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Everything posted by Hortlund

  1. Well, there are degrees of everything of cource. And while "lick my eyeballs" might not be the kinkiest thing in the world, it sure ranks among the weirdest. I mean what could she possibly get out of some guy putting his tounge in her eye? Leaving that aside, because obviously she did get something out of having a guy stick his tounge in her eye, what about me...? I dont want to know what an eye tastes like, I dont want to know what it feels like, I dont want to know. Call me conservative, but thats me.
  2. hehe, didnt you read my post? She was calling me asking for me to give her another chance. In my book that is a good sign.
  3. hehe, didnt you read my post? She was calling me asking for me to give her another chance. In my book that is a good sign.
  4. Oh it might sound cool now. But trust me, the words "lick my eyeballs" spoken by a young (and surprisingly beautiful) girl in a university dorm room late at night, can be surprisingly scary. I know my first reaction was along the lines of "ewwww, I dont even want to think about that would feel...to lick on someones open eye". But the second reaction was along the lines of "and this is what she is telling me, I wonder what shes not telling me." It definitively felt like a psycho warning on that girl. And I sure as he** dont want to be naked with someone like that.
  5. Oh it might sound cool now. But trust me, the words "lick my eyeballs" spoken by a young (and surprisingly beautiful) girl in a university dorm room late at night, can be surprisingly scary. I know my first reaction was along the lines of "ewwww, I dont even want to think about that would feel...to lick on someones open eye". But the second reaction was along the lines of "and this is what she is telling me, I wonder what shes not telling me." It definitively felt like a psycho warning on that girl. And I sure as he** dont want to be naked with someone like that.
  6. Uh..I've never said it is the girls fault. It most certainly isnt. All I'm saying is that I dont understand them. Of cource I'm not going to lower my standards. I'd rather wait 10 years for miss Right, than go down to the nearest pub and grab miss right-now. And, as you say, the girls do have a say in the matter too. The lovelife must have been so much easier in the neolithic age.
  7. Uh..I've never said it is the girls fault. It most certainly isnt. All I'm saying is that I dont understand them. Of cource I'm not going to lower my standards. I'd rather wait 10 years for miss Right, than go down to the nearest pub and grab miss right-now. And, as you say, the girls do have a say in the matter too. The lovelife must have been so much easier in the neolithic age.
  8. Oh man, If I had a dollar everytime anyone said that to me...I'd have at least 10 bucks. Problem is if you take all those millions and millions of girls, and first subtract the ones you'll never meet, then subtract those who are too old or too young, then subtract those with a different attitude towards their personal hygiene (there are more in that category than you'd ever want to think about), then subtract the ones who are just plain dumb, then subtract the ugly ones, then subtract those who finds me unattractive, then subtract those who for whatever reason doesnt want to be in a relationship with me, then subtract those with too much baggage (there are those too) then subtract those who dont want a guy who already have kids, the subtract those with relationships, then subtract all those that do something stupid on the first date (like the girl who told me that her biggest turnon was to have a guy LICK her eyeballs...I kid you not. Girl -"Something that turns me on is when the guy puts his tounge in my eye" Me (thinking) "Why does this always happen to me") I know this sounds harsh Nidan but once you subtract all those girls, you might be left with what...10-15 girls?
  9. Oh man, If I had a dollar everytime anyone said that to me...I'd have at least 10 bucks. Problem is if you take all those millions and millions of girls, and first subtract the ones you'll never meet, then subtract those who are too old or too young, then subtract those with a different attitude towards their personal hygiene (there are more in that category than you'd ever want to think about), then subtract the ones who are just plain dumb, then subtract the ugly ones, then subtract those who finds me unattractive, then subtract those who for whatever reason doesnt want to be in a relationship with me, then subtract those with too much baggage (there are those too) then subtract those who dont want a guy who already have kids, the subtract those with relationships, then subtract all those that do something stupid on the first date (like the girl who told me that her biggest turnon was to have a guy LICK her eyeballs...I kid you not. Girl -"Something that turns me on is when the guy puts his tounge in my eye" Me (thinking) "Why does this always happen to me") I know this sounds harsh Nidan but once you subtract all those girls, you might be left with what...10-15 girls?
