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mike the wino2

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Everything posted by mike the wino2

  1. Depends on how you define Eastern Front. They did a great job losing to the Greeks and pulling German resources away to save their skin.
  2. Huh?!? What? I would disagree with this statement. With the MOD's and huge amount of scenarios designed by some great folks. Some are raight gamey bastiches who make scenarios where you can't even beat the AI :eek: ...but I digress. These features alone make the game engaging. Add to that TCP/IP and PBEM. What more can you ask for. BTW, whats the release date for CM3?
  3. Heretic!!! What you have said has nothing to do with the signifigance of the MG42 as the greatest weapon of all time and the bestest SMG is....oh, wrong thread. I thought the general consensus was that rail guns were too big for scale of CMBB before the thread degenerated. What was the ROF? 2-3 per hour for Dora and like 4000 troops to man if on map?
  4. To: Fieldmarshall Re: Proposed editting of forum topic "Are we so vain?" No arguments with that. Maybe add "Thank you" and something nice about Madmatt so he doesn't lock this down in next 15 mins. [ July 11, 2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  5. My microwave has been recieving alien transmissions the last year now and according to them CMBB will be released....get ready now, this is truly shocking.... :eek: - - - - - - - - - - When BFC determines that it's ready!!!! I know this is shocking but thats what the aliens said.
  6. Mace As you are a beta-tester you must have some special skill set or knowldge that BFC thought would be useful to testing the revamped game. With that established to my question...Has BFC modeled sheep correctly? I don't know if you have as "in depth" knowledge of other livestock, or "lovestock" in your case, but feel free to extrapolate on other animals modeled in CMBB as well. Thanks in advance. [ July 11, 2002, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  7. Thanks Jotte great site. Not so funny how the events of the last 100 years keep pooping up to bite us in the a**, ie Bosnia. Michael Dorosh your assesment looks about right, Prinz Eugen looks like a bunch of bastiches. Anti-insurgency?!? The few references that I have seen about German anti-insurgency policies were pretty antiseptic and even then were extremely disturbing.
  8. Nice tanks and no offense intended, you all seem like nice enough fellows...but I actually preferred the "Chicks with Tanks" website a little more. P.S. Can't find URL or would have included.
  9. Gimme, gimme , gimme NOW!!!! I want, I want, I want. BTW, it looks great. Thanks for the bone Madmatt. I am not sure if I should thank you for the teaser or hate you for it. [ July 02, 2002, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  10. Well that's it then, if it is on the Internet it must be true. *marks calander* Hey...wait a minute!!! :confused: This calender all ready has like 9 other "release dates" on it; Q1 '02, Q2 '02, MaddMatt's B-day, Groundhog Day, Fionn's B-day, etc.
  11. later that same post... You sir, have crossed the line. This was a nice, albeit quirky, post that was getting a nice head of steam built up and you have to go and insult beer drinking. :mad: What has the world come to? Can't beer drinking be a passion? In fact, what high-school-through-college-aged isn't passionate about drinking and carousing? :confused: Please continue with less beer bashing.
  12. Good for you. Methinks you will be swilling vodka and toasting krauts or have one very angry woman on your hands.
  13. Is that the 2nd chick on the "Chicks with Tanks" website. BTW, is it too early to start yammering for CM3? How the improper modeling of donkey carts which makes them invincible and therefore gamey in PBEM unless both sides agreed? Finally, any word on the inclusion of the Finnish Synchronised UDT? CMBB will be worthless without it.
  14. Pershing?!?! Who gives a damn about Pershings? My fine, fit German troops look smart crushing the weak, Ami's in marvelous Pz IVs, Tigers and KTs. And the HT look great too. lcm, play with cooler toys.
  15. Wow, from the first coupla replies I thought someone had stepped in "Peng" outside and hadn't wiped their feet.
  16. Tanks is always good. As I generally play Axis, I don't mind short games where I kill lots of Shermans. Post here as you progress both sound interesting and I would be willing to play test if you need rats to run through your maze.
  17. THIS JUST IN!!!! If you don't have your latest issue of "Rapid, Foaming Gamers Monthly", you should rush out and get it. Madmatt states that there will be NO CMBB. :eek: He states: "In our mission statement we have made it clear that here at BTS we make games that we like to play and well, I really like CMBB as it is right now. IF we don't release this outstanding game I will be free to play all I want and not have to spend time coming up with patches so that some yutz in Anchorage can play CMBB on his Commodore 64. After the barrage of complaints about what was left out of CMBO I can not even begin to imagine what will be said about not including the Finnish Synchronized UDT or the Glorious 567th Cossack mounted charge which was a glorious victory for Russia with over 5000 cossacks dead and one Lynz dented. Not to completely ignore our loyal fans we will be releasing an exciting Britney Spears Tour RTS. This first person perspective will have you on your toes as you collect gate reciepts while hiding Britney heroin addiction...truly exciting!" *Any resemblence to any person, place, animal or vegetable is purely in your mind and you should consider therapy while indulging in vast quantities of adult beverages.
  18. I'll take one. mrchupp@hotmail.com Better send it on a weekday as I don't check on weekends and mailbox fills up w/ spam ("porno"). God bless Microsoft and all that they have done to reduce unwanted emails....oh, wait, I think they are the ones who sold my account name to these rat-bastards.
  19. Oh, about a weekend of constant abuse by a buddy. Played hotseat games, drinking wine while the ladies watched some chick flicks. I guess I was more schooled in the game than learning on my own. The human element makes for a steeper learning curve.
  20. Well, not so lucky for you it seems. If you have 3 squads try swarming it. I know it's brutal but you trade the slow death for a quick one with honor and glory...if it succeeds.
  21. hate to go off topic but... With the AT gun in building trick do you run into the same issues as zooks/ shreks, ie pinned troops, building catching on fire? Back to topic...Yes, big tank battles. Lots and lots of tanks.
  22. A zook team and a company HQ? :confused: Dunno, always play Axis when I TCP or PBEM and its always 2 shreks with a platoon or company HQ. Much better chance of at least one getting a shot off before the tank starts raining death down on my units. Especially if you can spread out a little bit. :cool:
  23. Interesting topic with lots of great ideas. I will have to knock the dust off my Mortar HT's. Stopped experimenting with them as they tended to die quickly with lots of flames and smoke. On an unrelated note any word on CMBB release? *patiently awaits new game*
  24. Mr Johnson is my prophet. Only he forgoes the minutia and distills a problem to the one true answer.
  25. I think you guys are missing the obvious answer....our computers hate us and are secretly plotting to destroy mankind. Why else does my Tiger with perfect LOS on a Firefly suddenly retarget on a jeep? It is only with a cold, calculated hatred are such perverse acts committed. BTW has anyone raised the Al Qaida/ Microsoft conspiracy theory?
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