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Everything posted by Hortlund

  1. First misstake right there. Maybe you should try to sod off instead?
  2. No, see that is the weird part. When I try other CDs they work just fine. I've tried to clean my CMBB CD, but it doesnt do any difference. Every time I try to start CMBB its like my CD player gets second thoughts...first I can hear it speed up *vrooom* then it just goes quiet and the CMBB screen just sits there...nothing happens, and I have to ctrl+alt+del out of there. If I click again on the cmbb icon I get the "insert your f**king broken CD into your Romanian-quality piece of crap soon-to-be-ex-CDplayer." As I said...frustrating...
  3. Nerd! Seriously Vadr only a true geek would know the correct spelling of Padawhatever. Send me a setup.
  4. You have alot to learn about women young Padawin. **edited because "my young padawin" sounds gay [ February 14, 2003, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  5. While I do understand the need for a CD check, it can get pretty damn frustrating when the CD (or my CD player) starts to screw up. I havent been able to play CMBB for two days because my damn computer wont find the damn game disc. It becomes hopelessly frustrating when you insert the game disc, click on the .exe file and get a "please insert CMBB into drive E:" message. And I know I'm screwed because a) I wont go to pirate sites and look for a no-CD patch (I doubt there would be one there anyway with 1.02 and all) The game is sold out in Sweden, its hopelessly hard to track down a new copy of the game, and besides I really should not have to buy a new copy just because the disc is damaged or whatever. c) I wont mail my disc to CDV or wherever, because I think I can get the game to work roughly 1 in 10 times, and that sure beats waiting for months for a replacement disc from CDV. It pisses me off though.
  6. Hmm..maybe not all is lost. Rat, didn't you say the last file you sent me was saved in v1.02? And Goodey, if you would do such a thing, I would immideately call off at least half of the 17 Soviet ex special forces hitmen I have out looking for you. -Quick Heidi, Call Ivan and cancel the contract on Goodey. -Oh and double the bonus on the others.
  7. NOOOOOooooooooo I just upgraded to v1.2 without reading the readme first. Draw your own conclusions from that. I concede defeat in all my pbem games. CRAP!
  8. AussieJeffI wish you and your family all the best. Words are meaningless in a situation like this.
  9. Really? Are you posting on the check six forums or AH forums too?
  10. Really? Are you posting on the check six forums or AH forums too?
  11. First I was kinda frustrated over that girl. Then I figured it could be worse... http://www.raf303.org/mietla/gerbil.wav
  12. Well, since CDV has not released the patch yet: No Turns For YOU
  13. Bah Nidan1 I have already captured one of your precious factories despite your gamey "lets hide in concrete buildings and shoot on the Germans as they are crossing the streets"-tactic.
  14. edited because I need to get a sense of humor [ February 12, 2003, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  15. Update on Lt Hortlunds lovelife: Crash&Burn as usual. You can expect your turns more often in the future. lenakonrad I'm sorry about that. You are my only opponent on my hotmail adress, I have a tendancy to forget to check that one. I'll send you the turn tonight and include my other email adress.
