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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. LOL, ah, yep, yer right, just having some fun Over here, Boss... since I already cut The dreaded metal-heads off The parking meters. But... concrete things are better than That there "gauzy-gossamer" stuff, eh? So... I can venture this much (... and Hubert has the final say on this, as with everything else, so, he may well advise... otherwise ) Screenshots and AAR's At least, by... summer solstice Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Besides, The Man in the aviator shades Sittin' up 'er on 'is high horse, Ain't much taken with enny a' that Pretty poetry non-sense - he wants That there tall cotton - chopped up Immensely small! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! [... rambo jr prob'ly knows who/what I am a'talkin' about ]
  2. LOL, ah fischkopf, Never no need for any "excuse." When the strangeness comes upon you, Unbidden, or innocent sought, When that certain... je ne sais quoi, Becauses thoughts as though - untaught, When ever! Never-sane Big Brother Begins to... deign to accuse, Simply grin in gladdened glee And say a thing is old, yet, ever new: "Hey thanks! Mad Dude, I do appreciate it, I really truly do!"
  3. Well, I did NOT say that SC-2 Blitzkrieg! Would arrive at summer solstice, Nix, nix. Merely, That waltero's recent estimate Of ONE year was WAY incorrect. _____________________________ Retributar, If that sort of PIC is something you like, Well, I'd recommend taking a good glance At the British painter, Francis Bacon. Below is one of his works, entitled: "Head Surrounded by Sides of Beef." His style is considered... "expressionist." He was born in Dublin (1909-1992) And moved to London in 1925. Self-taught, he was "existentialist" In the sense that he was immediately Struck, if not sorely stricken By the carnal events of WW-2, And so, And naturally enough, His paintings "mimed"... his mind. If all around you is ill aflame and claimed To be... "sane," Then, Being a sort of... indignant "lunatic" Might not be such terrible "adjustment" To - an encrazed landscape, eh? :cool:
  4. This is an unusual upset. Often, waltero has a finger Firmly aligned Upon the pulse of Kronos, That storied... Titan of Time. Here, alas, he is so far off kilter :eek: I suspect he's been mesmerized By Dionysus - prowling now One night... in 'is panther skin. fischkopf is a little closer To the truth of it. :cool: Some interesting testing going on; Things are falling into place. The Center is really going to... hold. Time is synchronized - as old, in Space. [ April 14, 2005, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  5. A class act and all-around good guy. Had many interesting exchanges with Jim, He was always well informed and often Had some funny-unusual responses. I'll simply add my prayers And condolences to those who were close To him. Dave
  6. JJ, You will be able to add units using another unique script event, so that, for example... you could have A Free Ukraine unit appear, given a particular set of circumstances. Or, let's say - GErman recruited "nationalist" units to appear in Warsaw or Oslo for instance. Or, ANZAC unit to arrive in Egypt, again, depending on assigned script parameters and provisions. Therefore, yes, you could indeed have some Soviet units helping the GErmans, though they would be depicted as Axis units and not "red" ones.
