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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Have you tried to speak to it? Seems in a bad mood.
  2. Hmm I'm a little worried about the pile up of titles to be released. While it sure is a good thing, Nomandy seems to be at least half a year away since I guess at least a couple of months will be needed to fill the gaps between the titles. Marketing wise it wont be quite sensible to release two titles very close to each other even if the game is 100% complete.
  3. I really hope Steve's need for vacation will be a decisive factor for at least a mid summer release
  4. Wow...These few shots look more rich and interesting than a whole CMSF map. Shadows seem more solid, buildings and soldiers look great! And are these non disappearing distant trees??
  5. Too bad he wont get to play CM:A and bring back the good old days That photo reminds of a "Rambo" scene where Stalone rides along with his Talib.. err Muhajedeen buddies. BFC should include horses just for recreating this!
  6. Stinger manpads? Does this mean there is AA modelled?
  7. You could well be right Are there bolt action weapons in the modules?
  8. If my eyes dont fool me I think I spotted a new animation for bolt rifles in some of the screenshots. this:
  9. From the screens it doesnt look like the proper water promised for CM:N but rather some impassable "water" tile like marsh, etc.
  10. Well, I guess if they had the new QB system in, they would be huge headlines about it in "features". So my bet is its the same broken CMSF QB generator. It is too big to keep it as a suprise. EDIT: Hmm the above Moon's (no) comment is interesting though
  11. Wow! Russian spetsnaz, Shilkas, ZSUs, bolt rifles!! This is looking awesome. Thanks Moon!
  12. Ugly things..I prefer to ride my bike
  13. So sad. I won't be able to sleep tonight.
  14. Of course, corruption is older than democracy. But somehow I feel that even Saddam wouldnt allow such a ridicilous buy. Iraqis seem much more prone to fall victims of imported scams since the invasion. I'm guessing the detector is just the tip of the iceberg.
  15. Well its easy. You bribe some corrupt "expert" officials and viola, a nice fat contract of 85 m $. Democracy in Iraq is a nice thing
  16. +1 to that. All these nice features made CMx1 a better game experience overall.
  17. I don't get this. A basic map generator can serve as a base (elevation/roads/vegetation) and then the user can fill in the blanks adding the finer details the new mesh allows. Roads should also be easier to make, in click and drag fashion.
  18. That's a great idea too. Dense Woods should automaticaly add some kind of underbush/leaves layer underneath to make trees blend with the terrain and not look out of place. But to be honest I'm not very optimistic about the trees in CM:N. Just read what Steve wrote in another thread: "And this from a guy who thinks cutting down and hauling a couple dozen trees out of the forest is fun!"
  19. If BFC gets only distant trees and flames/smoke columns right, game will already look twice as good as CMSF. I could be worng but it doesnt sound like a ton of work.
  20. That's true. But I'm mainly talking about the tree LODS of CMSF, the bitmaps that pop up once you have distanced the camera pov. Once you go down trees look fine with detaild branches etc. I think CM Normandy would benefit from such an approach. Its a gameplay thing as well because the game is "what you see is what you get" and sometimes the thin looking woods make you believe your forces are exposed while in reality you are sitting in the middle of Schwarzwald
  21. Would be nice if woods had more volume and less distortion. And fading (not disappearing) in the distance. Here is a game that got it right without making it "unplayable" : Maybe an extra layer of horizontialy placed bitmaps(now only a single vertical) would do the trick.
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