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mike the wino2

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Everything posted by mike the wino2

  1. Looks like someone has recovered AND is off his medication. Welcome back MG
  2. Becket you are absolutely right. In fact I think you should drive all of your future reinforcements off the map and you won't have to worry about all those pesky units to move around. Oh wait, I just waxed like 5 AFVs. That should reduce the number of units you have to deal with. You are welcome. Dave H is hunkering down for an ice storm in his cozy little abode. I sent him a care package of FLAMING-HOT-ALL CONSUMING-TNT . That should warm his cold black heart. Cheers.
  3. Nice to see Soddball get his due. The pile of ****e he foisted on Becket, Dave H and myself is truly the doings of a mad man.
  4. Gawd dammit all to hell!! All right, I wanted to finish (actually start) aforementioned game with one Berli but having been completely ignored I must try another route. I am guessing that if I play enough games with the rest of you turds Berli von Wankis will deem me fit for a game. That's if the stench doesn't overpower me first. So here goes, mcgivney you strike me as the sort of lad who couldn't find his arse with a map, a compass and 3 field guides. As a SSN you are completely qualified to help my quest to battle the ancient troll himself. Whilst I am forced to endure this task, methinks Vadr might make useless opponent as well. Wadda ya say there junior?
  5. PAGE 2 AGAIN?!?!? WTF? All right once I can see but twice in 2 days. You pack of brainless, half-wits have to put forth some kind of effort. For the love of Pete (or sheep in Becket's case) this isn't something as trivial as work or family...IT' FECKIN' CMBB!!! Now, let's not have this happen again. Becket is playing Indy 500 while I am attempting to figure out what gains you get by driving all over hell and back again. And I swear I saw the General Lee from the Duke's of Hazard race past one of my positions...oh wait that's just one my HTs on fire from my troops. Way to go team. Dave H has informed that he has me "right where he wants me"....*shudder*. I will now forever regret one of my previous remarks. If I see you parked in front of my house I am calling the cops. On a lighter note, if having 2 of your clankity bits reduced to scrap constitutes a major tactical advantage on your part, keep it up General Rommel. [ February 15, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  6. I really like the new features but I miss the Western Front. With enough mods you can spruce up CMBO to make it look cooler but you are still missing the new features. This is not a big deal for and I play each game with their respective stregths and weaknesses in mind. Conclusion: Buy both you will not be disappointed in either and each is special in its own way. BTW, I will take on people looking to PBEM CMBO or CMBB. Email addie in profile.
  7. I see one Berli-Poo has floated to the top like some rotting, fetid, corpse...oh wait that is precisely what he is. Now after entering into the "Berli Got Drunk and Did Something Stupid (or normal as the case may be)" thread I was offered a chance to battle with the dim wit himself. After a slowish start, with all the artillery in Rodina raining down on my hapless uber-truppen, in a map of Berli design the basthiche buggered off. The ever generous turd even offered to surrender. THAT IS NOT WHAT I SIGNED ON FOR!!! Now I want a game damnit. Stop sulking around molesting small mammals and send me a setup. And not one those pieces of ****e you hoist off on others. Should your grey matter be incapable of finding aforementioned scenario perhaps Soddball could be convinced to put something together. After playing one of his scenarios I can guarantee that it will be a miserable pile of crap but at least it will be a miserable pile of crap for both sides. {editted because my rant wasn't quite finished} [ February 14, 2003, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  8. I see lazy people. Yea, all y'all suck. PAGE 2?!?!? I am outraged at you pack of mongrels. Not one of the entire lot could bring themselves to put down the malt liquor, stop oiling up their blow-up doll and bump this back up? You all sicken me. ...and turns went out gents.
  9. I will dl patch tonight so that we can continue this little love-fest in the dark.
  10. Turns out and again tonight, if you maggots are lucky. Becket is a giant turd. Me hates him forever. 2 of clanky bits are no longer functioning due to his slimy-vodka-swilling-sister-luvin-pinko-commie Russkie bastiches. Maybe I can convince him to surrender now. Whatta ya say there Becket? Call it draw and your little pixelated comrades march back to their collective farms without any furher losses? Dave H is in the process of urban renewal, but the first step looks like you burn the whole feckin town to the ground. In the process he broke my truck. :mad: This battle is going much better for yours truly. This one I definitely am looking forward to.
  11. Has it been a fortnight yet? I guess I have a few more days to get turns out. Turns out slow this week through the weekend as work is nutty and I have to paint the home office this weekend. This brilliant plan was scheduled by the in-house events coordinator.
  12. I am back turns out, received and out again. RL interfering with CMBB....most displeasing. :mad: F***ing idiotic neighbors....GAWD I HATE THEM!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Details forthcoming, possibly pictures too...what a saga this has become. Dave H forgot to mention that his little hamster-molesting-heathen-collective-tractor-driving-baboons were the target when I unleashed that tiny bit of flaming-all-consumed-mutha-luvin-flaming-TNT. They buggered off and have not been seen again. Becket appears to have a tank...a rather large Soviet tank. At least that is what I saw until my clanky bit got off a round..."track hit" and then gone again. I am noticing a trend amongst these marxist-scumbags, 1 shot and they scamper off like 3rd graders on the playground.
