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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Hey guys we are getting dangerously close to violating the no politics rule...let's let it go OK?
  2. I don't often see the words "kill the liberals" scrawled on the walls of my neighborhood.
  3. Try different words with the same meaning. I imagine that 'Communist' would have a roughly equal meaning for the 60's and 70's USA. </font>
  4. Nah, Confucious say; "Once you grab them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow"
  5. Believe me, that "hearts and minds" thing is a bunch of crap.
  6. I guess it would be pretty hard to be polite when you are breaking into someone's home and searching it for bad guys or weapons. I find it odd that the military, especially the Corps would go through so much trouble to teach young Marines about Islamic culture, maybe it should be the other way around, I don't remember growing up in the States calling anyone else an "infidel" When I wwent to Vietnam, all I was told was to shoot back at the people shooting at me. When that wasn;t happening and there were Vietnamese people around, I treated them as I would have liked to be treated. Armed men, wandering through a neighborhood, anywhere in the world, are usually going to be treated with hostility and suspicion. What matters that they know local customs?
  7. I remember the one you are talking about..someone had posted the link to it on this forum a while back. What I don't recall was whether or not it was from Fallujah. US Army troops were surely in the area of Fallujah, but they were in support roles during the November 2004 final assault on the city. Get a copy of the book I mentioned in my earlier post. It gives some real insight into the political and military machinations that took place during 2004 as related to the Fallujah situation.
  8. My God, the man is relentless....like a terminator? Gives new meaning to the movie line.."I'll be back" However, I think Steve might find the new name catchy and more marketable... Comblat Mission:Schlock Force
  9. What videos and how do you know these videos are from the Fallujah battle? </font>
  10. The game isn't even out yet. I think you mean to say "let the rest of us get on with our wild speculation about game features, whining about the subject matter, and boasting about our own military service." Isn't that what the Peng Thread is for, in any event? Only with a twist; they speculate about each other's genitalia, whine about the Outerboarders, and boast about their literary skillz (w00t!)...or maybe that was speculate about each other's literary skillz, whine about their genitalia, and boast ...no wait, that's not quite right either.... </font>
  11. Operation Phantom Fury October and November of 2004, was conducted by RCT-1 and RCT-7 USMC. With RCT-1 was A and B Co. 2-7 Cav and C Co. 3-8 Cav, both Army units. With RCT-7 Was TF 1-5 Infantry and TF 1-5 Cav. and 759th Composite MP Bn. also US Army Units. There were also various Iraqi units attached. By and large the main combat power of the Fallujah Operation was provided by the Marines. This info. came from the book "No True Glory" A Frontline Account of the Battle for Fallujah, By Bing West
  12. Please don't bother me, I must go feed Vaal...Vaal is hungry...please let me go!!!
  13. Uh, pasta was not invented in the West at all. It was brought back from China by Marco Polo on his return in late 13th. century (I think; forget the exact date, possibly the very early 14th. century). I have no idea how long the Chinese had been eating it by then, or if whether they in fact invented it or learned of it from some other race. But it's a pretty safe bet that it's been around for a thousand years. Michael </font>
  14. Homo erectus was an early species of Homonid...he used fire and was able to fashion primitive tools such as stone axes and knives. There are fossil remains of this early cousin of ours, so some evolutionist didnt just make him up to piss off the creationists. He doesnt look anything like NG cavscout either...he was not that beefy, being that pasta was not invented until the late 19th century in the west. This early man lived on this planet for nearly one million years....think about that one million years . That's a long time...look at all of the advances Homo Sapiens has made in the last 50 years alone. Well in that huge chunk of time...Mr Erectus did not display enough imagination or brain power to figure out how to put that stone axe on the end of a stick. There are no bits of evidence to indicate this. I don't know what the point of all this is, but I thought you might find it interesting.
  15. The 50 caliber M2 Machine gun is probably the oldest weapon in the US arsenal. How could you ban something that has been killing for so long? That would be like saying that you couldn't spit in a Fedeyeen's eye before you ran him through with a bayonet, because spitting at someone can spread germs, and might be considered biological warfare.
  16. Which goes to prove what impressive people we all are. stikkypixie and Aussies excepted of course.
  17. I suppose that the Islamic cavalry that invaded southern Europe from Spain would have complained that the Frankish heavy infantry was "fighting with unfair weapons and tactics" as the flanks and legs of their horses were cut and slashed by heavy swords and pikes as they attacked. Its all propaganda...if you are killed by a 5.56mm bullet, or by a 1lb. piece of fragment from a 500;b bomb, it makes little difference to the dead. Adding additional comments after reading more of this thread: In my military experience WP artillery shells were used mostly for spotting, drop a few WP rounds, get the range, and then fire HE for effect. Now, reading that quote about so called "shake and bake" missions...now while that sounds like how a typical American soldier would describe something. The mechanics of it dont make sense to me, perhaps I'm mistaken, but hear me out. Its been a long time since I've seen WP shells explode, but from my recollection they burst on the ground and send burning fragments of phosphorus into the air that have white smoke trails. Could someone explain to me how that effect would force individuals in fortified urban structures to run out in the open to be pulverized by HE? I dont believe there is any suffocating effects as would be found in a napalm strike. What I think is being described is the WP marking the general area for a follow on HE fire mission. Maybe the bodies with the burn marks were already dead and out in the open when the WP hit them. I dont believe that WP can burn through brick and mortar structures. However it can fix individuals in their positions and obscure their vision of an escape route, while making the open areas nearby generally dangerous to be in. My experience is that Media from all countries is generally ignorant about things military, and like most of us, death and destruction makes them squeamish and prone to get things incorrect. Of course that does not include Bigduke6 [ November 12, 2005, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  18. Let's quit beating around the bush (no pun intended). A women can fill a body bag just as ably as a man. The debate is whether or not they should be included in a game that represents modern combat. If America feels that it must send not only its young men, but young women as well off to war,just to satisfy some ridiculius notion of equality and political correctness. Then, by all means women should be represented in the new game.
  19. These are not the trick or treaters you are looking for.......
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