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Everything posted by Hortlund

  1. Well, as you will note, my statement is about as blunt as his original "it is a fake". It was mearly intended as the starting point of a discussion. If someone blurts out "this is false", I should not have to reply with the full list of all my reasons as to why he is wrong. My initial answer could very well be "no its not, besides what are your sources for that statement". As with everything else, it is up to the person making the claim to substantiate it with evidence. My post should be seen as nothing other than a request for such evidence. [ January 21, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  2. No it is not. If you are going to present statements and/or accusations like that you'd better provide some sources while you're at it too.
  3. No, II SS Pz Corps stopped advancing on the 15/16 July. (After SSDR connected with III Pz) If you are looking for northeastern movement, SSTK stopped advancing on the 14th of July while preparing to shift axis of advance north.
  4. Hm, maybe you guys should read up a bit on what the Red Army's ability to fight winter campaigns looked like pre Finnish winter war and post Finnish winter war. Then you could attempt some kind of analysis on how important/unimportant this ability was in 1941.
  5. My loyalty and my sword/broom/whatever unworthy ability to preform various task I might have, belongs to Lars. *edit just to impress Denise Richards in case she is lurking on these boards. [ January 20, 2003, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  6. ROIIGHT In a completely unrelated part of this civil/not so civil war. I come to do my DUTY. Yes, duty, you know ours is not to reason why... and all that. Therefore snarker, I bring the challenge of the anointed armored car to you. Like so many before you, you have but two choices. You can either accept this challenge and face my Romanian/Hungarian/Italian BUT NOT FINNISH armoured cars, tankettes, trucks or carriers on the field of battle. OR you can surrender like the half witted baboon wannabe you truly are. Should you chose to fight, I can promise you drive by shootings that would make certain gangs in various metropolitan areas in the US green of envy, yes, I can promise you lots of gnashing of teeth. BUT if you should chose to surrender without a fight, I can promise you that you will be contacted by the French president as they'll probably want you as their new commander in chief. THEREFORE I smack you in the face like thus *smack* and I throw the glove down before your feet like that *throw* You can expect a setup in the mail.
  7. MG send me the bloody turn..I mean SHEESH. Now when there are 2 turns left in the game you start holding each turn for a week before sending it out? Surrender now or accept defeat like a man instead of this spineless "oh, if I dont send him his turns he might forget about the batte"-crap. Soddball...my bet is that you will be changing your sig soon muhahahahaha
  8. Are you joking? It is the other way around actually. If someone would take all your scenarios and pack them together in a zip file and host it *wherever* you'd be sh1t outta luck trying to get that file off the server. Didnt you read anything I wrote about the legal aspects of this? Basically you would be reduced to emailing the owner of the server asking/threatening/begging for him to remove the file from the server. But it would be his call, totally up to him.
  9. Relax lad. The point Mr Dorosh was trying to make is that there is no such thing as freedom of speech or freedom of opinion on boards like these. If the owners of the board doesnt like what we are saying, they can edit our posts or ban us from these boards. Didnt you look at the user agreement when you created your account?
  10. Maybe this would be a good opportunity for you to tell everybody what you know about me and my "relevant experience" Michael? Go on now. How many scenarios have I made? How many campaigns? How many of my scenarios can be downloaded from the internet? Since you obviously dont know anyting about me, why the attempted low blow? I dont get it. If you have something to say, then say it instead of dancing around the subject. [ January 18, 2003, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  11. Courtesy is given out of respect. When courtesy is demanded by someone, or when someone feels he doesnt get the level of respect he so richly deserves, and starts to demand certain levels of respect it is a whole different matter. IF said someone then starts to cling to various legal arguments in his attempt to justify his claim for respect it becomes truly pathetic. There are lots of people who take themselves too seriously. Especially in my line of work you meet these people everyday. And it is frustrating as he** to have to deal with people like that. I have enormous respect for people who make mods, scenarios or operations. The level of professionalism is astounding in a couple of scenario and mod makers. But when some of those scenario makers starts acting like ballerina primadonnas demanding this or that, I lose some of that respect. Instead I see vanity.
  12. Well, the entire problem with the internet and intellectual property law is what law should be applicable. Lets imagine for arguments sake that a German citizen, living in Germany makes a scenario to be used in a game made in america by an american company. The German guy uploads his scenario to a server located in Spain. A person living in Sweden downloads the scenario from the server in Spain and uploads the scenario on his own server located in .nu (wherever that is, I think it is some island in Oceania) This new location of the scenario displeases the German guy, and he wants it removed from the .nu server. What nations intellectual property law is applicable in each situation and why?
  13. *edit Never mind, its not worth it. **edit again Just out of curiosity though, what would the dead horse be in your opinion? And please dont bring up any intellectual property arguments, because those rules dont really work on the internet the way everyone here seems to think. [ January 17, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  14. Apparently it wasnt finished, because if it was, then this thread would not have taken this turn. Maybe you feel the discussion was over for your part, fine I can respect that. I think you should acknowledge the fact that maybe some people disagree with you on that part though. [ January 17, 2003, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  15. Hrm, you DO know that the "south front" in 42 stretched roughly from Charkow to Astrakhan? Good luck finding any coherent weather patterns there. Even if you are asking for the weather at the front, you will have to decide what front we are talking about...Sevastopol? Stalingrad? Voronezh? Charkow? Maikop? Rostov? I think the first thing you should do is decide where the campaign player will go. You'll have to decide that "ok, in January-March he is around Charkow, then in June-August, Voronezh-Stalingrad (or Rostov -> Caucasus) area, then in September-December Stalingrad." It will be hopeless to try to get some weather modifiers for a specific month that would apply to the entire southern front.