  7. Several things: 1) You now have "force pool limits," so no longer can the Axis player simply place inexpensive "basic unadorned" Corps in EVERY conceivable locale, as with SC-1. **Not to mention, cover EVERY coastal tile in northern and western France. 2) Partisans can be selected yes/no for each Country. Also, opt for... upon invasion, after surrender, or both. [... this would satisfy all who are wanting Russia to have partisans EVEN IF conquered; though, accomplishing that feat isn't QUITE so easy as it used to be ] So, for instance, you may allow marginally effective "French underground" or not. And when they might up-rise. 3) Partisan appearance can be precisely controlled by "scripting." :cool: IOW, limited to those historical areas where they, in fact, conducted major harrassment activities... such as specific mountains in the case of Yugoslavia or Greece or Spain or Norway, or a few select cities as with France (... not so many places to hide in the map of that country) Example: it may not be advisable to leave Bordeaux without a garrison until later in the game. May be. May not be, depending on script and "trigger percentages." Default game will take all of the above into account, and keep the whole "partisan issue" in balance with EVERYTHING else. What YOU decide to do with the Editor and pre-game choices, is another matter. However it works out, it's gonna be MUCH more interesting and challenging than previously. Alternately, IF you don't want to be bothered with any of that partisan aspect of the game, and want to concentrate on more basic S&T, well, you can do that too. [ March 28, 2005, 07:01 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. Now we're talking "practical" effects. Basic multiplication. IF you have no mines or oil tiles, THEN you have to find another way to boost A Nation's available MPP's. Take away those resource tiles And you'd end up with, say, every single Tile in USA having a City placed on it In order to have sufficient MPP's. Also, you would surely tend to fight over Or, seriously defend ANY valuable tile. Oil and Minerals ARE more critical. Perhaps you'll decide to surround your Rumanian oil derricks Or your Ruhr area minerals With fortifications, using The new Engineer unit? Costly and time consuming, but You could do that. All of this is a Game Designer's decision, Since you just can't do EVERYTHING That is possible, whether it be economics Or military units or diplomacy or research, etc. Hubert has decided on certain Features, figments, models and methods. It's the way HE wants to do it. Another guy might use some other plan Of replicating, say, the Economic game. All of the ideas presented herein are good ones. But, At this point, we have what we have And there can be some MINOR adjustments, So... any and all discussions, Comments and suggestions are relevant And welcome.
  9. Interesting discussion concerning the Economic Aspect of WW-2, ETO. I would tend to side with hellraiser and Lars In that you do NOT want to slow the game down With too much... fine finicky detail. However, there are several consequential ways That you CAN alter the Economic schematic In that - astonishing! Editor. :cool: Adjusting a Nation's economic potential By way of its overall production capability, for one, AND two, through "efficiency," IE, maximizing the resources at hand. ALSO, For those who DO want to place emphasis On... black bubbling-through crude, IE, Oil, Well, You CAN edit each of the "resource values." So that, let's say, instead of each oil tile Being worth 30 MPP's (value=3 Xs 10 = 30) You COULD make that tile worth 50 (value=5). As currently constituted (... and here, remember that ALL things may change, a little or a lot, right up to a threshold pre-release date), Russia has 4 oil tiles, USA has 3 (2 of which cannot be reached) Rumania has 1, And Iraq has 1. [... you might even use the Editor to place an oil tile in Saudia Arabia and/or Iran] OK. Say you "value" the Oil @ 5. Each tile then becomes a greater Percentage of an economy, and MORE critical To each Nation's strategic plans. (... leaving out "synthetic oil" - after all, you really don't want to clutter the game with too much detail, else it'll take forever to play) You wonder? Well then, aren't we NOW a little "out of balance" in terms of relative economic POWER? Yep, BUT you can then slightly adjust another economic factor, as with GNP (size of economy) OR with super-utilization of available resources (efficiency). Since both of these are "researchable" categories, you may simply decide to award a certain Nation some slight advantage at game's beginning, so to off-set an undue value attached to the OIL tile. Or dial down its' potential increase for each research achievement, and/or set the highest attainable level at - one less, etc, and etc. MANY ways for each designer-player to "adust" the economic game... not to mention, by way of scripting a few more convoys (... as I did when I added Venezuela, with it's oil sent to USA). **And, as said, there is yet a chance that there may be an additional method for replicating assorted "trade goods" being moved around the board, depending on diplomatic influence, though, that feature is still... "in consideration." Anyway, YES, you CAN provide Xtra incentive for the Axis to try and turn the corner @ Rostov and attempt to seize those Oil derricks in Caucasus region... though, given the new force pool limits, I wonder if GErmany would then suffer the same fate as actually happened? Stretched too thin - across them cold and treacherous Steppes and... just trying for too MUCH, and not keeping that slender spear-head aimed dead-on - toward Moscow. Or, Russian player could opt to develop strat bombers and the long range tech so to attack GErmany's one oil tile in Rumania... same way Allies might reach it from a bomber base in Crete, ah, assuming Student's airborne doesn't arrive there first. Or, to play a strong Diplomatic game and see if you might convince Iraq to join your side... after all GErmany DID have pro-Axis elements in place in that country. As for invading and grabbing USA's Oil? LOL. Lot's of luck, I mean to say. You'd need carriers to counter the coastal P-47 & Wildcat air base defenses, yes? Well, NOW you'd have to plan way, WAY in advance, since those flat-tops take quite some time to arrive off that new "build queu." No longer can you simply save up some plunder money and slam down a whole gleaming fleet of Axis carriers and soon sail off on your grand conquest adventure. So. Make OIL more vital, or not. As with so much else with this SC2-Blitzkrieg! it really IS... your choice. :cool: [ March 25, 2005, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  10. Rest assured Edwin P, These events will - precisely be At balance. As though a micro mm filament Resting exactly mid-point Thereon the keenest razor-edge You ever did dare to feel, or, better Merely - closely - see.