  10. G...DAMN girls are strange. Strange is not the word. They are beyond strange, they...they just ARE. Its like no laws of logic or reason apply to them. Alright, alright...I already knew THAT. I mean, I've been around them one way or another for quite a while. But sometimes you just have to sit in amazement and wonder what the he** makes them tick. So anyway, I was dating this girl a couple of weeks ago. Everything was going fine I even got to meet her kids, and she got to meet mine (shes a single mom, and Im a single dad). Everything was juuust fine. (Meeting the kids is a big step btw in case you didnt figure that one out for yourself.) Then for some unknown reason she started backtracking. You know the drill, cancel a coffe-date, dont call when she's supposed too, stays off ICQ more than usual etc etc. So I figured, alright, she needs some space. I can handle that, and I backed off. Like, didnt call her, didnt look her up on ICQ. Talk to her and be friendly when she called and stuff, but always letting her take the initiative. Well, then about a week ago she called me up on the phone and "wanted to talk". Great...I thought. Basically she was doing the old "lets be friends instead"-routine. Complete with the "this is going too fast" and the "I need some time alone to find myself"-spin. Fine, I can take that. I mean its not as if I havent been dumped before. But if there is one thing I've learned, its that the "lets be friends"-part never works. NEVER. No matter what. No, Nein, nicht, verboten. It doesnt work that way, because there is always one who wants to be more than friends, and one that wants to be friends (or less). Trying to be friends will only extend the torture on the poor sod who wants more (in this case me). So I told her, when the "but you are such a great guy and I dont want to lose you as a friend"-speech came at the end of the "I need my space"-conversation.... I told her, sorry, but that just wont happen. There is no way in he** I'm going to try to start some friendship here. Then she started crying...for some obscure reason. I know I know, they cry because they feel really bad for breaking our hearts. But its still a really weird situation when the girl breaks up with you and breaks down in tears all the time. Your left sitting there going "uh, you DO know YOU are breaking up with ME here and not the other way around." ANYWAY. blah blah, I need my space, I just wish you could reconsider and be my friend, because I need you as a friend and you understand me and I need the support blah blah blah. And I was going, look, I've already said no. So anyway, she broke up with me, and that was that. I havent called her, havent emailed her, I deleted her number from my phone, deleted her name from my ICQ, deleted her email adress...everything gone. So guess what... Guess who called me about an hour ago practically begging me to give her another chance. How she really really wants to have another chance. How she misses me and how she wants to talk to me and how she wants to [deleted because it's not for kids, and I know some of you are aged 14...at least you behave that way... Nidan and Vadr and Lars...and...well just about everyone here really]. Girls are weird.
