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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Don't you watch "Lifetime"...there is a new product that gits rid of lazy boyfriends and general layabouts. The women love it...."Can't get your husband or boyfriend to get up off his lazy ass and clean the yard?....Use new patented "SOD AWAY"..guaranteed to get rid of the most entrenched couch potato" I thought it would be perfect for the new rules post. </font>
  2. Don't you watch "Lifetime"...there is a new product that gits rid of lazy boyfriends and general layabouts. The women love it...."Can't get your husband or boyfriend to get up off his lazy ass and clean the yard?....Use new patented "SOD AWAY"..guaranteed to get rid of the most entrenched couch potato" I thought it would be perfect for the new rules post.
  3. Ha!! Joe It seems that the Aussie contingent finds your duplicity and sneeriness to be tiresome...not the fact that I have exposed it. Even dalem plopped down his two cents...I was a little disappointed in him however...I was hoping he would make some reference to the "Guardian of Forever" or something like that, but he probably was overdosed on Cordrazine. In any case, Joe in deference to your age and fading mental skills, I will let this incident go, and speak no more of it!!
  4. Good evening...this is the Peng Challenge Thread a place where all sorts of wonderful people come to meet and greet. We talk about a lot of things....bring along your favorite topic, but make sure its not about your lowly self. Talk about your betters instead (that would be us), if you cant do that just sod away then!!! What???? still here...well then you might as well throw down a challenge. Only challenge lowly scum like yourself...never a Knight or an Olde One, and especially not one of the Ladies. Be careful to only use proper diction and spelling, else you become the subject of scorn and ridicule...come to think of it, you will be subject to scorn and ridicule in any case.
  5. Lars old pal, please be so kind as to verify the actual time that you posted this morning, so that once and for all this can be put to rest, and we can banish Joe Shaw to BOGEYLAND!!! </font>
  6. Lars old pal, please be so kind as to verify the actual time that you posted this morning, so that once and for all this can be put to rest, and we can banish Joe Shaw to BOGEYLAND!!!
  7. {SNEER} ... And I suppose that the words "quote" which you used in your so-called "copy" are just there for window dressing? Enough of this ... herewith ... a screenshot ... You're a sad excuse for a CessPooler, lad. Joe </font>
  8. Lies LIES all lies!!!!! I clearly stated that the above was a "copy" of the aforementioned post in question, not a "quote" in the usual sense of the meaning when referring to an action performed on this forum.
  9. I demand that Boo Radley and Lars be called to testify!!!! It is now 1645 EST, in case you want to falsify the time stamps again Joe . Here is a copy of my post. You can see that the time stamp on my edits look to be three hours earlier than my post time. You can clearly see that Joe doctored the timestamps for his own nefarious purposes. posted November 30, 2005 07:29 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Stuka: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Joe Shaw: You mispelled "controversy." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and "diarrhoea" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe in that poor excuse for English usage called "Oddstraylian" it is spelt the way you say, but not in the obviously superior American usage of the Mother Tongue. Oh...and Joe , I can call you Joe can't I? you wrinkled old prune...a title is much more meaningful when it is TAKEN, rather than given. Usurping a role in life has so much more value than actually working hard to get one...don't you think? However would someone such as yourself.... a man of rather obvious limitations in personality and intelligence...ever make it in life? I say TAKE what you want...or be left the dregs of life. Controversy is what makes the world go around....I'm very surprised that you didn't pick up on 'hestiant" [ November 30, 2005, 04:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ] -------------------- "Duty is as heavy as a mountain Death is as light as a feather" Grand Inquisitor, Spell Checker, and Grammar Grog of the Mutha Beautiful Thread [ November 30, 2005, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  10. Erm, well it would matter if yer from the Cocos Islands where half and hour is very important and since Nidan1 hasn't specifically stated that he is not resident in the Cocos Islands or Afghanistan or Mumbai or certain parts of Australia it is quite conceivable that a post could differ by half an hour? Besides, his grammar is still rather timeless. </font>
  11. My post was made at 0729 EST and edited at 0737 EST a mere eight minutes after the original post. Boo Radley's post, and in fact Lars' post as well were both time stamped 0906, which in my world is after 0737. I submit that Joe Shaw is playing for time, and is mocking me with no good reason.
  12. posted November 30, 2005 09:06 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Nidan1: Who could have known that my casual reply would have stirred up such a controversey. Now I know that Joe is a bit daft and prone to fits of verbal diarrhea, but you all know me to be quite reserved and hestiant to say a whole lot. You all go on with your evening...I'll just sit back and watch the goings on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This may not have been pointed out, but I just thought I'd jump on the band wagon and tell you that you spelled "hesitant" wrong too. And since you've taken the title of resident spell checker, why not take the title of resident illiterate nimrod. It's a bit closer to the mark. -------------------- Acting Auxillary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread What time does it say on this post? Not the time I posted, but the time copied from the thread.
  13. I'm lost.... you're doing black magic with time aren't you. [ November 30, 2005, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. Perhaps you are experiencing some temporal disturbances or maybe there is a rift in the Force, but please check the times again. Quick Joe ...when Mickey's big hand is on the 5 and his small hand is on the 7, what time is that?
  15. This may not have been pointed out, but I just thought I'd jump on the band wagon and tell you that you spelled "hesitant" wrong too. And since you've taken the title of resident spell checker, why not take the title of resident illiterate nimrod. It's a bit closer to the mark. </font>
  16. Playtesting is a pleasure when the material is as top notch as Tiger Valley was. Kudos Richie.
  17. Who could have known that my casual reply would have stirred up such a controversey. Now I know that Joe is a bit daft and prone to fits of verbal diarrhea, but you all know me to be quite reserved and hestiant to say a whole lot. You all go on with your evening...I'll just sit back and watch the goings on.
  18. BigDuke6, you make a really good point with this: Very true. The logical next step might be to say that many of our problems stem from having our soldiers be trained to be soldiers, not trained to be policemen. The next question to ask is, should we train some or all of our soldiers to be policemen? Is the world we now live in one where the every soldier must be capable of not only destroying an enemy force, but of acting as a peacekeeper/policeman? Should there be some soldier units and some police/peacekeeper units? A line of thought I think is worthy of exploration. </font>
  19. A mortar and an ATGM have two distinct and separate functions. I don't think I'm seeing any advantage to developing a one shot "fire and forget" mortar apparatus.
  20. I must admit that I am starting to agree with your assessment. The more reading I do about Iraq and its history, the more I see that a lot of what I personally thought would happen was so much wishful thinking. Its hard for me to admit that professional statesmen and military leaders in the US would be a naive' as me, but the possibility seems much more likely to me today, than it did two years ago. The Iraqis know themselves far better than we know them, so the possibility exists for a draw down of the insurgency if the American troops leave in large numbers. My fear is for a rise in the influence of foreign trouble makers, but in any event the Iraqis have to deal with these problems on their own sooner or later. Perhaps America should just chalk this up as another noble idea gone south and hasten the withdrawal of our people.
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