  11. Yep, that Murmansk convoy route was proving To be just too successful, Getting them Shermans and 2 1/2-ton trucks through The heaving ice packs and howling winter winds, So, Since Hitler was an amateur artiste, I'll bet most Historians didn't even know! He'd proposed a secret new underwater weapon! Which would - maybe, save the day! Lucky for the Allies, This plan never got off the drawing board! ____________________ Yes, there will be a Murmansk Convoy route. And! A convoy from Fury HQ in Toronto On over to a beat nightclub in Liverpool, And a Lend-Lease convoy route which can be Adjusted by USA Player. And a convoy route from the Mideast to Britain. And perhaps a convoy carrying vital oil From Iraq, should Britain somehow Manage to subdue or otherwise annex That very vexing bedouin kingdom. Also, YOU! As complicit game designer may draw in ANY Other convoy route you desire (... so long as it originates and ends in a major or minor nation) With the "convoy scripting" now available In that new and unprecedented Editor. :cool: As I have mentioned, it is VERY easy. With full and complete instructions So that ANYONE might do it In a matter of mere minutes. Just access the script dialogue with one click And type in a small series of lines Following the explicit examples provided. For instance, I have created a convoy route from Venezuela To USA, worth ~20 MPP's Which the GErmans may try to interdict. Using the usual sleek slew of U-boots Or... Wunderbar! that luminescent Volkswagen, but of course! [ March 23, 2005, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  12. Not a good idea, IMHO. :eek: Why? With SC1 & 2 you do not have sea-zones or area movement. You have tile-by-tile maneuvering of the naval ships. Should any particular capital ship - all with very DIFFERENT speeds and range, be allowed to move anywhere on the board - in a ONE month turn? What about bad weather, when the waves are 8 feet and climbing to crash the superstructure? Should RN be able to send a slow and carefully moving Carrier (... due to protective fleet formation) from Liverpool to Suez in one month time frame? How about transports and amphibious ships? What about the "movement arrows" around the Horn? Are they to be considered "special ports?" How about Russia - move a Cruiser from Leningrad To Iceland in one month? To avoid combat with The vastly superior Kriegsmarine? Wouldn't this favor the Allies mostly? Let's say it is 1942 and the GErmans have established Wolfpacks that roam all over The Atlantic, east to west, north to south. Should the Allies be able to simply avoid them COMPLETELY by some handy-dandy "op move?" :confused: Or, should they be required to run the gauntlet with ASW Cruisers out front for in depth charging protection? Should the GErmans be allowed to launch a ship In Kiel, and then simply "op-move" it to Brest? Is that how the Bismark & Prinz Eugen Were able to "break out" historically? Or, did they have to follow the fog up along Norwegian Coast and then out around Scapa? WHY should any game-player be allowed to PRESTO! As if by an unearned magic, just Place Capital ships anywhere on board? What if there is a "global scenario?" Can USA send BB New York from San Diego, or even Brooklyn Navy Yard... all the way to Brisbane, Australia, in ONE month time? WHY shouldn't the master-strategist have to PLAN AHEAD and get those Allied ships in position to shore bombard Casablanca in prep for landings In North Afrika. **(... though, they better NOT! hit Rick's Place! and damage Sam's piano! Lose that, I tell you, and you've lost it all... that "fight for love and glory!" :cool: ) Perhaps, all things considered, just TOO many complicated coding requirements to make all of this work smoothly. TOO many "special rules" required to "adjust" the game to mimic "real life" ship capabilities and certain situations. If you had an area-to-area ship movement (... or, front to front, as with A3R) then you might allow long-distance "strategic moves." Yet, even in A3R you had to use TWO strat moves to go from Portsmouth to Gibraltar to Alexandria, true? Shouldn't there be additional COST to go those Xtra long distances? Well, cinch it up, and be an actual Admiral and plan ahead, get the