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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Does History repeat itself? Are those that forget the past ....doomed to repeat it? What would have happened if the French, after leaving the Rhineland in force two weeks before(1936), insisted the lone reinforced German battalion that had entered, leave.
  2. Since we are reflecting upon the past....a question for the forum Historian(JJ)...IIRC both the National Socialists and the Bolsheviks were at one time thought of being a too radical, errant idealistic philosophy to ever come to lead/power a nation of people? Or was that just the thought that the so called rational reasoning people in power at that time had? There was never any threat? Hmmmm..... sound familiar.
  3. Vote Early!! Vote Often!! Yeah JJ "Meet the new Boss"...."Same as the Old Boss". F LED AGAIN !!
  4. cosmin, my condolences to your ancestors, that they had to bare the inhumanity of the Stalinistic communism ideals is a monumental attribute of personal fortitude. My admiration for them is indescribable and I wish that my ancestors would have been able to rescue them. That said, there always remains the intangibles of such an operation such as wide spread death and destruction of your country. Let us be glad that it wasn't so.
  5. Thinking about this community's rants that tend to go a little off topic at times and in which I surely contribute to, all in jest of course, let's start a thread with substance to commemorate Les' return yet again. And to celebrate Kuni's additional added (positive) label of MVP poster child. So what constitutes a "REAL" SC master? Sure I know Terif is considered "the" Master, but what attributes do we tie to this stereotype? Is it the guys who excel in the bidding and TCIP "Fall Weiss" cookie cutter strategy, playing the scenario to oblivion with the same moves and abandonment if things don't work out as planned? Or is it the guys who excel at the innovative moves that continuously pull their butts out of the fire whenever everything seems lost....the endeavor to persevere? Could it be that human that contemplates and plays to higher expectations when put in an unfamiliar novel custom scenario which may be completely, purposely slanted against his side? Is it the guy who knows the opening moves to Fall Weiss infallibly, or the one who studies the mechanics, ever able to extract himself from any dire consequence. Well??? Will the "REAL" SC Masters please standup.
  6. Aztecace, glad you are enjoying the game, but don't jump to quick conclusions in SC, for in reality "Tanks" can be very useful, depending on your opponents disposition. My fav. characteristic is the ability to ignore enemy ZoCs. I'll also mention their ability to withstand AF attack better than Corps/Armies and are very tough when entrenched. I almost never research them, preferring to keep their base cost at a minimum. They represent a viable alternative to infantry purchases, especially when AT research levels get high and the cost for armies and corps is heightened.
  7. In testing "Op Sphinx"(Spanish intervention) I found it usually takes 3 determined Axis turns of attack to reduce "The Rock". That's usually a couple of armies and corps and at least one AF with HQ support. Now the UK can continually land fresh armies/corps if they decide to rule the sea vicinity and the Luftwaffe stays busy elsewhere, which requires the suitable MPP investment. Seems kind of historical to me, considering what happened at the other "Rock" (Corregidor) although a completely different set of circumstances, ....its all we got. If you want to hold an island bastion in a sea of turmoil, you have to pay the price.
  8. The answer is way back about.. page 18,... search and ye shall find.
  9. There you go DD, the forum rings in optimism again and even a bonus JJ post with pics. Now if HC can just get that time-space continuum (air-sea-island) editor to working for the Pacific campaigns, we may indeed have the epitome of WW2 strategic wargaming in SC2......and if not......there is always SC3.
  10. Understandable, perhaps you are right, Bill. Then again it seems rather lethargic to have an AB corps just sit there after the initial drop, since the casualties caused to the affected enemy troops will probably be insignificant(strength loss of 1 or 2). Reasonable to assume that the subsequent enemy turn will cause the demise of the AB unit. In real life I believe the most significant effects of an AB drop was chaos, confusion, delay of reinforcements, hindrance of battlefield movement, loss of upper echelon communications etc. etc. hence the readiness and command control loss I suggested. Granted the scale of SC makes the existence of AB units rather dubious, but in real life there were AB drops of the corps scale (Market Garden and Overlord). What I would hope to avoid is yet another hapless SC unit(SBs/Rockets) that is never used in the strategic options(viable) that SC2 will provide for.
  11. Bill, Has any thought been made for airborne units to exhibit an abstract effect such as a reduction of readiness and/or loss of HQ bonus to enemy units within the ZoC/influence of said AB units on their initial drop turn?
