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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. It is scientific fact that left-handed people are more intelligent than righties, that is why it is said that left-handed people are strange, and why all screwdrivers are made for right-handers. Therefore I am smarter than all of you right knuckle draggers...so there!!! Edited for Boo_B00_ It wasn't Dana Andrews you brainless bog-dweller, it was Leo G. Carroll who played the half-man, half-elk in thatv movie? [ October 26, 2002, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Perhaps, but they're all such sinister types don't you think? Joe</font>
  3. I think you are confusing several things here. The Soviet post war tanks had rounded turrets because it was felt that was ballistically a better shape. They had lower silhouettes too, because they thought that would be a good idea also. But the two are not necessarily connected. They could have retained the rounded turret shape, but just raised the roof a few inches. This would have permitted greater gun depression and allowed greater flexibility in firing from hull-down positions. That they failed to do this proved to be a serious design fault. The reason that the Abrams has no rounded armor is that when it was designed, the Chobham armor could not be manufactured economically if at all in such shapes. Michael</font>
  4. I like them.... the rust ones are good too because in game they look very authentic, who cares whether its rust or dirt anyway, keep up the excellent work, and remember you can't always please everyone.
  5. How would you recognize it as a thought, since your skull is filled with the leftover sweepings from Boo_Radley's festive "Night with the Ungulates" party?
  6. I agree, xerxes, and since CM battles represent local, relatively small unit encounters, most recon should already have been accomplished, and contact is imminent. The scenario briefing should represent formal recon analysis, IMHO. Use of split squads and such for local "spotting" is perfectly legit, and not "gamey" at all.
  7. Since all German soldiers were blonde haired, blue eyed aryan types, it would stand to reason that a lot of them were eyeglass wearers since blued eyed people are more susceptible to eye problems. Take a look at the perfect "example of Aryan purity" Heinrich Himmler.
  8. The Early Panthers had a "rounded" gun mantlet which actually was a detriment because certain hits in that area were deflected "down" into the thinner armor of the top surfaces of the tank. Russian tank design from the late '40s thru the '90s featured sloped armor on the base surfaces and a rounded "egg like" shaped turret. This design allowed for a lower sillouette for the tank, (a design feature for tanks operating in the plains of Europe) but proved woefully inadequate for the desert where most tank battles have taken place in the late 20th century. Because of the rounded shape of late model Soviet tanks, they could not "hull down" effectively in the open desert because the design restricted how far the main gun could be depressed. As an example, take a look a the M1A1 tank, do you see any "rounded" armor? The point I am trying to make is that the Sovs maintained a similar tank design throughout the 60s 70s 80s and 90s, base on lessens learned in Europe during WWII. IMHO they never learned from lessons in modern warefare in the middle east as their t-55s t-62s t-72s etc were turned into scrap metal.
  9. Instead of this inane posting why don't you send me a turn or surrender that town now, and then go on posting this dopey stuff.
  10. Y2K That 'Dogs Soldiers" movie, was it about Brit soldiers on maneuvers somwhere in the woods, and they run into this special ops guy whose whole outfit was ripped apart, and they meet a chick who says shes some kind of anthropologist but is really a werewolf? [ October 24, 2002, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  11. Lord General, maybe they sent your copy to Havana, I have a PBEM game in progress with a guy that has a sig. of FIDEL????? [ October 24, 2002, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. The above is very enlightening....now imagine all of the above happening while someone is trying to shoot you dead, mortar rounds are impacting around you, and you have no idea where any of this danger is coming from... in Vietnam we called it the "Pucker Factor" (I will leave the definition up to your imagination) The higher the "Pucker Factor" the less likely individuals or fireteams would be in a mood to return fire. Until direction of incoming fire and places to hide from that fire are determined, even well trained personnel will not function for some period of time. I guess the answer is, don't get ambushed!!! [ October 24, 2002, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. What bothers me about that is.. how did he find out????? [ October 24, 2002, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. Is that the one about the mercenaries? or is it a new movie with the same name?</font>
  15. Is that the one about the mercenaries? or is it a new movie with the same name?
  16. Hey genius there is only one "l" in "useful", however there are three "s's" in "useless" and that what your posts are. Are you sure that English is one of your six languages? Or are you just really a semi-literate pain in the ass. Oh, and Babbette Boy, compared to this dope, you are a ray of sunshine.... do you make chocolate chip cookies? Edited to correct spelling, you know "people in glass houses, etc...." [ October 23, 2002, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  17. Excellent work Mr. Cheese, just Dl'd SU 152, looks wonderful in-game.
  18. dalem in a black leather cat suit, Papa talking about punishment... Welcome to the seemier side of the MBT (And you thought we couldn't sink any lower.) Fairly soon MrSpnkr (hence the name) will bring out his whips and ball gags, OGSF will wander in wearing pasties and wing-tips and continuing in his western motif, Joe will once again grace us with his presence by wearing chaps with no pants. Me, I'm going out for a coffee.</font>
  19. Once again, the man does not disappoint, as he speaks like a true Texas Shyster.
  20. Maybe your catsuit is too tight in the crotch, maybe Boo_ would be kind enough to let it out for you.....waddaya say Boo_ !!
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