flotilla of ships you Require... in the right place, At the right time. It's part of the chess-like challenge. Why make everything - PRESTO! easy? __________________________ Now, having given my own personal opinion, perhaps Hubert will yet decide to implement this feature in some manner. IF so - OK by me! He's the one and only game designer. And so, as with all else... soon enough We shall see, eh? [ March 18, 2005, 06:47 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  13. Very reasonable indeed. As with Axis-leaning Spain providing Valuable trade goods to Germany. This kind of "economic script event" HAS been Discussed; though, as with Some other potential features, No final decision as of yet. One might envision... using just such An "economic script" to replicate The oil and other mineral resources That Russia sent to Germany before The outbreak of that "War of the Titans." (... in exchange for some finished materiels, but, Germany got far better of that deal since Stalin was surely interested in placating the Mars-star volatile Hitler) _____________________ Other scripting news: 1) I managed to create an "oil convoy" from Venezuela to USA. **Please note: IF I can do these scriptings, ANYONE can. I am no "natural born" mod man. First I had to go into that most amazing Editor And create the minor country of Venezuela, With Capital city Caracas, and oil derricks On 1/2 tile edge of screen (... IE, can't be taken by an invader). Then I set the parameters, as with weather Limiting the amount of transfer During storming times. Upshot: USA will receive ~20 MPP's each month. (... my game has simultaneous monthly turns with normalized production) Now, it is up to the German U-boots - not so Many early in the game... AND without those Nearly impregnable Brittany "sub-pens" ... not So easy to patrol South Atlantic seas (... though Graf Spee IS down there RAIDING, yet, I am suspecting there'll be an early "Battle of River Plate" kind of encounter with RN - should be interesting to see if that Raider can evade? :eek: ). 2) I have created a "Palermo Effect" which Is similar to the already existant "Malta Effect." (... pop-up box will say something as this: " Axis patrol craft interdict supply convoys from Gibraltar!") IF Axis is able to hold onto that city In Sicily, Palermo, THEN supply convoys to Malta Will be occasionally (... random percentage chance) SUNK. Whichever unit is stationed on Malta will Thereby have reduced supply. So. IF the Germans will risk some of their (naval) bombers, and IF Italians will risk Some of their vulnerable capital ships, THEN - who knows? Perhaps Student's eager Paratroopers Will one day... open those silken parachutes Over Malta? :cool: [ March 14, 2005, 07:11 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  14. Very good then SeaMonkey, we shall Have to make you The "official deflector" of ALL those Who wish to have it In - 3 seconds flat!! Perhaps, resembling this shield-ready Old Warrior kind of cat: ________________ Excellent and original ideas as per usual, Except we mostly haven't gotten that far. Hubert is yet mulling over Many of the "intel" features. No doubt he'll one day arrive And let that new! intelligence feature See the light of a sun-stunning day. (... better get yer LA-made shades shined to a pur-blinding gloss! :cool: )
  15. And, To finish Jagger's original rock-roll thought: IF You TRY sometimes, You'll get... what you need. Your questions - and in fact, EVERYONE's Suggestions, comments, and fresh ideas Are vital to ongoing creation, and Yet to be considered. It's like when JFK became President. He purposely surrounded himself with "The Best and the Brightest," So that he wouldn't MISS OUT ON Even one brilliant new possibility Which would otherwise remain... un-noticed. Better that than only listening to those Who agree with you, eh? Good that we have so many Who are asking, wondering, asking, musing Asking again, and... as Very well informed Vets, volunteering new And possibly - yet to be used... ideas. :cool:
  16. Was a'wondering whereat you went waltero. Somebody! Call out the vacuum Extractor Man! While he's getting YOU out, He can search for all them old cardboard "4-6" Panzer IV units my wife Once happily! sucked up after some all night Sessions of A3R. ______________________ Well, not to worry. You'll indeed have a much more daunting Task ahead in SC2-Blitzkrieg! Trying to track down those U-boots, Especially early years, '40-'42, BEFORE You get that better ASW tech, yes? Thing is - now you'll have a genuinely difficult Choice, as either GErman Or as Allied flotilla commander, WHETHER to commit to more audacious! Deployments of sleek seeking U-boots, Or better depth-charging Cruisers, or not? "Run Silent" should indeed help you go about Not so easily noticed, say, From home base Kiel or Trondheim or Bordeaux, Out to north of Scapa or south of Iceland, Sure enough, you do have a MUCH larger ocean To sneak & snarl around in With the carefully plotted-out convoys And the wolf-packs, as well. Yep, it's gonna be great & grand FUN On them moon-beaming... High Seas!
  17. For the sake of argument, acrashb, Let's re-consider Gestalt, and thus, as this: You are presuming that every unit, ground, sea or air, is BEGINNING it's move From - the center point. And, that NOTHING ever impedes your progress. Whereas, I am presuming that each unit begins from THE EDGE. IE, if you have a HEX, and each unit commences from the edge of the hex, and NOT the exact center, then, surely, you will end your moves in a very "ragged arc" and not a perfect circle, true? IF you have a square, with each unit commencing as above, then, certainly, you will end your moves as a "ragged squared pattern." And so, begin from the angled point of the square, and you surely will get further on out there, UNLESS! :eek: As above mentioned, (... and leaving out such considerations as "Zeno's fallacy," IE, if you go half way from point A to point B, and then half again, and etc, you'll NEVER get to point Those fey and ipso-facto-dramatic intruders... somehow impede your progress! Such as, if you are imitating a ground unit, there are... hills & dales, and swamp-flush swales and also, maybe - pause-causing Tales told you by an Idiot, or a Chaucer type traveler on a mule. Or, should you be an air unit, what of that head-wind or tail-wind? Is the ocean or atmosphere EVER free of Gordian knotted wind or wave, or other stray clouds or enemy intruders... that might cause you, at least, caution? Or, should you be another different ground unit, beginning it's move from another different edge of the hex or square - what of that... sudden stomach-ache suffered by your dauntless Commander, who then orders a brief halt to the long march? You CAN view the World, or a game , as a linear logically positive exercise, you bet! [... anybody else out there? Ever play a computer game and have the abrupt strange notion, all at once, that ALL you are doing is shoving one stack of statistics at another stack of statistics?] Or, you can view the world, or the game, as a work of... "imperfect as it MUST be"... ART. :cool: For instance, you might consider the ROSE that you see from your near-garden seat. From where you sit, perhaps sipping your ale or ade, it is nearly PERFECT (... RE: as Plato's "perfect forms"). Yet, unlimber yourself from that chair, and meander over and - what do you notice, if only eventually? That bit of blight (... RE: William Blake's poet-formed "worm") on the furthest most petal, eh? Look. You are playing a GAME. You are not interested in duplicating some PERFECT expression of linear logic, on some precisely concised GRAPH, are you? You would rather have FUN!! (... all the while remaining fair faithful to "historical realities") wouldn't you? Well, I have played many IMPERFECT games (... how could they not be? Cardboard or pixels, there is NO WAY to duplicate ANYTHING exactly) and had the time of my life! Yipee! Yay! Hooray! :cool: I have NEVER, however, EVER played any game on a PERFECT medium, or as PERFECT expression of... What is. What was, Or, what will be. Who would want to? [ February 23, 2005, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  18. From posted screenshots - including your own example, it is apparent that there is NOT going to be ability to cover "A LOT more area." You will, VERY occasionally, have an extra acre of ground that you can (theoretically) advance. For, as Bill has eloquently reminded: Not only the above, but - IF you as defender KNOW that the "motorised" or tank regiments CAN possibly break through on blitz and achieve one more tile in extended advance, Wouldn't you? As seasoned and adept Strategic Commander, THEN Position some forces to act as stop-gaps, or rear guard "security" or better... as MOBILE reserve. Isn't that how it was done in WW2? We are not re-playing WW1. The days of a long thin or thick red line are over. THIS! Is SC2-BLITZKRIEG! :cool: And, you can COUNTER ploy every single perceived advantage. Plotting & planning AHEAD, you can cut to the quick the slanting "bishop's" ability to gain, MAYBE, one extra tile, yes? Not to mention, it is the tank formations mostly that will be blitzing through, and so, YOU, as wily defensive genius, MAY have a couple Corps just BRISTLING with anti-tank guns. Which your opponent was not AWARE that you had, due to FOW. What was once imagined as a deep thrust into enemy territory, NOW becomes a "tank trap" and those Panzers or T-34's end up as smoking hulks. Yep, and Bill is right on - again. This is a chess game and it is also a game where you mean to allow - BOTH the "historical imperative" and that which is... "fun to play." You shall have both. ________________________________ Besides, why would you only wish to have the SAME OLD paradigm - once again? Isn't that how most game designers do it? Trot out the same maps and resource topography, and perhaps, change the color of the epaulets on the Colonel's shoulders or the shape of the insignia on his collar? Or, some little fiddling around that gives you essentially, the SAME game? Why wouldn't you wish to have something new! and different and of great challenge, albeit, in a SLIGHTLY altered Gestalt? I have been playing war-games since the late 1950's, and am VERY accustomed to "hex-games." Fine, I can always go and set up my cherished A3R, or SC1, and enjoy hexes all the night long. NOW you have a NEW way to look at your schematic of WW2. You are... the hunter Hawk flying high and surveying all that array of potential prey. You are hungry and you are swift and talon-down sharp. You have the WHOLE of the Western World, from the Potomac River to the distant Ural mountain range to soar around in. And so, you are going to WORRY UNDULY over - MAYBE, a couple of times a game, you MIGHT gain an extra tile? You may; I'm not thinking of it that way. [ February 23, 2005, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  19. As is said about: Fair faithful mates, Swung-open - pearly gates, And, rock-bottom interest rates This kind of thing is... priceless! A good read for all and everyone, So they'll full well KNOW, Hubert is in Command! "Strategic wise," and, even now As we speak - on the forward ho! GO! :cool:
  20. Ah me, Edwin P, For every answer you have 77 more! Questions, LOL. OK, that's yer querying way, So I answer thatta like thissa: No, sorry, no "Orient Express" guage train So you might admire that ancient old Rip along flow of... The Blue Danube. See, We cannot give away the WHOLE store; just Some licorice sticks outta the candy jar Ever now and then. Hubert is going to have, gradually, And eventually, MORE to say about HIS GAME, As we progress on along. Things go well - the upgraded Panzer IV's HAVE arrived in time for blitz Through the Ardennes, and yet, There are only 150 or so of them, As all you WW2 buffs full well know, So Pz IIs & IIIs must slog along AS IF they - scared everybody! Except that French farmer in the Flanders field With pitch-fork. [... in fact, and you can see it in pictures, these same farmers would take the abandoned WW1 rolling tin-can tanks and use them to pull the earth-cutting blades, instead of tiring out their dray horses - you use what's at hand, and nothing goes to waste when you work the Land, eh?] He's old stock. NOT afraid a' nuthin' much. :cool: [ February 05, 2005, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  21. There will be a special script so you CAN edit where partisans might appear. For instance, limited to mountains of Greece, And NOT Athens. Or, Limited to some cities in France, But NOT elsewhere, and etc, So that you may LIMIT these To "historical" WW2 areas of Partisan ops, or make some