  12. So solops, "what's your take on the quality of life"...is it "I do not, I will not" dust to negativity. If you want to improve QoL, buy the game, join the community, play TCP-IP/PBEM.
  13. Solops, Ever heard the cliches "Looks can be deceiving"? "Can't judge a book by its cover" etc. etc.
  14. See that's just it, used to be we could all get behind the cause, put our collective energy in focus and get the job done. Seems like that's all changed, too much second guessing, Sunday morning quarterbacking, if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he jumped. I won't mention the alternative motivation which is all to prevalent. Maybe we (Americans) should just pull all our resources back to our own borders, take our ball and go home. Ok, leave the ball and bring our people home, but alas the 20th century taught us that doesn't work. But just maybe this time...we shut the borders and throw all the foreigners out...yeah that's the ticket...ought OH that means all of us (Americans) get thrown out, cause we're all foreigners. Sooo what am I trying to say here...the point escapes. Well I just hope if some bad guys start beating up on me and my family right out in my front yard with all my neighbors looking on, that some of my dear neighbors will provide something more then just some lip service to save us (if the shoe is on the other foot I will save them with whatever action is necessary). Cause if they don't it'll be their turn next and I won't be around.
  15. Take it easy R45, the French are welcome here too! Sbeu... Bonjour Enchante' de faire votre connaissance But your white flag aurez vous reste a la maisson. Ok... so my French is a little rusty. Au revoire
  16. Mi komplements revr, vere vel sad, nd most entertaning. Gud luk viz u plan to rul ze wrld.
  17. I would like to add one thing here. As Liam refered to, the AI strategies will always be recognized as a player accumulates game after game against it. To offset this recognition factor of experience I would like to see the AI feint or distract the human player with moves that mirror the other strategies that it has to choose from. So now the AI randomly selects a strategy, but also randomly chooses a diversion strategy for the "feint".
  18. This is your chance DP,..build Soviets AFs with HQ support, tech jets......draw his AFs from west and then attack in west....or just stabilize then attack in east if he keeps AFs west. What's the saying..."caught between a rock and a hard place".
  19. Sorry Liam, I have to concur with JJ, I mean after all he is the "Forum Historian". So glad that he brought up the Atomic Bomb as I kept thinking about its significance while I read this thread. Germany was not on the right track with its development although I eventually believe they would have cracked the atom and deployed a working weapon. The problem was, they didn't have time, USA got it first and we all know they weren't afraid to use them. As JJ mentioned the delivery system was also available...game.... set ....match. If indeed Germany and Japan owned the Eastern hemisphere and developed weapon systems to bring hostilities to the West it would have been at earliest 1946....How many A-bombs could have been produced by then....and then the H-bomb looming a little later especially with a whole hemisphere of hostiles for motivation. Sorry, the subjugation of the USA in WW2, IMO is pure fantasy.....but nothing is impossible.
  20. Les, your candor takes me by surprise :eek: , not....but to put it into words from a great military hero.....we must be more "sensitive" when conducting war ...Nevertheless I'm running for my kevlar....ok ...flak jacket on....let the barrage begin...or as that great hero once spoke, "bring it on".
  21. Most excellent idea, but I would simplify it with scripted events. Yes indeed, Japan's entry should be randomized based on diplomatic chit investment. The results should provide for a number of reactions. 1. Japan's DoW of USSR would obviously negate Siberian transfer and perhaps increase MPP lend lease transfer from USA, providing they run the gauntlet of Axis subs successfully and are not DoWed by European Axis. 2. Japan's DoW of USA and UK would not necessarily trigger an immediate entry of USA to European theater. Perhaps a reduction of MPP lend lease to both UK and USSR, temporarily as USA industries ramp up and output is allocated to Pacific. Perhaps an immediate commitment of UK combat formations to exit map, UK's choice, or an allocation of MPPs from UK cache for a certain period. 3. Japan's DoW of all Allies...no Siberian transfer, loss of lend lease for a certain period, UK commitment of forces/MPPs to Pacific theater. As the European Axis I would like the option, at least for awhile, not to DoW USA. That way the Axis and Allies would be pitted against each other for Japan's disposition based on diplomatic prowess and perhaps tied to Intelligence/Espionage tech level.
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