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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. You might be on to something here JDF and I'm with you, this will be perfect for the mega scenarios if it will work, want to team up, but I'm not playing as the French unless I get some other nation also. Yeah Hubert....what about that patch?
  2. IIRC an occupied Paris has never guaranteed a French surrender, at least since SC1. There's a percent chance the French will continue especially if they have some units remaining. You want the Froggies to stop hopping around you've got to go squish'em under your jackboots.
  3. Sorry Bo....that's what happens when you breathe rarefied air.
  4. Hey... kowalewski....don't I remember you from the "Combat" series... too bad about Sarge. I'm just now starting to contemplate the EVIL's naval strategy, the Japs and the Yanks got to be a tough nut to crack, not to mention the RN. I didn't allow Vichy either so I've got the Frenchies marauding in the Med also as I've completely lost my toehold on Africa.........."I'll Be Back".:mad: I did that western China tour also....the scenic route...takes awhile to get the guys in position. Have you noticed the Germans can't operate in Soviet territories? I've got a German Army Group headed through Turkey to India.....my version of "Operation Orient". Just now deployed the "Graf Zeppelin" and I'm building her some escorts and researching ASW....did you run into any of those Yankie subs?:confused: Soon as the winter is over Spring 42 will see Sealion commence.:mad: EVIL and out!
  5. See... I told you guys that ToW was way behind the times, Hubert's not ready for the rocking chair yet!
  6. OK, I'm here in the misunderstanding thread and I'm pondering a thought; Why would I ever need to buy an Italian HQ?:confused:
  7. Ah Ha, I knew it mc, although I'll admit....but only for a moment was I taken in by your jesting and jousting, I recognize a true wargamer when I read their posts, even being a bit opaque sewn with sarcasm cannot diminish my clarity. And of course Brother Bo our annual pilgrimage to the sacred sight in celebration of Texas Independence has once again cleansed our Alamo of the detractors, but I fear their return as they only displaced themselves to Washington DC temporarily. Even now, their squatting weight slowly extracts the freedom of choice, ever so slowly, from responsible humans inhabiting this planet, always masqerading in the game "Its for the greater good". Beware my fellow SC players, hone your skills with great attention for the "Alliance of Evil" is upon us!:eek:
  8. Come on mc, what is this? Are you sure you're the real masterclaude or is this some charade, you know what this is, its SC2 fuctioning as a global unit, Terif style. The only difference is this one really works, unlike that old patched one, so join in and let's see if we can get Hubert to consider the adjustments to make it SC3. Its only money........and you can't take it with you!
  9. I've been trying to get Hubert and the Betas to "see the light" on this aaa question. Sure ... it needs to be approached with caution, but if you combined the infantry weapons and anti-tank research into one "heavy weapons" category then you would have that extra slot for anti-air upgrades. The CTVs would need some adjusting and I would also like to see all air units with double strikes. Believe me, with the MPP expense and the weather patterns that preclude usage you could effectively reign in omnipotent air. Of course in clear weather and terrain there would be one hellish blitzkrieg going on inconjunction with those double strike tanks. Also....think about it, you could cut back on the number of air units in the hard build limits and unclutter the map a bit.
  10. That's my impression also EE. Reds have taken Manchuria, Turkey, MidEast, Finland and are getting ready to hit India. The one quagmire is China. USA, Japan and the Chinese have erected a pretty stubborn defense and with the difficult terrain and weather, its pretty slow going. But, since its not even 42, and all the USSR planes and tanks(researched to level 3) are in the build Q, I'm under the impression it won't be long before China succumbs to the Red boot. Probably going to have to take out Tibet also for that shortcut into northern China. Kind of weird that the Germans give the Soviets a 25 MPP subsidy as they are still behind in per turn MPP allotment, but after Sealion they should be caught up.
  11. Please.....you guys....have patience...the bigger map is coming. Besides....you might be awaiting an upgraded CPU to run it......be careful what you wish for.
  12. Could be a bit early to post some observations on this campaign, but I'm starting to see some writing on the wall. Its recognizable.....seen it a long time ago......but it might be a bit premature. Remember SC1 early days and how the Germans were able to build an unstoppable momentum of MPPs and experience through rapid conquest? There's this little demon in my right ear and he keeps wispering, "the EVIL is coming"....the EVIL is coming........and they just keep going!:confused: Now ...granted....the EVIL only exists on land currently...but with hindsight to SC1 and forsight.....hmmmm, I'm wondering. And looking at the map......and what a lovely thing it is....I get the feeling I'm playing "RISK";).