change To suit your fancy, as But another possible "what if?" Also, You CAN give each specific Nation's partisans Unique combat values, So that, say, "Tito's Yugos" Would be tougher to beat Than those over-rated (... due to "romantic" and exaggerated post WW2 writings of the so-called "existentialists.") French ones. And, You CAN limit partisans by designating Upon invasion or, following conquest. LOTS of ways to play it, And, As per usual, with SC2-Blitzkrieg! It's up to - YOU! :cool: [ February 05, 2005, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  22. FLUFF ever arrives WHEN There's not... quite... enough Real game kinetic stuff Floating incidental As it must, Like blown about Dandelion dust. Actually, To each their own, I say. You CAN have a solid, dependable And greatly accomplished game IF You have the foundation firm In careful place, At very first. :cool: And then, There's also the under-stated and simple Combat animations That can actually enhance a game. Otherwise, It begins looking like some Carnival Magician's Marvel me! Sleight of hand, so to Misdirect any eagre eyes AWAY from What is going to be - a BIG surprise! IE, not much Over in that OTHER half hidden hand.
  23. Yep, Wachtmeister, ALL must be Accounted for. Thanks for the reminder on radar capabilities. Allied Player CAN research those To heart's content... or not, depending on Whether Axis Player decides To implement - full-tilt boogie - U-boot Unter-See warfare. It is not assumed that tech advances Fall from the sky like broken lightning. This is what most will absolutely admire About SC2-Blitzkrieg! Your CHOICES as to how to conduct S & T Are going to be manifold. However, so that some others will not be alarmed, You CAN play it out much like SC the Original. This is NOT the case where the game designer, Which is Hubert ... and he... alone, Dictates HOW you have to play the game. [... at the risk of repetition, I say again: YOU can edit in or out... a little of this, and a bit of that, oh, just enough so that you have EXACTLY the kind of game that your prefer :cool: ] No longer can there be ignorance About what... WAS vital In the last... "good war." Bombing campaigns, naval sorties, building up Your infrastructure, anti-air resources Applied as needed, then the high bombers Arrive in thick dark waves, Diplomatic actions to entice reluctant neutrals, Pz II tanks kept active (... even when Panthers are available for deployment) To serve as vital but expendable recon assets, The list is almost endless, So... get ready! For a thrill-filled ride of yer life! :cool:
  24. LOL! I think your alternate hope For one of the Pyramids, or perhaps A traveler's riddle in the eyes of the Sphinx, Has a better chance of being realized. No, it wouldn't. Be - preposterous, I mean. Such things HAVE been discussed, and Insofar as I know now, there WILL be Some "winter weather effect" on The sleek secret-cat & fat-mouse convoy game. One suggestion I had made: rolling FOG Occasionally making all a liquid gray swirl, As... along the Norwegian northern shores, So that Bismark and Prinz Eugen Might make good a RAIDING escape Into the North Atlantic. HMS Hood - antiquated as she might be, Had better keep the masts & search lights Oiled and polished. OTOH, perhaps best to AVOID that 50,000t Kriegsmarine Behemoth, altogether. :eek: Fog could be... the Captain's excuse. Later, who could, really, blame him? Should he prefer setting safe summer sails On... the Sloop John B? **[NOTE: In above picture you can see that little HMS Hood, IE, the John B. ... just to the right of Bismark - now you know how that Santa Monica Sloop... compares, yes?] [ January 15, 2005, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  25. No. Some variation so to create a pastiche kind of palette. Same way... when you would stand on Pacific Palisades on a rare clear LA day, you can sometimes see a sail-boat with psychedelic trim. Or so it seems... to the one with sea-wise whims. Brian Wilson knew such stuff as that, which is why he is a musical genius, oh, one of 2 or 3 in America the last 50 years. There ARE going to be some other VERY interesting and fun-unique "iconographies," you'll see.
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