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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Not sure if this is a fact, I actually haven't tracked the losses, but it seems that possibly the efficiency rating of the potentially invaded territory is in direct proportion to the amount of losses sustained by the invading force. If its not it should be. If the garrison is duly degraded by air and naval bombardment then the follow on amphibious assault should not suffer as many losses especially if the efficiency has been erroded to 0 or 10%. Of course surprise is somewhat compromised, but you do have the choice of going in with no prepatory bombardment and sustain the consequences of 50%(or greater) efficiency defensive effort. Surely Hubert has coded it this way.
  2. I think Ludi has proposed a very logical adaptation for the SC model, but unfortunately will probably have to await the possibility of SC3, although I'm always hopeful.
  3. Damnit...those worms taste bad.....Yuck! On second thought, to hell with'im.....ban the Fokker!:mad:
  4. Could it be Satan!:confused: I think the moderators should be banned, what with their "political incorrectness". SS aka Gaylord needs help.....and understanding...probably the product of a broken home, we should be more tolerant of his trolling activities. I'm at fault....I should have complied with his goodnatured request for a hug instead of questioning his motivation and sexual orientation. Shame...shame on me....bad SeaMonkey! I'm going out to my garden and eat some worms!
  5. Yeah ...politicians:rolleyes:, "they(We, the People) stab it with their steely knives but they just can't kill the beast", and we just "got fooled again", "same as the old boss":mad:
  6. arado, sure, todays subs are far superior at hunting each other because there was a concerted effort to make them so. The danger of a nuclear strike from just offshore made it a necessity. As far as I know, there was no real emphasis in WW2 to create a hunter/killer sub type for its own kind, the threat level was obviously concluded to not be that great, but what if it was? The Los Angeles and Seawolf classes of today specialize in hunting the opposition's submarines because they are a high value target, do you want to be limited by the hard code in the SC editor from creating a contemporary game that allows subs this capability? And who's to say if it was beyond the WW2 tech level to establish a hunter/killer class if there was the proper incentive?
  7. Looking(surfcams) at some perfect form chest high waves coming in today, only problem is that close shore Gulf water is 54 degrees F.:eek: Even with a wetsuit that's a little brisk for the family jewels. We don't want those large bulbous diamonds turning into small valueless azure stones. I'm staying onshore and playing SC, ....pray for Global Warming.
  8. I got you DD, I'm in "camp", always did like JDF2's idea and scheme.
  9. I like that idea of the bombed out cities DD, that would really help with the ambiance also. I would like to see a small truck icon on those upgraded infantry units also, never mind the number to denote mobility. Another thing, since we're talking about a conglomeration of combat platforms denoting our SC units, I would like to see multiple icons for our SC 3D units. For instance you could use the main platform as a large icon, say the BB, but have smaller icons for a Ca and DD escorts that are also in the task force. Air units the same, have more than just one image, have some secondary additions to represent the groups that our SC units actually are. The Tank groups could have a halftrack or two, maybe a self-propelled gun or howitzer. There are ways to make the upgrades more visually appealing than just the numerical representation of the level. Yeah DD, that Mechanized unit could have the large icon of a halftrack or some nationally specific IFV inconjunction with maybe some SP anti-tank, anti-air secondary icons. The CTVs could have a better armor defense(air defense too) and attack value which would set them apart from our motorized(soft-skin vehicles) infantry units. Obviously our SC motorized units would have a greater AP potential than the Mech or Tank group with mobility upgrades.
  10. Rambo, update PT to 1.03 and then set the AI at expert +2, and take the USN to Japan, see what happens! No fair if you've done it before, but the first time....well....its competitive so far. You got game to play!
  11. I thought I had seen some real surprises playing this first game ever against the Japanese AI, I'll post later what happened, its not over yet. I'm beginning to believe that in the direct opposite of what I had assumed, the Allies may have a tougher time of it than the Japs, the amount of assets the Japs have is nothing short of amazing. Reminds me of playing in the East with the Germans going against the Reds, they just keep coming and coming.:confused: I believe Hubert must have hooked up the "Energizer Bunny" to all the Japanese industries(the build limits have obviously been liberalized) and I've yet to see any Kamikazes.....I'm shaken!:eek:
  12. Hmmmm....you're a little to quick to embrace things SS.:confused:.....we don't let our guard down that easily, you might have some prevert tendencies????? What ya think Kuni? But just in case you're cool.....welcome to the group....but no hug....yet!
