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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Hamachi is a lan emulator. and works as a lobby/chat too: http://www.filehippo.com/download_hamachi/ Ideal for people who have hosting problems with their routers. I have made one network (see above), hope its not full yet (50ppl max limit)
  2. Huhr, you can join one of our hamachi groups, CMSFLOBBY, pass: Damascus
  3. Oh my..how can someone be so unlucky. Damn..
  4. Well you can find better:Taliban! Simple "uniforms" and almost no tanks at all. I think they are winning right now. Very good if you also take into acount their terrible marksmanship:
  5. Is this "I'm more sensitive than you" type of posting? Or just tasteless trolling? In any case, you are in the wrong thread dude.
  6. How on earth can you lose a war with such cool uniforms?
  7. Hmm, nobody talked about actual lethality. I'm talking about "supression effect", volume of fire etc. CMN should take into account not only the superb rate of fire of MG42s but also the psychological impact they had on enemy troops back then. Let's not forget that today's over admiration existed back then too with a form of exaggerated fear of "tigers" ,"88s" and "MG42s". I actually suspect german HMGs is the only thing hollywood got (almost) right Of course I'm not talking about speech bubbles with "OMG sarge MG42s!!" and instantly vanishing units but making troops a bit more reluctant of sprinting 100m to the next trench under MG crossfires (and yes it happens in CMSF quite often). From my long experience with all CMBO/BB/AK and CMSF games, I believe a good balance would be a cross between CMBB/AKs somewhat overeffective MGs and CMSF's weaker ones. Thats my humble opinion of course and maybe I'm thinking too much of CMx1 but I just cant get past the feeling that my CMSF MG gunners are firing in the air and not grazing fire on running troops. Like the engine is handling them as small arms aimed fire, while I imagine their real life role is different?
  8. Will HMGS like the mg34/42 provide a bit more supression than the MGs in CMSF? Sometimes I feel its rather easy for your infantry to make 50+m sprints from cover to cover under constant MG fire with no noticeable supression effect. While I think in CMBB it was a bit exaggetated with infantry pinned down and crawling from very long distances, I expect mgs to be more capable of area denial in CMN compared to what they are now. Surely back then the psychological impact from a rapid firing gun in a "rifles world" was bigger than it is today and maybe one of the reasons they seem dumbed down in CMx2. I admit I do miss that extra tactical puzzle when faced with a scoped MG42 and more the sense of security when having a couple of these on your flank
  9. Just put back the values from CMx1 and we are ok Variable rarity (and variable experience) a must. It allowed variety and each purchase was a game on its own. Otherwise we are going to see endless sherman75 vs panzers. Also, another idea is to generate a couple random "bonus" units, like a recon car, a sniper, a bren tripod..ehmm..you get the point. Every big kid loves suprises Or how about some random reinforcment group? A platoon of inf, a tank, anything. That would allow a mix of cherry pickin and unprectability. CMSF is great right now..cant imagine what a game this would be with some CMx1 flavour back. And there is a LOT of things I miss, from the misIDs to sound contacts and Plt leader special abilities. I think the problems with CMSF, were 1st, lack of time/resources (eg semi finished QB system) and 2d the attempt to make something over sophisticated and serious, closer to a military simulator and less to a wargame. Like a rock band that makes a hugely succesful debut and then rejects it like an "immature" creation and produces a 2nd very technical but not so strong at heart. 3rd album always hits the right balance
  10. Pff, its so much easier to do this by d/ling a tan mod in your "z" fodler.
  11. It is a problem with quick battes too. When i choose tiny/small I get something like 20:00 limit which is crazy for a non pausing online session. Sometimes when I was playing some super crucial turns in CMx1 TCP/IP my opponent and I needed that time for a single game minute! And CMSF demands even more attention to details with the 1:1 and laser weapons. Plus, I'm getting older
  12. It seems noone has played TCP/IP here. Some scenarios cannot even be played if designed with no pause in mind. Its a different universe attacking a well prepared position in 30 well thought out intervals and the same scenario in 30 min of rolling time. Imo, they should be even different time limits options for each mode.
  13. Btw I didn't say I didnt enjoy those long TCP/IP WeGo sessions. These were the best pc gaming moments of my whole life
  14. Well think of a wego, with a paused planning phase but with the ability to interfere when the action starts. Large scale combined moves would be possible but you would be able to fine tune things on the go. If a rolling replay of some secs would be possible, then it would be a dream mode. Right now, online RT is 1/10 of the fun CMx1 TCP/IP was because all of the depth and fun of watching little details is lost. WeGO TCP/IP is better from nothing though. It is just that I can't go back to those 5 hours TCP/IP sessions. If nothing serious is happening you should be able to skip and play in pure RT and save some social life :-)
  15. Yes I do. If not WeGO, at least a real time pausing hybrid. Something that can blend the depth of wego and the adrenaline of RT.
  16. Yep..Just release the campaign as a patch afterwards. Personally I can't stand playing single player anymore in ANY game, when multiplayer can offer 10x times more excitment. We only need an online lobby to get ppl out of the basements
  17. Its not the same. I want a bus like this: Can your uncon taxis do that? nope... On a serious note, I'd like to see more flavour as well. At least in Normandy I expect tractors, vintage trucks and cars etc.
  18. COH is a great game in my opinion. Not every wargame needs to be 100% realistic. Chess isnt. There is some serious thought put in the gameplay and balance issues with some touches of realism (cover, flank/rear shots, supression). Combined with spectacular visuals and superb online support, it is by far the best RTS I have ever played. CMX2 on the other hand feels like loosely focused, with the most thought put on the realistic mechanics of the units and firepower. Like a set of miniatures in a box but with no instructions. IMHO CM Normandy needs some injection of "game" elements to avoid the seriousness and simulation feel thats so dominant in CMSF. It's still some way to 100% 1:1 realism, till then some tricks should feel the gaps.
  19. It seems some braindead marine celebrated this by beating an orhtodox priest http://thinkprogress.org/2009/11/10/reservist-attacks-priest/ Dont watch too much FOX!!
  20. Game is not cancelled, it will be published by JMM himself I think. Check out Histwar forum.
  21. Still, world in conflict a mainstream RTS was about reds invading US soil in the 80s. For me, 67-73 Arab-Israeli wars seems like the most attractive setting. Historical and a good balance in weapon lethality from upgraded shermans to slow moving Saggers. I hope some day an Israeli based software house would make that kind of module for CMSF.
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