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Everything posted by Hortlund

  1. In that case this argument is finished, AFAIconcerned. </font>
  2. You're rambling. What is wrong with option 3: Include the vehicles in the game with incorrect models, then patch the game until said vehicles have the correct model. Frankly, this is what I was expecting when I read (in October or something like that) that not all models would be included. I do not think "Oh, so you are not going to finish the product? Why not?"-questions are considered whining actually. [ February 09, 2003, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  3. So did I mention anyone specific when I said "fanbois"? Did you mention anyone specific when you called me a "whinging bitchboy" (whatever that means, I did understand the second part though). Apparently you fail to understand the difference between the two.
  4. Well this was unexpected....really. So the alternatives are: No vehicles at all in the game, or vehicles with incorrect models. Well, I'm sorry, but I'm expecting more from BFC. What I am talking about is tanks and vehicles that are in the game, but they dont have the right model. SO instead of driving a SPW 251/17 around, you are driving a SPW 251/1 around, but the vehicle behaves like a 251/17 in every aspect. What are you talking about? From where I'm sitting, it looks as if you are talking about the addition of new vehicles/tanks/whatever. That is not the same thing you know. Does anyone know how many models there are that are currently not done? I dont know the exact number, but I seriously doubt it would take 5 years for BFC to finish that since every vehicle takes 2-4 days to complete. You do the math. Yes, it would be awful if customers actually had something to say about irrelevant stuff like having the right to expect a complete game when they buy it. It would seem your tact and tone is only surpassed by your self awareness.
  5. As a friend of mine once said when on the looosing end of an argument "They're just words, they don't mean anything!" Feel free to reframe your argument. "Negligently incomplete"? "Rough and unpolished"? </font>
  6. Well thats nice and mature of you. By all means, we can start calling eachother names if you want, but I doubt that would be very productive to this thread or the topic of discussion. And who can argue with that logic? I take it you are of the opinion that Mozarts Requiem is finished too then "because work has ended on it".
  7. Ahh what the heck. I went and checked a dictionary too. We might as well avoid "the other issue" and focus on choice of words, and other important stuff. From the Cambridge dictionary: finish verb to come or bring (something) to an end, or to complete or use (something) completely
  8. Well, Im glad you guys are focusing on the real issue here...
  9. It would seem we have different definitions of the word "finished". Maybe a quick consultation with some sort of dictionary will give an indication as to who is right and who is wrong? I honestly doubt that the issue here is "my personal design specifications". There are models missing, BFC has said they will never finish those models. To me that means the game is not finished, done, completed, *insert whatever word you might prefer*. You seem to be of the opinion that the game is finished even though everything is not done. To me that is a contradiction. I so do not want to go down this line of argument. Are you sure you want to get all legal and fuzzy here? Is that really the point? Do you think its my point? As for BFC and their dependancy on CM2 hitting the shelves in Q3 or Q4, lets just agree that we dont know enough about BFC and their business to have an opinion, and leave it at that. They seem to have survived the 6 month delay of CMBB that patching CMBO caused them though...
  10. It seems rather pointless to argue over this since BFC has made up their mind. And they have plenty of fanbois around here to support their view too. But personally I think it is better to finish one project before starting a new one. The difference for CM2 is pretty irrellevant IMO, I mean if CM2 arrives Q3 2004 or Q4 2004 doesnt really matter that much, it would have been better if BFC had decided to get CMBB "done" before moving on. I have no problem buying half finished games as long as I know that they will be finished eventually through patches. To see the "you should be glad we included the data at all in the game and stop complaining about the 3d models"- attitude was frankly not something I was expecting to see from the makers of the game.
  11. Uh...? I just wanted to make sure I understand you correct. No new models for CMBB? There will never be a JS-3 that looks like a JS-3 etc?
  12. I'm still hungover. I can barely sit infront of the computer surfing various ..eh...bulletin boards. The mere thought of actually trying to do something productive like play a turn of CMBB makes be break into a cold sweat. [ February 08, 2003, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  13. Anyway, I chickened out on calling that girl today. I've been hungover all day, and the last thing I wanted to do was have a "first phonecall" with a really interesting girl, so I chickened out and sent her an SMS instead. Worked out great, in fact I think she was more comfortable with that too. So we decided to grab a coffee next week. I figure that bought be a couple of more days before I have to call her.
  14. And I just realized that problems with your lovelife is probably the last thing one should vent in here....
  15. Hrm. I see my spelling was somewhat lacking last night. Anyway, now I'm hungover, AND I have to call this girl. I hate that. *sigh*
  16. I may be drunk now, but I'll be sober tomorrow, though you'll still be a cow to your own great sorrow Sorry for the appalingly bvad poerey, but Im really drunk oops almost forgot Deniser richards and a chainsarw (add to poem above)
  17. Anyway, Ive got a good feeling about this one. I dont think its just the beer talking since I was almost sober when I met her, and I think she was gorgeous the whole night. [ February 07, 2003, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  18. Not that much, a couple of beers, but I see it as an invenstment. But Im already starting to geel nervous about tnomrros.
  19. You knbow, the best part is I realized I was getting wayyy to drunk about an hour ago, so I said something along the lines of "I really really have to go, Im so sorry but I'll call you tonmorrow if you still want me to" She went "yes, please do thatr" And I Was so ****ing smartk because I left her before I did anything really stupid that I have a tendencey to do when Im drunk, like spill my beer all over her, or try to feel her up, opr ask her if she wants to screw or something liek that. I was smart smart stmar.
  20. Shut up the lot og you!!!! Ive just returned home from a night on the town and Ive met this amzaing amazing gitrl... Shes my age, she thinks single dads are SO attractive (for some unknown reason), she works as a lawyer too, she is reallöy gorgeous. She's worked and lived in London the last 8 years, but she has moved back to her hometown (which is also my hometown...lucky huh) ANYWAY. She gave me her phone number and she wante dfme to call her tomorrwo. ....now Im heading for trouble again...
  21. This is without a doubt the best poem written in the history of mankind. It has everything, a chainsaw, Denise Richards and ...uh...well what more could you possibly want in a poem anyway?? Joe I shall print out this little poem, frame it, and hand it over to the nobel price committee. You can expect the Nobel prize in litterature next year. I shall also have it tattooed to my chest, arm, back and lower right thigh.
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