  16. Well, actually I think we all remember who said what in that discussion. It was not so long ago, I thing everyone remembers who said what. But if you want to bring it up again Michael, we sure can have that discussion again since it definitively wasnt finished last time.
  17. Quest for the Anointed Armoured Car Update Like the mighty Mongols, brave vicious horsemen led by the feared and dreaded great KUBLAI, unyielding like the mighty yellow river, brushing aside all obstacles, unmoved like the great wall of China...My armoured cars have crushed the evil forces of Nidan1. Yes, and much like how women and children fled before the advancing Mongol army, his armoured cars have fled before my Romanian captured BA-10s, and the ferocious Hungarian Csaba machines. It is a great victory, and my Axis minors have once again proven that Nidan1 is as adept at leading his pixel-troops into battle as a supermodel is at leading Nobel prize winners in deep philosophical discusisons. Nidan1 I call upon you to surrender before my cars, and spare the lifes of your remaining crews hiding in the brush. Like the mighty Romans, the fearless victorious Legionnares, diciplined on the field of battle, unmoved by the enemy resistance, advancing like the steady flow of the tide, harsh and unforgiving like the freezing cold of the arctic winter night...My armoured cars have secured a victory against the laughable disorganized rabble poor sgtgoody has seen fit to lead on the field of battle. My dreaded Romanian PSW 222 land battleships have already killed several of his unknown vehicles, and it is but a matter of time before his forces flee in terror before my unstoppable force. Like NINJAS, the clever and guitarplaying superheroes, moving stealthily and cunning over the battlefield like a group of black clad superfoxes, constantly with a smile and a silent QUAH! on their lips...My armoured cars have secured victory against the laughable forces of Jussi, the mad finn. Already my stealthy PSW 222s are surrounding his positins, and soon they will strike at his crack M17s from all directions. Like Ronald McDonald, the ankward and ugly red headed clown, with too big shoes and a peculiar attitude towards lipstick Mike has led his forces to the field of battle. With a not-a-step-back-tenacity and a never-surrender-attitude you normally only see among the French, his forces pulled back at the first sight of my mighty armoured cars. The only thing preventing them from driving back to Paris is the mapedge. Thrice I spit at his cowardly Ba10s *ptui* *ptui* *ptui* Like a horde of ants, unstoppable like an avalance, fearless and organized like insects, I have sent my conscript Malaxa carriers against the forces of Das Reich. He does not read this thread so he doesnt know that for my fifth battle in the quest for the Anointed Armoured Car I bought 20 conscript Romanian Malaxa carriers, and 20 conscript Italian tankettes, supported by 4 Romanian Ba-10s. Soon he will learn to fear the effects of my horribly gamey, yet dashingly clever "horde of ants draws fire while Ba-10s sit hull down and wait for targets"-tactic. [ January 17, 2003, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  18. That story reminds me of one I heard from an Israeli TC during the Yom Kippur war. At the end of the first day in the Golan heights, everything was chaos with no real frontline to speak of, rather lots and lots of small unit actions, ambushes, hedgehog defences etc. Anyway, this lone Israeli tank (cant remember what type) was the sole survivor of its company, and it was parked in a small depression behind a ridgeline. The TC had left the tank to go over to the ridgeline and see what was on the other side. Just as he was halfway to the ridgeline, three Syrian T-62 crested the ridgeline, maybe 30 meters ahead. The TC ran back to his tank screaming for the gunner to shoot. Meanwhile in the tank, the crew had been relaxing, and was caught completely off guard. The gunner scrambled to his sights as the TC jumped into position. "Shoot" "Shoot" the TC screamed as the T-62s were 30 meters away and they had spotted the Israeli tank. "I cant see anything, all I see is brown" the gunner replied (he had the sights on maximum magnification). The TC kicked him in the head, and the gunner took the hint and just pressed the trigger. The TC aimed the gun by looking at the gun barrel and kicking his gunner on the left or right shoulder to traverse the gun. Amazingly enough, the Israelis managed to take out those three Syrian T-62s and the crew survived the war. Anyway, I think it's a good story. [ January 16, 2003, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  19. Who is this crybaby? "waaaa, he sent his tanks in without infantry support...that must be gamey since I dont have any AT assets left" Sheesh...
  20. But he may not. As has been pointed out to you already, he may only have sighted the muzzle flashes of of the StuG (or whatever it is). It may be difficult to impossible for him to estimate where the center of mass is of the AFV is from only that clue. Michael</font>
  21. Well, believe it or not, I do live in Sweden where it also tends to snow alot this time of year. And amazingly enough I do know what it looks like at night when it snows or how a blizzard looks at night etc etc. When I was in the military I was stationed up north, and I have seen what a white painted tank looks like at night when it snows (sometimes you can walk right into it before you spot it). Heck at snow/night conditions my bet is that you would not spot a guy wearing snow camo if he was 10 meters in front of you. White things become invisible at night (when there is snow on the gound that is), especially when we are talking about the combination of cloudy nights, snowcover and winter camo. I have had a guy walk 3 meters from me wearing a snow blouse but not the white snow pants, and I swear it looked like a pair of legs came walking past me. But for the umpteenth time, the gunner in the T-34 can see the StuG all the time. According to the game engine the T-34 and the StuG see eachother. You then have a veteran gunner with line of sight to a tank (or tank sized shadow if you will) 58 meters away, the sighting conditions are less than good, but still a LOS exists.
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