way below average, and I am a huge supporter of the series and Battlefront group as a whole. I noticed this the day CMSF first arrived at my house long ago. I really wish they could "fix" their engine to get the kind of performance out of it that is expected by many of us. I will just throw this out there, would they have been way better off supporting Direct X, even version 9?
  8. Different levels is a great idea if you have the time and want to do it.
  9. I was playing a scenario with mixed Panthers and the A mid sure did stick out.
  10. I've owned a lot of the SC games through the years and had fun with them but I don't have Global or WW1. Lately I've been getting in the mood for a fun grand WW2 statetgy game and of course I was considering SC again. If possible I'd rather focus on Europe so I'm drawn to the WW2 campaign for the Great War. How is it for a fun single player experience? Or should I look elsewhere? Thanks for the advice!
  11. I was wondering about the PzVA mid, thought maybe I'd missed it. Sure does stick out with the others.
  12. Cool, thanks. Maybe I'll mix and match them a bit. How'd you want to send them?
  13. Couple quick questions: 1) Is it possible to get the no-patch Khaki uniforms? 2) Which was more common in Normandy? Thanks! edit: I did a little internet homework and I think the olive ones would be more accurate so perhaps they khaki ones are not needed?
  14. Actually Veins_TerrainDesaturation_CMBN_v2 looks similar to the Aris version, not the one below it.
  15. Definitely finding the best balance of UI/fun/realism for me has been the Warrior level.
  16. I've really grown to like Steam a lot. I've had no problems with it at all. CMBN on Steam would be a very good thing for all, imho.
  17. I'm right there with you on the campaigns and the engine as well... man I wish they would had some more polish and depth to the campaigns... I believe I know the reasons they haven't but for me it sure would make the campaigns so much more interesting and engaging. As for the engine, a more sophisticated/modern lighting engine would have made a huge difference. Still really liking the game but game engines have come a lot further from where CMBN is at...
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