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Everything posted by Hortlund

  1. I see you want to talk about your attack on my little village. (I'm over by the victory flags btw)
  2. Hmm, this one might have potential. Send me a setup. Something smallish...500p, village, 1944.
  3. Yes, well that's how a new lawyer is forged...I thought everyone knew that.
  4. CLOWNS No one likes clowns anymore. Except the clowns themselves ofcource. Well, to be perfectly honest, Im not sure clowns were ever in demand. They were probably something people watched because there was nothing better to do...kinda like watching Batchelor or Survivor. Anyway, clowns are a thing of the past, like jesters, or vinyl records. They freak everyone out when they appear dressed as complete retards. Then they pour water over themselves and fall on their ass, and expect us to laugh? I dont think so. We’d all rather just dress them up as deer and leave them in the woods in the middle of hunting season. Seriously, does ANYONE think they are funny? No, they are just sick, sad, pathetic drunks, wearing disgusting clothes. But THEY think they are funny. The clowns go "oh, but we are doing this for the kids" like hell they are. They are doing it because it is the only thing they know how to do. And they need the money to buy booze. MIMES In the entire history of mankind there has never been a more hated "profession" than that of the mime. Creepy figures closely related to the clowns, these guys also think they are funny. Or at least thought provoking. Come on, they dress up in tights and put on makeup, then they dance around like complete retards...HELLO isnt all just one gigantic way of saying Hey I’m a HOMO not that there is anything wrong with THAT... It would be all fine and well if they stayed hidden in basements or in remote parts of the wilderness...nut nooo they have to do it in the middle of crowded streets or in some shopping mall. Often they claim to have a message, they pretend to be locked in a box to symbolize how many can feel trapped in their lifes. I say BS. And guess what, we dont really want to see you out yourself like that. No, in fact we’d rather have drunk and unwashed fat 65yrold female Bulgarian ex-weight lifters lick our eyeballs than watch you dance around in tights. LENAKONRAD Our own Polish-Dutch-Clown-Mime-clone. I dont like you Lenakonrad. For several reasons. The most obvious being that you post in this thread. See you dont belong here. Frankly, you probably belong in some Dutch streetcorner pestering tourists with little clay penguins you made yourself under some drug inflicted ruse, trying to scrape together enough money to buy another hit. Now I know that you are a very deep person. Yes, I think you are really smart (as if), and you are probably someone who’ve spent several hundreds of nights pondering over the deeper meanings of our existence. Someone who hangs out with artists and actors, smoking pot and drinking red wine. Fine...that is all fine and well. I knew guys like you when I was at the uni. And believe it or not, I can appreciate those discussions sometimes, yes they can be fun, interesting, stimulating. But they can also go overboard...get it? See I think you find your penguin pictures funny or maybe not funny, but thought provoking or smart in some deeper artistic meaning. Well, they sure as hell aint funny. Maybe they are deep on some level for you or your artist friends, but we dont care about that deeper level. We could not care less. Here they are just a nucience. I think I speak for all of us when I say STOP POSTING PICTURES IN THE MBT.
  5. Translation: "I havent got the balls to face him myself because I'd have to put something in my sig line for 6 months...can someone else please do it for me."
  6. Well, I my work here is done. I offered MG a rematch but he didnt accept, I offered Sodball a rematch and he did accept. You still have my mail right sod? I would say come over to the Cess but then I realized we dont really want you guys there.
  7. *chuckles* Wow such self-confidence. It really seems you have complete faith in your own abilities to win over me, doesnt it?
  8. You..if you want to dance. I had quite a bit of luck in our last battle, and you've deserved a rematch if you want. Same conditions as I offered MG.
  9. For the third time. This is not open for debate, you either accept my conditions or not. Apparently you do not accept the conditions. Fine. Like I said, I dont have anything to prove.
  10. Well, screw me then... it's take it or leave it. As I said, I have no problem leaving the score at 1-0.
  11. Well, guess what. I'll leave it. You think this is some negotiation? No way. I've already beaten you once remember. I've got nothing to prove. This is your one chance to get revenge, pay back, a little bit of pride back. We all remember those buring T-34s and KV-1s in the snow MG...you want a piece of me, you send the setup and agree to the terms. If not...well, then the score will always be LtH - MG 1-0 [ May 08, 2003, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  12. Lena...FFS drop the pictures. I havent been bitching about your ridiculous pictures but at least cut them so they dont screw up the screen size. wtf is wrong with you?
  13. Ok, 1000p QB, meeting engagement, random everything COMPUTER picks the forces. Winner gets to decide one sentence in loosers sig line to be kept for 6 months. You want revenge? Here is your chance.
  14. Hey Master Goodale...shouldnt you have something in your sig line? Like "Current daddies: Lt Hortlund"
  15. If that is the "how many Tigers in a platoon"-mail, I replied yesterday night.
  16. Well, he'd be drunk too you know, past the point of caring about "human scent" (is that just a nicer word for "stinking up the place"?) Besides, the choice between drinking lots of beer or covering yourself in urine from whatever the correct species might be, and then gun down some hapless animal is a damn close call if you ask me. Right now I think I'd go for the beer actually. Oh and knowing your fascination for covering yourself in pee whenever you want to hide or get nervous or whatever, I think the feeling is mutual about me never representing you in court. Dont you owe me a turn btw? Mr Übertank-lover. Not that there is anything wrong with THAT...
  17. Ahh ok...so he forgot to cover himself in fox pee, but instead he plans to drink alot of beer and then pee all over the place and all over himself? Smart.
  18. *hrm* could you resend it perchance? it must have fallen out of my inbox when I was cleaning the place.
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