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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Boo_Radley is whipping me in our battle, he has knocked out several tanks, and has routed my infantry with ease.....I feel somehow he is cheating....did the Russians have T-62 tanks in 1942?... something is wrong,
  2. Why can't we all speak the same English? Yes, Persephone I would love a glass of wine, how about four glasses? I brought along some shrimp cocktail, that goes well with humiliation.
  3. Gamey Report: It is with heartfelt sadness that I report the surrender of my Red Army units to Malakovski who soundly whipped my (fanny,butt,ass) like a worn-out mule. However I would like to say that the map he created had my hapless units defending a sink hole, while his 88mm toting Panzers blasted me from ranges out to 1000 meters, from a giant ridge line which he obviously built into the map for just such an occasion. We plan a rematch, where his set up zone will be on a lake surrounded by mountains loaded with hidden anti-tank guns and katyusha rockets.
  4. I was so entralled by Joe's vapid, witless opening to the MBT that I managed to incinerate two White Castle burgers in the microwave. They were reduced to unrecognizable blackened globs of meat, bread and paper wrapping. The house smells, there is smoke everywhere. Well see ya. [ November 02, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  5. Joe Shaw You sir, are an apostle of the obvious, if you read its previous post in reponse to me..... "Thank you for excluding me from your list. Shouldn't you be sweeping snow of the streets or somefink ?"... it was displayed there that Noba is clearly not functioning on all cylinders, since I thought my post included all Ozzstraylians, and New Zoolanders to boot. Perhaps it is not his fingers that are shoved up his nose, maybe crayons? Edited to add: Oh my suppose "crayons" means something entirely different is Ozzstraylian English? [ November 02, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. I can see small guns being reverved, because they are light and the crew could be able to lift the stabilizers and pull it backwards. Larger guns would be more of a problem IMHO. Excellent point though.
  7. Must have been a big night in the "land down unda" A dearth of posts from the assorted, dysfunctional, knuckledragging, Ausssies and Kiwis. I was hoping that their usual dim-witted contributions to this thread would rescue us from the English, "colloqial usage" discussion, that drifted through the Cesspool last evening, like a wiff of sewer gas.
  8. You know whats really a hoot? In America the Amish people call all other white Americans "Englishmen"
  9. Leave it to the Brits to screw up a perfectly good language, "fanny".....sheesh. "Hey mate, open your "bonnet" I want to check your oil" blimey they all must be daft. [ November 01, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  10. ...and what "statistics" are those, do tell? I believe we have discussed the numerical untrustworthiness of S.L.A. Marshall's "Men Against Fire" findings before. All the best, John.</font>
  11. IMHO, I dont't think that WWI infantry, consistently crossed large expanses of open terrain. Most accounts describe massive and long running artillery bombardments of opposing trench facilities before an assault was conducted, and it usually was rolling ahead of the planned assault path, creating a moonscape of craters where men could hide and return fire as they advanced. From an historical point of view massed infantry assaults were the tactic of choice. Up until the American Civil War men were trained to fight shoulder to shoulder and pump massive amounts of aimed fire into opposing formations. In the American Civil War slaughter on a large scale resulted from using European formation tactics against aimed fire from long range rifled muskets, and more accurate artillery. The massed formations were used to steady the troops and keep them from the feeling of isolation that is more prevalent on modern battlefields. The advent of deadlier and more accurate infantry weapons caused the tight formations of old to disappear, in favor of the platoon,squad, fireteam concept. WWII, clearly demonstrates this concept, whereas the massed, human wave assault was more an abberation borne of desperation, than a valid military tactic. How can a computer simulation accurately model the sheer terror that one would experience when under aimed fire from a hidden enemy. I think that CMBB does a damned good job, and all this endless discussion, while very interesting and thoughtful misses the point. The terms used in the game to denote men under stress, i.e. shaken, broken, panic etc. are merely abstractions of real human experience. How the game engine causes an observable reaction in the effected squads is quite realistic IMHO, even though they don't exactly model actual human behavior. Statictics show that in most encounters by American Infantry on the Western Front, less than half of the men involved actually fired their weapons. What were those men doing? Probably, they were, shaken, broken, panicked, or routed.
  12. Nidan, you are mistaken. It is the Fair Emma. I'm too camera shy to post my own piccy! Persephone</font>
  13. Now, Persephone these pictures have me puzzled. In the first one, you have only four fingers on your left hand, in the second one you have five. Whats going on here, are you doctoring these shots? EEK! the third one is really troubling, and vaguely familiar. [ October 31, 2002, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. Do you like to kill flies with your sledgehammer, too? The preview is in a popup window, so if you have a pop-blocker, it won't work. Spare yourself 6 hours of installing and just turn the blocker off...</font>
  15. Speedy has some sort of gamey giant anti-tank gun.... took out three of my super Su's in the space of 7 seconds. Optics, schmoptics he's got to be cheating somehow. I feel like quitting now, but I wont because I have 45 more where those three came from, and I will shortly crush his pigs knuckle-eating, grey green, pixelated, slugs under the treads of my armor.
  16. I have found out what he is up to, I told you it was something truly evil. http://www.freethegnomes.com/
  17. Persephone , your kind words of reassurance are appreciated, but I do feel some big surprise is afoot! Something dark, something truly evil!
  18. Originally posted by Seanachai: This is getting very scary.. has his Prozac perscription run out? why is he looking for people to help? I don't like this at all.
  19. Gaylord, check out the flatscreens, if you have Sam's Clubs or one of those big outlet stores, they usually have something on sale. I got a nice Samsung 17" for $549 with a $50 rebate. Flatscreens are the way to go, no heat, small footprint, great display. If the price is not an issue, spend the extra money, you'll be glad you did in the long run.
  20. Oh dear. Fish in a barrel. Someone hand me the grenade launcher, the shotgun just isn't going to cut it this time.</font>
  21. Shouldn't it be loose more clankety things? You brainless Buckeye. Go Michigan!!! [ October 30, 2002, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
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