  13. I've learned in the head to head action to take everything in stride as no two games are ever alike. If its not the tech hits, its the weather, or you make a dumb mistake or the mouse does a double click and you lose that 2nd strike, seems to me....... "Its just the fortunes of war" .....actually adds to the realism, you win some, you lose some. Thing is, there's always another game to play, another hill to climb. Great "gray matter" exercise.
  14. Its just slang for a two game situation, one, I'm the Japs playing against Allies AI, the other I'm playing against the Japanese AI. I like to play one turn, then walk away..do something else, come back and play from the other side. It helps the AI's cause as I forget a little bit of what I was doing, makes me more prone to mistakes, a choppier strategy. You've got to give the AI a break.
  15. How about it! Another veteran answers the call and let's give credit where credit is due, JDF2, used to be just JDF, was the first to call for that tech tree. An avid wargame player, what goes JDF? I've seen you interacting around the various boards, what are you playing now? What can you recommend?
  16. OK, you're right JJ, I'll try to refrain from use of "that" word. I learned, that's why all I engage in is water sports now, the water doesn't push back so hard and always seems to have a little "give", just got to keep an eye out for that "hard" equipment on wipe-outs. Now don't anyone send over any "Hot Babes" to JJ's locale, that would tend to lead to a degree of frustration what with that Viagra laced water we've been slipping him. Here's hoping you lose that body cast soon!
  17. Way to nail him :eek:, Kuni...you're awesome...he is BtW! Man...you keep watch on our back, Kuni, we've got yours! And JJ ...glad to see you haven't lost the eye for the subtleties, as well as including them in your posts!
  18. Sounds like a good recipe DD, I prefer "public servants", it shouldn't be monetarily attractive, and must be term limited.....perhaps like the SC tech tree should run? At some juncture in your life you'll see, "you either pay it forward or pay it back", with the one commodity we all share....."time". The choice is yours.
  19. Penguins...ehhhh? Kuni....is this going to fly? Anyway, I'm sure you'll have more than that to contribute BtD, welcome back. Ohh, the way I remember it, we have a couple months max to wait if past history is accurate for telling the future.
  20. GG's World at War had a good tech tree where you had an idea when you would make an advancement. You made investments every turn and as they accumulated you had a better % chance of getting the next level with each succeeding level requiring more and longer investments. Ultimately though you knew, even if you got bad rolls, that you would get that advancement in a finite maximum amount of turns. That being said, I still prefer Hubert's version. I will bring up the superior build Q that GGWaW had, based on population/resource availability and paying MPPs every turn(Pay as you go) with the ability to either terminate, upgrade, or delay anything in the build Q. It required planning because you couldn't deploy the finished unit unless you had the required trained recruitments available( pop. chit), Infantry and armor require two chits, air/naval ..one, etc. Be kind of nice in SC3 if we could make investments in the recruitment/infrastructure/training segment to increase the availability to fill "the ranks" in a build Q similar to WaW.
  21. A game decision that in no way diminishes the effort of such a gallant force. Marines rock, America's Special Forces, there are no words to describe the heartfelt gratitude for their sacrifices. True American Warriors. I love you guys!
  22. Don't know if I can guaranty that, but I've always had Dells and they have always been responsive to SC. Currently I have a LP Vostro 17, 2 G RAM, 120G HD, running Vista, I did get a 256 Meg Graphics card, but it runs flawlessly (where's some wood?). Hubert did help me tweak it, turned off some multi-media operations and loaded the game into its own folder under the C drive, not in the "programs" folder, nothing complicated.
  23. I like simple, DD. And it seems that I may assume that I can count on your company for SC3 if indeed Hubert will grace us with its creation? No disappearing act...this time!
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