  13. Actually if you park artillery units in the right deployment they can become monsters after awhile. Think about it, their only nemesis is air and they can attack without losses, over and over again. With upgrades and experience, grouped together.........well...all I can say is you better deal with them right away if your opponent embarks upon that build formula.
  14. Yeah....I have a suggestion......don't play with the expert +2 settings!:eek:
  15. So Nupe, what are your machine's present specs? Are you running a video card or integrated graphics?
  16. There is beauty in simplicity! I dove right in "Alliance of Evil". I have to admit, the Chinese and Japanese together in a WW2 decorum takes some getting used to, but in a way, if you think about it, it does make sense, there's just no Pacific war. The vastness of the possibilities has impressed me, even though I had pondered. I recall a discussion Terif and I had over "Weapons and Warfare" where Terif posed the meticulous balance and variety from SC2 had been lost with the roads, and introduction of the smaller units, anti-air, anti-tank, and artillery that WaW incorporated, among other things. I proposed "it was progress", he retorted it was perhaps regression as it was limiting strategies. Well....Terif....SC2 is back...in spades!
  17. Looking over this thread it becomes very apparent to me that there are a lot of people getting Global that don't post here often. I want to appeal to everyone here that because this is likely our last SC for awhile we need everyones input to continue this development. I'm assuming, as is past history, that this edition will go through some patching, not to fix bugs but to actually enhance gameplay with additional features. Therefor it is very important to all and especially these posters here that seldom provide their opinions that they not be shy in posting their feedback about improving this game. I want to expressly guide these rare posters to the scenario mods made by the community, as well as the scenarios provided in this edition, as they many times include novel and innovative gameplay that can lead to further increases in the gaming dynamics. With that said, it would be very encouraging to see a plethora of AARs describing the different experiences everyone here is sure to observe in this new SC edition, whether its against the AI or another human its all important in the evaluation. So with the start of March 2010 and this initial week of release, in the time of Pisces and the "Ides of March", raise your glasses and toast; let the gaming begin! And to think the Canucks started it with an Olympic classic, congratulations on the Hockey Gold, a game for the history books....and I don't even like hockey!
  18. Wow ...Bill, got to hand it to you, you've really stayed with this effort. I'd guess this is probably the most accurate representation of this old classic to date and I know the AI will give a good account of itself. Impressive......very impressive.
  19. I like where you're taking this Al and IMO evasion should even be greater at sea, perhaps 40 to 50%. I've long been an advocate for "the search" feature. It is the one thing, plus the evasion variable you've hit upon, that could bring SC in line for an accurate naval game. I imagine its a pretty tough coding problem or Hubert would have instituted it by now as its been a long road(relatively) getting SC to this point. Anyway it'll be very interesting how your theory tests out on this evasion parameter and I agree air should be evaded to a certain degree, naval combat is way to bloody. Oh and that Japanese anti-air effectiveness at Midway was also a product of a lower CAP altitude due to adjustments from the Coral Sea encounter, that's why the SBDs had their day(no Zeros). I should also mention that if this pans out the naval repair feature will need to be tweaked also, like maybe two strength points in a major port per turn and one in a minor facility(depending on turn length). A reduction in the unit density could also be in order.
  20. Oh well....just think of all that interest BF is making off our pre-order funds! I guess its back to Panzer General Forever as I'm just entering the African theater with newly upgraded FW 190As. Never could get a major victory in France to get to the Sealion scenario despite having tried 3 times. This new PG is really tough.:cool:
  21. Just received my CC statement and guess what charge was on there?:cool: IMO....shipping is imminent! Hope release coincides with a cold, rainy weekend......like tomorrow!
  22. Hmmmm.......Kuni........are you catching a whiff of any odoriferous emissions?
  23. If we ever see another SC I would like to see a fuel expenditure calculation similar to PGs. Playing PGforever has impressed me again with its eloquence and simplicity in that as a unit moves it expends its fuel, unless of course it is foot infantry. The player does have to initiate a refueling "click" and the amount of fuel it receives is dependent upon its current supply status, but it seems to work fairly well. Each nation would of course build fuel supplies depending on their receipts through convoy routes and an infrastructure multiplier(tech levels) on which their combat units would draw off of as they moved. Like PG though you could allow them to run short and become immobilized but if they were next to a port or urban facility there could be some inherent recovery from scavenging like efficiency recovers from the current combat devastation. In addition I would also like to see a system where by the combat unit mix is at the players discretion with the only things limiting the build would be things like population and manufacturing(MPP) capacity.
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