  16. Update on Lt Hortlunds lovelife: I'm about to call that girl. I'm really nervous, you know, butterflies, palms sweating..I feel like a 13yrold again... *sigh*
  17. Well I was going to ask you if I could include this line in my sig: "Nothing positive can possible come from your postings, and therefore they have no value what so ever." That should make me infamous enough on these boards dont you think? Otherwise I agree, lets drop the subject. [ February 09, 2003, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  18. I was looking at the question from the customer viewpoint. I have no idea about your business model, and I have no idea what kind of marginals you have. From my perspective, as a customer, I would rather wait 3 more months for CM2 if that would mean all of the models were made for CMBB. What such a delay would mean for you as a company, I have no idea whatsoever. You are of cource completely correct, eye candy is just that, eye candy. Like many others here, I "grew up" playing SL and ASL, and CMBB is the wet dream of every SL-Cross of Iron player. It is just a little detail, it is less than 1% of game value. But that doesnt mean I would not want to see it included. Disrespect? I honestly do not understand this. I am playing your creation at least one hour every day. I think this is the best ww2 tactical wargame ever made. I have no idea how many hours I've spent infront of the computer playing CMBO and CMBB, I do know that my marriage ended because of it though. I thought that the respect was understood already. I mean if I didnt love the game, why would I be here posting at all? You wont find me at the GI Combat forums if I put it that way. I'm a lawyer, arguing, or "war of words" is what we do. I was of the impression that me and some other person I cannot remember the name of right now was not talking about the same thing even though we were using the same words. Real world issues are never irrelevant. I have been surprised to learn though, that your ambition for CMBB was not what I was expecting. True I was expecting perfection (in this case, all the models) but that is really the highest praise you can get. For example, another game I'm playing is Hearts of Iron, a game that is filled with bugs right now, in those forums you see people asking for stuff like "please remove the flying panzer divisions", here we are asking for that last 1%. That speaks volumes about your game. I am not "after the game" as I have been trying to say here, I was looking for those models because I was expecting them, and I was looking forward to them. As I have tried to say, I have no problem with buying games that arent finished. I bought Hearts of Iron even though that I knew it was bug ridden. Same with Uncommon Valor. What I meant when I said "I have no problem with buying games that are half finished" was not "CMBB is half finished". What I meant was, I am not looking for perfection in the out of the box version. But I am expecting regular patches until the game is done. I can see from your comments that you got the impression that I felt CMBB was half finished, I was talking about the new design philosophy in computer wargaming. Release a not finished product and patch it later.
  19. Been there done that. Before I started working as a lawyer I was working for a company salvaging cargo from various sunken ships. Treasurehunting if you will. The only reason I got out of that business was because my gf got pregnant and I needed a more stable income. As you can imagine, the wreck salvaging business is not exactly where you recieve your paycheck regularily every month. (Just out of curiosity, was this in line with your "image" of me and my superficial tendencies?) What kind of respect are you looking for here exactly? If I'm saying that I accept your desicion, but I disagree with it, that is not enough apparently. Where is the bitching from me? You will see two posts in this thread from me directed to you. One where Im asking if I understood you correctly, the other where Im saying that I was not expecting that kind of desicion from you. Which I wasnt. [ February 09, 2003, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  20. Personally I'm getting the feeling that you dont know me at all. As for the rest of your post, I've already said that I've accepted your desicion. That does not mean I have to agree with it.
  21. I respect that. I am also of the same opinion that the game, just like every other game there is, can be improved. But if you really want a bulletin board where people vent their views and opinions on the game, you should lay off the fanboi mentality. A forum without healthy dissent or where the community tolerates no criticism is a dead forum. Why are you saying that Im not accepthing that? I'm accepting the fact, Im just not agreeing with it, and it does surprise me because it does display an attitude that I was not expecting. That is all Im saying. The rest of my posts in this thread has been me fending off various personal attacks from various fanbois. [ February 09, 2003, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  22. LOL honesty and being rude/offensive is not the same thing you know. I'll tell you another tried and tested technique if you want. When someone posts something you disagree with, avoid the issue, start personal attacks with the hope of turning the thread into a flame war that will be locked up. That way you can avoid the issue. You are correct in the fact that I was expecting BFC to patch the game until all the models were there. The reason I was expecting this is because BFC prides themselves in being the most realistic ww2 tactical wargame developer there is. More attention is paid to detail in this game than I have ever seen before. To run into some weird "yeah, I know the SPW 251/17 looks like a SPW 251/1, but we dont care"-attitude here was not something I was expecting. Yes, but you have to understand that everyones opinions about CMBB is as irrelevant as mine, because at the end of the day, each and everyone of us on these boards is only one person be it a customer, a beta tester or whatever. With the "it doesnt matter what you think"-attitude that you (and I'm labelling you as a fanboi from here on, I think you've earned that right) and the other fanbois are trying to end this conversation with, why are you on these boards at all in the first place?
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