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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Lybia, aren't those the things in a woman's nether regions?
  2. That's pretty cool, except if you are battling aliens, the caustic blood and body pieces could theoretically get on the shooters at close ranges. Does anyone know if there is body armor available that is good against acid like alien blood?
  3. I'm neither a Finn nor an Ohioan, and that question certainly intrigues me. What I would suggest is don't get up in the morning. None of us will actually give a hoot, but I'm sure that all the lice and other vermin that inhabit your body will be glad to remain undisturbed.
  4. AAMRAMS? Those are for air-to-air combat. Do they have a secondary anti-radiation mission now? Michael </font>
  5. Yes, similar terrain to Iraq, built up areas in mostly flat featureless desert where things like weapons systems can be spotted easier. Unlike Yugoslavia, for example where direct visuals of targets was much more difficult and therefore more dangerous for the pilots. Iran could have a better air defense system than Iraq deployed, but who really knows these days. Syria, I would imagine probably has a mix of air defense systems similar to what Iraq had. Iraq's considerable air defenses proved ineffectual in GW1 and during the years leading up to the US invasion. Isreal bested the Syrian version in and around Lebanon and in the Bekka Valley. Iran has not been seriously tested since the Iran-Iraq war, so they are still an unknown.
  6. The point is that the Tor-M1 system is expected to engage anti-radiation missiles targeted at it. Whether this means that it will actually be able to shot down multiple HARMs in a few seconds is another question... Regards, Amedeo </font>
  7. All those spinning dishes are magnets for HARMS or AAMRAMS, is the tracking system active or passive? I seem to recall missle control radar and tracking equipment being prime targets during the Iraqi no fly zone days.
  8. Water is pretty heavy, approx. 8lbs per gallon, plus it sloshes around when momentum is applied. Might be OK for stationary barriers and such, but as armor on moving vehicles, not too practical I would think.
  9. I grew up in a Britain that was fighting a counter-terrorist war with the IRA, whose motto was "The ballot box in one hand, and the Armalite in the other". I watched many programs on TV showing Americans putting money into collection boxes to buy guns for the IRA. It was also quite difficult for Britain to extradite IRA suspects in America back to Britain to answer for their crimes. Many captured IRA men escaped prison and fled to the USA. Strangely enough, it was only after 9/11 that Americans really saw the IRA for what they truly were - terrorists through and through. America is perfectly justified in going after the terrorists who planned 9/11. However, as most Americans seem to forget, Iraq had nothing at all to do with it. </font>
  10. Lets face it...what US troops are facing in Iraq is a mixed bag. Mostly untrained, but still quite capable of inflicting lethal harm. Disinfranchised teenagers who are sucked into the jihad thing, criminals who are looking to make a quick buck, foreigners who want to kill Americans, former Baathist regime members who do not want to give up their power. Tribal factions who consider the Americans to be a threat to their ability to dominate other Iraqis. Then there are the hard core terrorist types, wherever they are from, Al Qeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah or any other number of Islamic terror groups. Did you ever see "Escape to New York" with Kurt Russel? That is how I envision what is going on in Iraq.
  11. It's about as interesting as watching re-runs of "Car 54 Where are you?" in Spanish.
  12. But not at the same time you see....try shaving your head, and then start walking backwards right away...and see what happens.
  13. Ga weg, stikkypixie of ik zal uw hoofd scheren en zal u loopt achteruit maken. See, I can make less sense in a language other than English.
  14. I hear that are using the threat of that at the new CIA torture camps in Bulgaria. Seems the terrorist prisoners are caving in in record numbers, since this technique was first used.
  15. Happy Birthday Dear Lady Rose, the tedium that is the Cesspool can sometimes twist the mind to forgetfulness. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday, as wonderful as anything can be in the company of you know who.
  16. Ten Marines reported killed by an IED near Fallujah...this looks like the tactic and delivery system of choice for the insurgents. I don't expect too many more pitched battles, like last year. However the constant negative impact of this type of news can only strengthen those who support a pull out of US Forces sooner rather than later. Militarily the insurgent factions cannot stand up to the US, but they can effect US public opinion a la 1968. Whether the US is winning or not doesnt matter, when the will of the US public is strained to the limit.
  17. There is no Nidan0, and there is only one Nidan1. Go here for more information
  18. What the hell is this, Music Appreciation 101? My Gawd you're pathetic. Joe p.s. Have I mentioned that your name is dumb? </font>
  19. I do like watching that fashion "don't" show with the chick with the big nose - she is smokey-hot. And since before your sun burned hot in space, I have awaited... Something intelligent to come from Boo's keyboard. </font>
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