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mike the wino2

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Everything posted by mike the wino2

  1. The link was really interesting but one thing bothered me. Why model "lust"? I have a hard enought time keeping my troops from accidently shooting at each other and now I have to worry about them getting "too close" on the battlefield. Uh, no, no thanks, really.
  2. Personally haven't had a lot of luck with Tank-hunters. In the demo I would get 1 or 2 Panzers in on of the scenarios...can't remember the name, really long map, ineffective Ruskie ATGs and ATRs. A most challenging bit. Tank hunter teams seem best suited for ambush, either inf or AFVs. At least that's my experience with them.
  3. Originally posted by Jack Arilliac When the last war is fought we will able to celebrate peace. Until then we can only send our thanks and honor those who have sacrificed in attempt to make peace in our time..whatever time that may be. Thank you , gentlemen.
  4. checked email in your profile vs. what I had listed. I had a "flash.net" email address. Copied email from your profile and re-sent. If file not received let me know what email account to send to. Thanks, hopefully we can get this sorted out and get to the ass-whooping.
  5. Dear Mr. Berli , File received. File sent back to you. Look for my little missive to wing its way to you shortly.
  6. metho? is that the Aussie altenative to beer? [inner-voice] Wow, if I can come up with an alternative to Aussies drinking beer I will be rich [/inner-voice]
  7. Panther bogging and Churchie VII still moving? Not according to these numbers. BTS, please fix or do somefink!
  8. I know my life has sunk to a new low when the "Hyperdrox" reference raises a chuckle. It means I have been reading more than playing. Oh, I know why. Some skulking lackwit (Berli) has challenged a bunch of folks to PBEM's (Berli) and can't find the time to keep his hand off his (censored) long enough to send me a feckin turn. I have been working on an ode to aforementioned slacker. An Ode to Berli There once was a man named Berli Whose character was a bit squirrelly Setup was sent Then I got bent And naught heard again from that little girly. Thank you, back to drinking now.
  9. KUMA?!?!? Is this the Kuma that buggered off from the "Two Steps of Death" Tourney? If so, you have about a months worth of turns to get to me you slacken' bastiche. If not, weeelll...my bad. Other notes: 1) Seanachi , don't you have an advice column to attend to? I noticed it has slipped to page 2. Are all gnomes this daft or are you especially dimwitted? 2) Isn't there all ready a feckin' Peng Challenge Thread? If so why do people keep inviting them out of the Cesspool. Normally they just languish in their own filth, quite happy with themselves. Is that not enough? Of course not. So some twit has to sound off about Peng and here they come. Every last one of 'em. The whole mess of lackwits, reprobates and perverts. Grandma used to tell me not to poke sleeping rattlers...and that advice still makes since today. Leave 'em be, just leave 'em be.
  10. Click on forums, scroll down, way down. past the opponent finder. It's all the stuff not CMBO or CMBB related. Quite interesting actually.
  11. This topic is all ready being discussed over in the General Forum....which I suspect you will soon be sent to.
  12. Way to go Madmatt and crew . You guys are starting to work on solutions for our complaints before we can even run a thread into the ground. Are we getting that predictable? :confused:
  13. Tanklord Expect my gamey-est turn yet. As for my bedmate...the generousity of women never ceases to amaze me.
  14. I had Peng once in my younger years. Went to the clinic and they gave me a shot that cleared it right up.
  15. Originally posted by Stuka , It is said, in my profession, that it takes a lot of beer to make good wine. If you should feel the need to partake of a wine spritzer, or any wine for that matter, please do. Your continued support guarantees my job. (Editted because I have imbibed this eve and didn't preview my post. [ November 06, 2002, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  16. Originally posted by Rex_Bellator , Yes, YES, YES GAWDDMMIT!!!! Finally a sensible post. I second the motion. All in favor?
  17. Has it been Two Steps all ready? I notciced the Death part showed up about 3 weeks ago.
  18. Thanks Firefly , Found it about 10 minutes ago and didn't re-edit post. DOH!!! (Editted because I just realized that the opponent finder is under the BFC forums not the Combat mission. Hence it didn't show the last time I looked for it. A little slow on the uptake but catching up. ) [ November 05, 2002, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  19. Try the "Opponent Finder", either PBEM or TCP/IP. I tend to find myself waiting around for TCP/IP opponents though. And, there is always the "Peng Challenge" if you like to be berated, kicked, soaked with petrol and lit on fire. To each his own. (Editted because I now don't see a feckin' Opponent Finder thread...is that gone?) [ November 05, 2002, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]
  20. My studies indicate my chi flows, does not get squared, as long I as "P" when needed. Additionally, "P" values increase over time with consumption of liquids. Hope this helps.
  21. Now that the AI cheating has been issue has been laid to rest we can get onto the REAL issue: Does MadMatt cheat? Let's look the evidence. 1) MadMatt gets all the BFC games first (CMBB and CMBO included). How equitable is that? 2) MadMatt gets all the patches first. 3) MadMatt gets to play CMBO and CMBB all day and his boss doesn't yell at him, calling him a lazy-good-fer-nutin'...er, drifting off-topic. 4) MadMatt is involved with the forum community to point where he gets mods before the rest of us even know they exist. Sure he says he is posting them on a website for all of us to have access to but he gets them first...AGAIN NOT FAIR! So I think it is obvious that MAdMatt cheats. If I have missed anything feel free to add. BFC, please fix or sumfink!
  22. Seanachi , If you are going to make it as the BFC advice colunmist you will have to keep your thread from dropping to page 3 and respond. You worthless slap monkey. Cheers
  23. Berlichtingen , Did you sober up and forget we have a game on? I can resend file if you didn't get it.
  24. Dear Seanachi/ Aunt Agony , I was recently caught up in a mass-proposition by one Berli . I accepted his offer of CMBB...and "maybe more". After one lackluster file sent, I haven't heard from him since? No calls, letters, emails, or even a brick through my front window. Should I continue to wait patiently for him to respond, or should I join a "clan" (or was it a clam?) to satisfy all my CMBB needs? Or what about those nice "Peng" lads and lasses? I hear so many nice things about them. My only solace has been to read the ongoing "Does the AI cheat" thread and I am finding it a bit lacking. I really need your expert advice. Sincerly, Lost on the Russian Steppes
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