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Everything posted by Waaarg

  1. Ok thank god, I thought I was really dense for a while! I didn't notice before but all the names are wrong. Binocs are labeled AT-4, squad leader is called Kiowa warrior(had to look this one up, it's a helo), and some squads have garands. I installed Base, patched it up, then bought the bundle. Maybe that did it.
  2. Here are the in game names acquired , hence the confusion: Inf Weapons: M2A3 AT-3D Jeep M1A1SA TUSK AT-3D Jeep 40mm: 40MM Fitter C 40mm FV432 SMAW: 83mm FV432 83mm Flogger In the manual they have names like, "Hellhound" or "Draco", or the Acronyms such as HDEP. The 40mm ammo doesn't really need to be ID'ed, but I feel blind and deaf without knowing what is what for the other two. Knowing is half the battle =) - And thanks for the help, can't tell you how much I appricaite the helping hand that saw me through Flank Guard.
  3. I am glad I am not the only one =) I was on M3 of the Marine Campaign (Flank Guard) and was getting creamed when I posted. Search gave me a general plan (reverse slope defense), but your breakdown helped me understand how to utilize my assets. I just got a Total Victory (4 KIA, 4 Wounded), hats off to the scen designer. It was a real challenge. The issue I am having still though, is that there is no consistancy between the manual and the equipment names in the game. I understand the difference and the applications for the SMAW ammo and the M32 Grenade launcher, but don't know which is what because the names are different in game vs in the manual. Can someone link the 3 SMAW ammo in game vs Manual and the 2(?) M32 ammo in game vs Manual and the two disposable LAW options? There is a huge possibility that I totally missed it, but I have read the manual 6 times and Flogger for instance is not mentioned at all. Thanks
  4. Just picked up the Marine+Brit bundle and am trying to make the transition. The Javs were pretty self explanatory, but the Marines have 2 options. I have read the manual a few times and couldn't find the answer, can someone explain the applications of the two AT options marines have available from their LAVs? Also, the LAVs store more than the INF squads have slots for special equipment. If I take them all, will it count? Or is it hard fixed to the number of slots shown in the interface? I was also wondering about small arms ammo as well. Can I take 3000 rounds when there is full ammo and it count, or will those rounds be wasted? Thanks
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