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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. I was wondering if terrain graphics will eventually get a face lift compared to CMSF. Will the 3d world feel improved or mostly different textures will be the change on an otherwise unchanged base? Things like: Trees 3D modelling. I'm hoping for better visuals. Mass of trees/woods dont look very convincing now due to the 3d distortion of 2d bitmaps. Combined with a lack of base "woods" texture and the problems with draw distance the result is not satisfying on "greener" maps, which i guess will be the majority in Normandy. Elevation highlighting. I have edited most hilly maps in CMSF to clear skies and set time around early morning/late afternoon to get the best possible shadowing and help distinguish small hills which otherwise are impossible to spot. Is there any thought to put a permanent, ambient secondary lighting source to help with this? Depth of field. Haze and desaturating of tones in the distance. (distant objects-cooler hues) Buildings. I know they are going to be more detailed compared to the CMSF ones. Any changes though on the damage effects like rubble falling on nearby streets etc? SFXs. Will we see a little more variety? And less flash/more flying dirt? Some better flames/smoke maybe.. Random skins on vehicles. State of water modelling. Some things were promised others not so but hope BFC did eventually find the energy, resources and time to fill some gaps in the visual department. Thanks
  2. What do you think I'm doing all day? 3 years of rubing and we finally have a decent CMSF game. This time I'll hand it back to Aladdin though, I think he has better technique.
  3. Personally, I was more or less satisfied with the random map genarator in CMx1. Sometimes it produced some real gems. With the new finer mess its hard to go back of course but I eagerly await for the mega tile implementetion.
  4. "Noooooo..I can only imagine how horrible this is (although, to be honest the last film I saw was in 1968)..Does he at least eat bananas? Bananas are good."
  5. "You know guys...I kinda miss those old CMx1 days." "Yeah..I'm still trying to understand why Steve never phoned us back. Everyone loved our QB maps.." "And who is Mark Ezra??"
  6. Hope prisoners will raise hands too. Every detail counts, the (!) is bad enough for the 1:1 scale.
  7. Well, if we get natzee flying saucers I will have no problem with javelins Btw, if BFC runs out of WW2 module ideas (still a bit difficult i reckon ) it will be nice to make something different, like Luca's Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. A module with JS3's, Maus, night fighting panthers, goliaths, etc. Something like Combat Mission: John Kettler's war
  8. Heheh...I think BFC should include a Daniel Jackson vs Friedrich Zoller duel scenario. When Ostfront comes we can also add some other siniping celebrities like Vassili Zaitsev and Major Koenig
  9. lol yes..But then the boards will cry and whine for overmodelling of the uber nazi snipers
  10. You mean that the main hero could be russian spetsnaz or something? Have you seen the movie?
  11. Well they say don't judge a book from its cover. Trailers can make a horrible movie look great and a good one look lame.
  12. Big mistake. I'm not a fan of Tarantino's pointless violence and I hated the trailer and thought this must be the most braindead movie ever. I was wrong. The trailer shows only what an average joe would like. "Scalpin Nazis oh yeah". Then the actual film turns this upside down for the reasons I explained before. Imo its great cinema.
  13. Thanks Gpig glad you like them! I'm a fan of your sketching These are random panels from a comic of mine. It was drawn on paper with inks and then colored with Wacom&Photoshop using watercolor texture and brushes to give it a less digital look. I have a small experience in commercial storyboarding but I pretty much try to do everything from comics/illustration/children's books. Still rather an amateur in the pro field though.
  14. Heheh good catch, I knew I had no luck to get away with this in this forum. What could I do, it was in the script
  15. Hey if BFC want some help with art I have some experience in military themed illustration/comics
  16. Waiting for Normandy is so boring..Can we in the meanwhile start a voice competition making a collection of self recorded "Die Krauts!!" or "Amerikana swheinen" wavs? Who's going first? I would but my micro needs replacement
  17. Can we have some from Company of Heroes please?: "I heard the nazis are all eight feet tall" or "I should had joined the navy" or "Looook..its raaaaaining"
  18. Why? Are you an imperialist? I think its a painstakingly crafted movie with superb attention to details. The story is not that original but it has good intentions and direct criticism on the corporate wars of US. Haven't seen any other hollywood movie that clear on the political message part. A good step from those silly blockbusters of the past like Independece day etc. Self-hatred hmm. It is still a Marine that is the hero of the movie, why should americans side with the subhuman personnel of that greedy multinational?
  19. Yair Iny, Israel did excellent if you ask me. But still, imo, a modern era without US political support wont be the same as back in the 60s. Israel might be a pocket superpower but is still a pocket sized state and almost seems like a lone isle in the middlle of an unpredictable sea. However, I got to agree with the superpower thing here too. I have no illusions that China or Russia will be better as world police. I would ideally still prefer a balance but not in the form of Cold war's balance of terror.
  20. Well, I think you are overestimating the value of our "modern world". I personally think Western world is in moral decadence. Take for instance the US. Individualsim, aggressiveness, corruption, commercialsim, materialsitic values, art decay and uneven split of wealth. It won't take long till such ill societies come down. A friend of mine has spent some years in Manchester and he wonders why Britain still exists. People's highest hour is to kill their brains drinking in pubs like there's no tomorrow. Thats not a very positive approach to life. Why should Arabs with a far richer culture adapt to it? Jews have always been very capable in maintaining cohesion, wealth and power but their state is only some years old, so dont rush to judge their success. Once US isnt able to spend zillions of dollars in world policy action, Israel will be left alone against its sworn enemies. I'm not sure nuclears will save the day.
  21. Yes I admit quite an overused cliche' but not an exaggeration either as history shows And BigDuke has an interesting point. I always thought war is the last resort of capitalism. When things don't go well for the markets a war is a guaranteed way out. Think how WW2 transformed in crisis USA to a superpower making an almost laughable army the most well equipped and powerful of the 20th century with huge military contracts and worldwide exports. Since WW2 people have died in meaningless wars with the only profits being on the side of the war&reconstruction businessmen. That's the sole reason for constantly inventing new enemies to keep people on alert. Terrorism is the new trend, as it was communism&capitalism. I'm quite skeptical of what this new crisis will bring as sometimes I take world peace as granted. An advanced nation like America went to war with Iraq based on fake propaganda materials like WMDs. Hopefully a WW3 wont be as easy to ignite. I guess europeans have learned the hard way that war isnt about CGI graphics. Or at least I hope so.
  22. Can someone shed a light on why Jews from the age of Pharaohs to Hitler and today's Mid East have been a constant target of hate/pogroms/killings? This sort of "witch hunting" is quite bizarre and unique in human history.
  23. I think BFC should have a look at games like Dune 2. Worms make a game so exciting.
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