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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. You just cannot say it any better than this, So I won't even try. Yep, very true, the armored aspect in SC2 will be emphasized more, and have the similar impact it did in WW2. ALL kind of varieties of tanks all over the game board, should you choose to do it that way, and, As mentioned, can AFFORD it, IE, NOT neglecting the other parts of combined-war tactics, etc. Like the first song-bird of Spring (... soon, very soon all will be realized, I tell you!) It is a very fine thing. :cool:
  2. Complicated bit of political mayhem, quite likely the result, and yep, it could very well come to resemble something such as this: ... the RED at center being the Comintern, and the surrounding BLUE being the Western Allies at hyper-active containment, yes? Good ideas here; sufficient to say, some "diplo-maneuvering" will be possible in SC2-Blitzkrieg, ... but, How you might accomplish ALL that detailed and tremendously intricate inter-plays, and STILL get this much anticipated game out - as fast! As everyone wants it, I have no idea. Hubert thorough knows DIPLO-ability, however, so, as per usual, we'll have to wait and see. :cool:
  3. Yep, Korut Zelva, they should indeed get... something from them resource-full Swedes, and, They probably will. Perhaps some kind of Economic inducement, So to keep the Wehrmacht and Fallenshirmjagers And Kriegsmarines from arriving, One, two - three, Eins, Zwei, Drei, By land and by air and by sea. Expect some certain method for accomplishing This... self-protection scheme. And, Could be - not Saying for surely sure, that you might also Be able to... "script" some Kind of Economic transactions Between other willing Or unwilling trading partners. :cool: _______________ Hmmm, you've been around 14 months, And have made 14 posts? One per month - not too bad, Given that you ask incisive questions. So, akin to Einstein, you would say: "Make things simple, BUT NOT... simpler. " OTOH, I notice from the following thread, That you made two posts And your "counter" at the bottom Of screen, only added... just the one. So that you went from 15 - to 15. :confused: Instead of... IDIC, you have A more modern kind of Vulcan Re-versed... hex-connection? WTT...TWW IE, a "Wizard Techno-Techie" "Through a Wrench in the Works?" [ December 26, 2004, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  4. Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays, To ALL of the great SC forum members, Old or new or somewhere in between! I guess we are each looking forward To what SC Santa might bring This new year, eh? :cool: Though, There WAS that little necessary detour, Up across some icy-dicey roof-tops, so Soon enough, you'll see, Yep, no doubts, he will indeed Eventually arrive - with a smile And high 5's all around, and maybe, Some VERY anticipated Sort of... CD packages, in his sack?
  5. On the one hand: But then - on the other: Shaka, I do believe you are being... ambivalent. Or perhaps, helping us all out by pointing out several sides of the issue, and providing a good potential remedy, satisfying the most... thanks. Dialectic. Synthesis. A thing accepted as BEST POSSIBLE solution Given the particular circumstances. And usual demand for immediate attention. And that ever-diminishing budget. And available resources, etc, etc, on and on. Works great! Here, there, IRL, with almost everybody! Would indeed be - to me and many others I'd bet - interesting and exciting to have another... NON INTRUSIVE feature (... such as Naval HQ would be, IMHO :cool: ) which would create even more choices, and more FUN, and best of all... add just a few minutes to over-all, full-campaign game time. And that is most certainly one thing that Hubert ALWAYS keeps... foremost in mind. "Fun, but faithful and basic, without unecessary bother and clutter." IF I've heard him say it once, I've heard him say it ~20 or 30 times. But, IF we don't get it - the Naval "this or that," or the perfect "sturm & drang," hey, it's OK... it has to be. We CAN indeed "edit" enough of the various factors to pretty well... "approximate" each Country's different strengths and weaknesses, whether it be - now, for this Naval game, Or, also, The Martial skills for every combat unit, Diplomatic power, Research capability, Economic potential, and... "manpower" (IE, very closely approximated , with those added "force pool" limits) And more. I've looked, for over 40 years and I've looked all over the gaming place and at last realized... VERY hard - no, about impossible, to find another game that allows such tremendous "editorial license"... I wonder? Once SC2-Blitzkrieg! is released, will we... EVER will see the likes of it, again? Likely not, but at least - an innocent CHALLENGE has been casually proposed. You other game-makers? New to it, or By a crowd, greatly acclaimed? CAN you... do it? LOLOLOL! And... IF not, why not? :confused: After all, here is a one-man shop, and many Of you have... Big Corporate backing And vastly superior available resources. And so, That's about how I see it too. :cool:
  6. More good ideas, especially this one concerning Naval HQ's. :cool: I agree that it would be ideal to have some significant way to reflect UK's long and hard learned "naval superiority," in terms of doctrines and experienced, well-trained leaders and crews, and the like. I have been in favor of this since way back when and HAVE campaigned for inclusion of ALL KINDS of added features having to do with "the naval game." Remains to be seen which, if any Hubert prefers. As you, I am definitely in favor of this particular one, we'll see, but so far as I now know it probably won't happen the first go-round. I hope I'm wrong.