  11. G...DAMN girls are strange. Strange is not the word. They are beyond strange, they...they just ARE. Its like no laws of logic or reason apply to them. Alright, alright...I already knew THAT. I mean, I've been around them one way or another for quite a while. But sometimes you just have to sit in amazement and wonder what the he** makes them tick. So anyway, I was dating this girl a couple of weeks ago. Everything was going fine I even got to meet her kids, and she got to meet mine (shes a single mom, and Im a single dad). Everything was juuust fine. (Meeting the kids is a big step btw in case you didnt figure that one out for yourself.) Then for some unknown reason she started backtracking. You know the drill, cancel a coffe-date, dont call when she's supposed too, stays off ICQ more than usual etc etc. So I figured, alright, she needs some space. I can handle that, and I backed off. Like, didnt call her, didnt look her up on ICQ. Talk to her and be friendly when she called and stuff, but always letting her take the initiative. Well, then about a week ago she called me up on the phone and "wanted to talk". Great...I thought. Basically she was doing the old "lets be friends instead"-routine. Complete with the "this is going too fast" and the "I need some time alone to find myself"-spin. Fine, I can take that. I mean its not as if I havent been dumped before. But if there is one thing I've learned, its that the "lets be friends"-part never works. NEVER. No matter what. No, Nein, nicht, verboten. It doesnt work that way, because there is always one who wants to be more than friends, and one that wants to be friends (or less). Trying to be friends will only extend the torture on the poor sod who wants more (in this case me). So I told her, when the "but you are such a great guy and I dont want to lose you as a friend"-speech came at the end of the "I need my space"-conversation.... I told her, sorry, but that just wont happen. There is no way in he** I'm going to try to start some friendship here. Then she started crying...for some obscure reason. I know I know, they cry because they feel really bad for breaking our hearts. But its still a really weird situation when the girl breaks up with you and breaks down in tears all the time. Your left sitting there going "uh, you DO know YOU are breaking up with ME here and not the other way around." ANYWAY. blah blah, I need my space, I just wish you could reconsider and be my friend, because I need you as a friend and you understand me and I need the support blah blah blah. And I was going, look, I've already said no. So anyway, she broke up with me, and that was that. I havent called her, havent emailed her, I deleted her number from my phone, deleted her name from my ICQ, deleted her email adress...everything gone. So guess what... Guess who called me about an hour ago practically begging me to give her another chance. How she really really wants to have another chance. How she misses me and how she wants to talk to me and how she wants to [deleted because it's not for kids, and I know some of you are aged 14...at least you behave that way... Nidan and Vadr and Lars...and...well just about everyone here really]. Girls are weird.
  12. Yes it was. But it also went the other way. That is why I objected to its one-sidedness. If you want to do an article about the savagery on the eastern front in ww2, and then only talk about the German atrocities...you are very one-sided. I mean how hard would it have been to add a paragraph along the lines of "oh, and by the way, when the Soviets reached German soil in 45 they proved to be just as good at rape, murder, plunder, torture, butcher and whathaveyou".
  13. A bit one sided, no? And what is this: Sorry, but I'm not impressed by that page.
  14. Yes, but then I realized there are enough Australians and Canadians in this world already and thought the better of it... *edit for Denise Richards -Im single again honey... [ April 14, 2003, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  15. Yes, but then I realized there are enough Australians and Canadians in this world already and thought the better of it... *edit for Denise Richards -Im single again honey... [ April 14, 2003, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  16. Bah, my mom is a dentist's nurse...if there's one thing I learned as a kid it was to brush my teeth and floss regularly. Maybe there will be a turn for you today, but I invite you to commit suicide infront of your mailbox while you wait. I will serve you a glass of cold poison shortly. My feelings are -as always -you will be slaughtered.
  17. Bah, my mom is a dentist's nurse...if there's one thing I learned as a kid it was to brush my teeth and floss regularly. Maybe there will be a turn for you today, but I invite you to commit suicide infront of your mailbox while you wait. I will serve you a glass of cold poison shortly. My feelings are -as always -you will be slaughtered.
  18. I dont believe this &¤(#&%¤# "Cant we just be friends" "Sure thing sweetheart, lets be friends, and since friends can talk about anything, I'm OH-SO-LOOKING-FORWARD to the day I'll get to sit and listen to you telling me about some 4 hour sex orgy you just had with some newfound love." Again my lovelife crash & burn in the middle of a crowded street. Thats it, I'm giving up on women... I never had a chance anyway I suppose. They dont want nice guys anyway, all they want are criminal drug addicts with bad haircuts. I might just as well turn gay or something.
  19. I dont believe this &¤(#&%¤# "Cant we just be friends" "Sure thing sweetheart, lets be friends, and since friends can talk about anything, I'm OH-SO-LOOKING-FORWARD to the day I'll get to sit and listen to you telling me about some 4 hour sex orgy you just had with some newfound love." Again my lovelife crash & burn in the middle of a crowded street. Thats it, I'm giving up on women... I never had a chance anyway I suppose. They dont want nice guys anyway, all they want are criminal drug addicts with bad haircuts. I might just as well turn gay or something.
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