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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Then perhaps I should sling a setup your way, and let my uberkatzengrenadieren do the talkin' for me...would a QB or scenario from CD be to your likeing Herr Hubrist ? [ October 22, 2002, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Little known studio still featuring dalem as Julie Newmar's body double. (Sorry. I just had to do it.)</font>
  3. Veni Vidi Vici, got that off my Marlboro pack... wait a minute is that Latin or Italian?...hmmmm, something to do with the Romans anyway..weren't they Italians who spoke Latin, or was that the original Australian settlers?
  4. I will have to check my busy in-box then, you outback, Aussie twit, and perhaps I will send you a turn back, if I'm in the mood. Speedy: Do I owe you too, maybe the E-Mails stopped going to "Downunderlanden" [ October 22, 2002, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  5. Why is it so bright in here?... oh, Babbette Boy is still baking...what is it now? Lemon cookies for Berli ? Noba Did you disappear of the face of the earth? oh yeah, thats right, you're from Australia. Send me a turn!!!!
  6. You have all turned into a bunch of limp wristed, lilly livered, twits, and I am sick to death of the lot of you. You see the opportunity for a few baked goods, and you all roll (no pun there) over like dogs in heat, I am truly disappointed.
  7. Spoken like a true shyster. [ October 21, 2002, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  8. Hot damn!, a debate between a philospher and a banker, one uses words that have no meaning, the other uses numbers no one can understand. Sort of like watching two unfortunate blind men trying to pummel each other.
  9. I still play both, in fact I am involved in two CMBO tournaments, and why not? both games are great.
  10. See, what did I tell you, just read Malakovski's post above: [ October 21, 2002, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  11. Maybe for an anthem we should go with the George Harrison favorite "I, Me, Mine", being that this place is full of egotistical, self-centered, pontificating louts, it is only fitting we sing of selfishness. "All I can hear, I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me mine, even those tears, I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me mine. No one's fighting or leaving it, everyone's breathing it, growing more strongly than wine, all I can hear, I, me, mine."
  12. Who left the door open again? Anything can wander in then.</font>
  13. Please don't waste the few thoughts you may have left in that pea brain of yours on our account.
  14. What kind of a scumbag do you take me for? I'd charge her full price, just like anyone else. Sheesh. Aussies. Go figure. Steve</font>
  15. Hiram, there is no way to make sense of things like this, or to try to rationalize the unfairness of human existence, but you have to persevere and not let the things you cannot control poison you to the truly good things in life, like friends. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  16. Did she weed? or did she say weed? Maybe she thought that drinking all that woolite was far more harmful for you than an occasional toke. [ October 19, 2002, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  17. Are you a pothead Gaylord?, do you believe in Puff the Magic Dragon? send me a turn.
  18. Originally posted by Simon Elwen Get real, you dont think bankers know how to read an atlas..do you, and by the way isn't Trinidad near Tobasco or something? You know Couva? Ya Mon pass the ganja.
  19. Boo_Drudgery : I sent you one last night you ox, did you not get it.? Check your feckin' in-box, otherwise you will have to wait until later, when I get home and check my out-box.
  20. Originally posted by MrSpkr: Are you home with Boo_Radley, you mentioned something about "dysentery"?
  21. Everyone knows that WWII tank designers left the rear of the tanks with less armor "clad" because they did not want the operators driving around the battlefields in reverse. That is Grog 101, everyone knows this, I'm surprised that the dope who wrote that review did'nt know this.
  22. Good morning all you gamey twits, A quick report of games in progress; Noba: After an initial difficulty with set-up he finally got all the IS-3s and katyusha rocket batteries he needed to feel comfortable, it won't help however. Boo_ : No contact yet but shortly he will feel my wrath. Malakovski: Opening salvos... one wheeled AC obliterated, possibly a Stug or MkIV as well, he said it was luck. but he still does not know where the fire is coming from, Gaylord: Unfortunately he selected the wrong road to travel on, at least 5 assorted T-34 types with mounted infantry lay strewn on the steppe, compliments of a neatly concealed kitty kat. He displays much bravado, but my infantry assault is even now descending on the sleepy village he is charged with defending. Speedy: Opening moves, no contact as of yet. Nestor: Has still not sent a set-up, he is probably still stranded on that chandelier.
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