  13. Some mother-loving-TNT must leaked out of this computer and blown up my DSL service last night. Been down since 3pm today and its midnight now, just got on. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Turns tomorrow ladies. *late-night BUMP*
  14. OH LOOKEY...^^^...a MADDMATT SIGHTING. The "Chinese beaver" comment came from a Simpsons episode. Are you that far behind on your TV viewing?
  15. Actually I have seen them more in recent times than in the past. Examples: 1)MaddMatt's not so mad locking of the MG42 and "crew" thread. Nice! 2)Moon hopped on the knucklehead who was griping about not enough gore. Locked him up once and was back the BIG BAN in under an hour. 3)Today Steve popped up to rid the forum of another turd. In all cases they seem to be right on top of things. Either they are in the office working harder than Chinese beavers, or their internet connection from Hawaii is lightning fast.
  16. Oh no, Peck-at-it , you fail to realize the gunfire is the beginning. My glorious German hordes are letting loose bits of hot lead until they find some ruskie tractor-driving-babushka-wearing-wife-swapping-freaky-deaky-commie-dirty-bags to huck their supply of GLORIOUS-GINORMOUS-BALLS-OF-FLAMING-TNT at. Now that you have been sighted the truck will be along shortly to unload the cargo of all-powerful-flaming-TNT that your heathen hordes deserve. And the marvelous master of overstatements, Dave H , has informed me that is was a "nice day" today....it got up to 40 degrees in his neck of the woods. The bucket loads of molten-TNT that he is soon to receive should warm him up nicely. And his little pixelated-socialist-soon-to-be-charcoal-briquets should enjoy the warmth as well...at least until their skin melts off their bones.
  17. Just looking for a reason to go home. Alas, the two maggot, junior-girls-choir-rejects are too busy knitting or baking to handle their manly duties and send me turns. :mad: :mad: :mad: BTW, if I owe you turns, you still suck.
  18. I want to hear more about MasterGoodAle's "Freedo Of xpression". I really like Fritos, I am a long term supporter of expressing it.
  19. I think this has been covered under the whole "AI sucks on the attack". I quit playing as defenders against the AI a long time ago. I don't think its a bug as much as the AI is limited in its ability to react to an unforeseen set of circumstances. Obviously the AI has issues if it assualts with inf and no armor support. BTW, what year are you playing that you have "trolls"? I have yet to see "Herr Uber-troll" in available in any QB's [ February 04, 2003, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  20. Originally posted by Dave H You half-sack-having-fecal-flinging-ass-grabbing-toothless-trailer-park-living....oh wait you're from SOUTHERN INDIANA, nuff sed. I will go sloooow, so that you can follow. My understanding of polite and/ proper challenges within a thread are that the poster make email available in profile. The reasons for this are numerous so let us run a few down. 1) In order to make up for the long hours spent away from our home computers many of us use time at work to conduct forum "business". I can't imagine going 8-12 hours without my forum fix. I might go mad...oh wait, that all ready happened. As such office email addies and home email addies differ. 2) Some of us have multiple email accounts at home thereby compounding #1. 3) With the characters running around here do you want them sending you stuff at work or home that might be seen by your boss, wife or children? Hhhm, I foresee loss of job, divorce or years of counseling should one of the above happen. 4) What should happen if I move? You have old email addie and keep sending me turns and I don't respond? My fault for not keeping you posted on my virtual location. Personally, I have held 4 jobs in 4 years and as many ISP provided emails. With 4 moves in that time that means 8 different email accounts, 6 of which now go to some internet dead-zone. Solution for me: web-based email. It can be accessed from work and home, I don't have to cart floppies around with turns on them, etc. Added bonus can't be accidently accessed by someone plopping down in your cubby to send a quick email. Downside: I have to have email to copy to paste into email addie book. Now, make sense? :confused: BTW, how's the weather Dave H ? It's sunny and 70 here in NoCal. I hope that a lil bit of FLAMING-TNT-CHUNKS FLY THROUGH YOUR COMPUTER SCREEEN TO WARM THAT BLACK-LIFELESS-LUMP-OF-COAL YOU CALL A HEART [ February 04, 2003, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  21. hhhmmmm Should we tell him CMBB is backordered? :confused: Naaahhh!
  22. Sgian Dubh you are a wanker. An ass-grabbing-dung-eating maggot. Your family tree has the general appearance of a palm tree, no branches. If your pocket rocket is the size of your pathetic intellect, I hope that your boyfriend understands. Why in the name of ALL-HOLY-EVER-PURIFYING-FLAMING-CHUNKS-OF-TNT would a twit ask for a game without either giving an email or putting one in their profile?
  23. Anyone remember this ill-fated attempt at a tourney? You know its bad when the bastiche of ceremonies leading the thing buggers off. Well, I am looking for copies of the scenarios if anyone has them; Dies Aria, April's Fool, and two others that I can't recall. Anyone who has them if you could please email them to me. Changed comps and lost all me best games in the process. {It was actually called The Two Steps of Death Tourney } [ February 03, 2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
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