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Everything posted by Waaarg

  1. This discussion has moved way past my post, but just to respond, I did read your post, and I did ask for a hotfix in the NATO bug thread. Getting no response, I assumed it was more complicated than a simple fix.
  2. I'm with Erwin on this one, you can't hold PC game companies up to an unrealistic standard, esp smaller ones. BFC does an amazing job, and anyone who spends any time on the forums can see they care a great deal about their product. I would like to know an eta though on when we can expect a fix. The C2 bug is killing me (and it extends to other modules, not just NATO). I asked in another thread but didn't get a response. And I don't know why you deleted your campaigns.
  3. Is there any campaigns centered around a US Army Heavy(?) force?
  4. Thanks Pandur, I don't know why but what you said made the manual instructions click. Was really confused prior.
  5. Is there any hope we can get a C2/Equipment hotfix outside of the scope of the 1.31 patch? A very big part of me is happy for the bug, as it really did give me a much better idea of how C2 works. Is there any est date on the 1.31 patch itself?
  6. 1. "Better reactive AI" 2. "Better reactive AI" 3. "Better reactive AI" 4. "Better reactive AI" 5. "Better reactive AI" I really would like to see enemies react to units, and go up a flight or two in order to gain LOS. Would also like there to be less recon by fire. It's either recon by fire or recon by dying. I don't like it that a unit will say at the far end of a building, denying Los, while all around the their allies are engaged b/c of smaller houses. 6. Special Forces. Specops gets the lions share of the press and media, throw fans a bone. 7. AC130 - Nuffield said 8. Work around to 6, allow scene editors the ability to apply custom skins to any and all units, and rename the unit, leaders etc. 9 Deep unit details screen 10. Animations. Fast roping, FR breach, kicking dow doors.
  7. I hope you pick up the other modules. The bang for your buck with those 3, especially with the new bundle deal is probably the best I have seen in gaming. Especially with games now a days lasting 5-10 hours.
  8. Does anyone have a test map they use to test out Spotting, C2, and other related things? I tried for bit to create a map like TheVultures (map with 3 separate areas blocked by raised earth from each other) but couldn't manage it. Editors are my Achilles heel. Theres a bunch of things I'd like to test before I ask the community about it. Thanks
  9. Isn't TCP/IP RT the same as PBEM RT minus the e-mails? =)
  10. I don't know if it would work with infantry, but when I want a vehicle to scan multiple directions, or fire on two targets but stay hull down, I issue small orders from its original position, to its original position (repeat as necessary, though for vehicles I haven't found much beyond 2 of em). Assault command might work for this with cover arcs behind when they are moving away from contact. If not, we unfortunately won't see any new features in Shock Force, though in Normandy and beyond....
  11. I brought this up in Sept (and I'm sure its been brought up before that). Heres the thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=93253
  12. Ah I misread what you said, the mounting/dismounting bug in my thoughts at the time. What about binocs though? I know some units are missing them, but haven't seem anything on if that was intentional or not. I haven't seen anything on units losing them (or they are present on only the SL).
  13. Here is a really good recent thread. I found it very helpful. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=93303
  14. IDK if its possible to do on thread creation, but this sure looks like the double post was an accident.
  15. I thought this initially, but b/c of the Binocs being missing too, and the other 3 units in the platoon who had SL all had both Binocs and radios I don't think this is because of the bugs mentioned (the ones I saw, I didn't read every post). This was in the Canadian campaign, and none of the infantry were mounted. The other platoon on this mission, all were at full strength, and all equipment was present.
  16. Is it normal in NATO forces to lose binoculars and radios when the squad leader is knocked out? I assume that neither of these are recoverable via buddy aid, and my guess is that no one else is equipped with them. I noticed this only because a Canadian squad wasn't reinforced, and those two items were missing. I tested US forces, and the squad didn't lose access to them (assume whoever took command already possessed them) when SL went down.
  17. JasonC was awesome. He was instrumental in helping a lot of people to the other side of the curve, including me. The forums are a great source of info, and if you can't find an answer via search(I know of atleast two who cover mounting troops), there's a lot of helpful people who frequent the boards. The strategy sub forum also has a few guides that should be useful to new players.
  18. Wow that looks brutal. I've never had losses like that. Sounds like fun, I'll load it up tonight. Did you feel it was balanced for H2H? Always looking for scenarios recommendations for PBEMs.
  19. That would give the Germans 2x the AT power(as implemented). They would have to remove all the ammo at once in order to balance that out. I think the standard load out is 6, and I believe that would have to all go on one guy? The other option is to give Germans two functioning launchers, but this has so many issues (balance would be my main one, but thats probably far down on the list with this crowd hehe) its not viable imho.
  20. I don't know if this is a bug, but I haven't ever seen this happen without cover arcs in place. I had a Fennek spot a Syrian squad with about 35 seconds left in the turn. It was unbuttoned at the time (which I doubt has anything to do with it), was in C2, and was not under fire. I issue a target command, and it sits there for the next 12 seconds, when a BDR shows up and only then does it move. It rotates, slams it into reverse, buttons, then just as quickly unbuttons. I have both save files, though again, not sure if this is a bug, or just because the dutch troops are complete crap in this particular battle (dutch oven). This particular crew was -2, Green, rested, +1 Ok.
  21. I went left, and avoided the right for most of the mission. Eventually you have to have some attention there, but I had overwatch and a fresh arrivals and dealt with the right side surge. The compound on the right is only dangerous if: A) You don't explore the outside walls If any of there units get a bead on your vehicles I had one warrior sit outside the walls, kill what needed badly to be killed, and none of the inf that had RPGs ever attempted to go high and get LOS on it. And since I never drove by the opening, nothing bothered my troops. If you go for surrender, you never have to worry about it. Use infantry to assault suppressed infantry and do it quickly as you will need your HE ammo throughout the mission and can't afford to waste them hitting walls and ground infantry are fighting from. And in one particular area (middle left), use your infantry to peek over and suppress hiding infantry waiting to ambush (reverse slope) and then rush a warrior or Scimitar up on their flank to destroy them. Keep a close eye out for big splashes that signal ATGMs and get as much fire on them as you can to knock them out quickly. And knowing where and when the enemy reinforcements will come from after a few playthroughs will help you get your units where they need to be to put lead downrange and take em out. My first playthrough I made the mistake of going down the middle and was ambushed repeatedly and casualties were high. Switching tactics, going left, and operating my vehicles in teams of 2-4 (except the lone warrior that went outside the compound on the right), it was fairly easy.
  22. I'd play British first. The UK forces were hard to adjust to, and I really didn't like them initially coming off the USMC campaign. You have to really be mindful of ammo when playing them. The USMC and the NATO forces all have IFVs and AFV's that can really suppress enemy infantry. The UK also has no native ATGM on their vehicles, so AT duties fall to the Challenger and Jav teams and to a minor extent FOs and FACs. The USMC is a very fun campaign, and the scenario designers really mastered the editor with the NATO release and it shows. But the UK campaign both have very interesting and challenging missions, and the forces, while a departure, are a pleasure to play. Anyhow thats my recommendation.
  23. Does it matter? **** seems to work =)
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