  7. ???? Do you mean? Like, only recently, At the every-other annual BF Blow-out in-combination Christmas & Arbor Day Bobby Darin MC'd "Splish-splash"... bash? :cool: When one of the Top Dudes, I shouldn't EVEN Wish to mention - who, Tripped! :eek: Over a wandering Deb-Celeb's Slim comely ankle, And... staggered - yes! Of course! Across the scarlet & black tiles, Directly! on a straight line Toward that ersatz glass punch bowl, Which someone, and again, can't say who, Spiked! it with hi-octane 196 proof Happy Holly sprigs (... ha-ha! so they said!) Well, That was some most amazing stagger You might (... secretly) laugh Behind yer ruffled black Tuxedo Sleeve (... required attire) about, too! O/W, waltero, :confused: Not sure what you meant in saying Whatever it was... in the first Place - that you did?
  8. LOL, nix Victor, It is not squares, nor triangles nor hexagons neither... nor equilateral anythings (... O 'tis the Season, so these latter are decorated with - isosecles! - hanging quite shiny from every acutely angled limb! ) Actually, it is more the case of TILES (... not "squares") which can indeed make a WW2 GS game as precisely COMPLEX as... it NEEDS to be, as you'll see. While yet maintaining that which SC the Original possessed in mighty massive abundance, IE, Simple, and X-tremely... fun to play. O it's coming 'round soon, Like a wintering solstice moon, To a Cine-ma-plex - nearest you! :cool: Wherever that might be!
  9. Nonsense, nix-nix! Col GG, we got lotsa circles. Trapzoids, 4-dimensions of cart-wheels too! You should try a'ridin' one a' them things! It's a freak-show explosion! :cool: BTW: Too bad about that... Wolf - had to let Them ears... go, eh? Hmmm,wonder what happened... next? Or, Can we all notice what? for ourselves?
  10. Hey Michael D, YOU'VE... never ever had a bad day? A day where you said something you wish You hadn't? Damn it all, Can't take it back - IN TIME, before Too many have read... your mistake? We are ALL... liable to do such things, I myself have done so Plenty of Clownish times, and occasionally WILL be able to... make it right. Anyway, JJ, is hardly the issue here, He's the kind who is mostly conciliatory BEYOND any common belief. Maybe? We can ALL be more... easy, And... go WITH the flow, not so Hard around the mouth. :confused:
  11. Well, Truly hate to see this happen, myself. jjr and I didn't always see things quite Eye to eye, as they say, But, He's contributed mightily to this SC forum, I'd have to go along with that. Perhaps? One fine day - he'll be allowed back, I don't know, That decision is... WAY above MY pay-grade. Battlefront has their own way, And - necessarily so, Of doing things, rules & regs and Such as that, so, All I can say, finally... rambo jr, Hang in there, do what you need to do To make things right, WHEREVER, and yep, Yer OK by my private lights, yer cool. :cool: [ December 21, 2004, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  12. But, Surely Bill101, Not at one and the same time! In merry olde England they do that? :eek: I once knew this risk-seeking guy, he Was flying all 'is box-kites high, thought EVERYTHING would, and indeed - should, By some sort of freakly Self-conceived "Law of nature"... fall his way. Used to hold these 2 separate cell-phones Up to each ear. Swing one up - talk sweet, Tho' naturally, kinda low & slow, and That one down, pressed against the neck, Then the other swung up - some more murmurs. Back and forth it would go, every 20 or 30 seconds or so, and Some mad - rat-a-tat times, even Faster that that! Him? Of late? Ol'... cool, Double Daring Dude? Well, He eventually ended up living it on out In a tar-paper shack oh, you know, The wife got it all, yep, They usually do; so, He sits on an apple-crate and tries to read Old, wind-blown newspaper pieces, Then, wisely - see, he's learned, He folds 'em up neat and Puts 'em in all those great & small Holes... in the soles of 'is shoes. You bet, true story - out at very edge Of Desert City, where the milk-trains Will constantly rain hot black soots On 'is roof. Card-board, it's constructed of, That roof, so every Now and then... it'll catch - right on fire! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Tough gig. LOL. Some say - he - got what he deserved. I would advise - don't do it. Nope, just... don't... do it. Best, just play SC1 or 2. :cool: Worse that could happen? Some dawdling, prowl-around Cat Will take... a couple minutes longer On his turn? Big deal. At the least... you'll be able to keep Yer raked-down, candy-flake painted and Nitro-screeching... hot-rod computer. [ December 19, 2004, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  13. Them were the days, eh rambo? WHEN... you could trust the product, whether it was cola or war-games or hula-hoops or pogo-sticks... LOL! **btw: you had asked awhile back IF I was still playing SC the Original? Yep, I still am, since I can't seem to find ANY other game out there that can... match it. Good news (... of the lesser kind) is... SC2 will be even better. Different, but much better. :cool: [btw #2: I had asked Kuni - twice, if he wanted a public challenge game with the new! SC2, to include an AAR once we all have time to learn the ins & outs... never was no reply, so... maybe you and I can have a "spirited contest" instead?] Like cola and licorice sticks plucked out of the Country Store jar and, well, you know, all the rest. [ December 17, 2004, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  14. Curry, Perhaps you might re-print the complete interview somewhere over here on SC2 board? Not everyone visits the original forum, yes? Lots of good information and background material in it, nice going! Hubert KNOWS his stuff, yep, which is surely going to translate into... some kind of accomplished and long, long playable kind of WW2 GS game. :cool:
  15. SeaMonkey, Perhaps you should get yerself on up there and chase off the mice & roaches and see about those old games? Some of 'em are going for BIG BUCKS on e-Bay these days. Like some of you guys, I still have most of those old A-H games, going back to "D-Day" and "1914" and "Waterloo," etc. Here pretty soon I'm going to ask my son if he finally wants them, and if not... maybe I'll put 'em up for bid. The thing I liked - perhaps best about the old games, was... the QUALITY of the board and playing pieces. Flimsier stuff, in all kinds of ways, nowadays... those folded paper maps and indifferent packaging, and etc, though, there are a few newer companies that are beginning to go back to "high quality" concerns. :cool:
  16. Counting, counting... hmmm, That's about... the 19th time? You have importuned for... Pyramids and Empire State Building. But... what is that needed but elusive connection? Ah, bingo! I see! The answer might be found and re-viewed... on the back of... the USA dollar bill. That Pyramid with the "all-seeing EYE" situated oddly atop! :eek: You are... Illuminati!! Entrenched deep within the infrastructure of American Industrial and mason-made Wall Street! LOLOLOLOL! JK, Edwin P, ... JK!
  17. Good to see you quite active and one, two-step dancing the boards, again Shaka of C! The Ocean & Sea wars WILL be more detailed and more closely "historical" than it was in SC the Original. Yet, as you aptly suggest, there DOES need to be some inherent "abstraction" due to the reduced size of the Seas, in relation to the critical land masses. You wouldn't want to have to search all over the place... until yer eye-balls bulge & bleed... for those tiny fleets and ASW and U-boots, true? Land, Sea and Air... each appropriately modeled, and relatively important, and in general, much different than it was before. And, yes JPW, it will be... quite simple and intuitional to Edit, as you please. And the new! game will remain... easy to access and understand (... though, it WILL be a bit more challenging to plan out the MANY possible Strategies & Tactics) ALL the new features, and very best of all... FUN to play. :cool: [ December 10, 2004, 06:34 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  18. Good ideas, SeaMonkey and Edwin P. I do believe many of these have been duly considered. Another idea that's been kicked around... plunder based on "diplomatic standing" of the Invader vis a vis the Invaded. IE, should you be in "good stead" (... higher favorable Diplo %) and then perversely invade "a friend," so to speak, then perhaps that FORMER friend would be SHOCKED at the betrayal, and less likely to co-operate... ipso indeed, LESS plunder. General principle being... discover appropriate ways to provide some DIS-incentive (... or at least, some exacting COST) for a militant Major Power to always! be invading some poor little Minor, who is only minding its own business. Especially then that USA is already IN the Big Show, and there is not much remaining rationale so to refrain the Mighty from dominating & dictating to the Weak... ah, since "pulling rank" seems to be... "human nature." Any more suggestions in this regard, well, send 'em right on along...
  19. Moses, Admittedly, A little aghast... observing The timely demise - a' One, anna Two, anna Three! Of yet another apostate War game, :eek: Which, alas, as t'was foretold By a new! Jersey prophet, Hast... NO -- as though Divinely inspired ... Editor. (... O, all Yee makers who art fundamentally lacking in this... mod part, get thee real busy! )
  20. A little click, and a check-mark in the "partisan box" in the SC2 Editor... and you CAN have them havoc-makers wherever you want them, either during (... as with Soviets) or following (... as with French resistance) conquest. Even, For Poland or Norway or Greece, should you prefer. Default game will probably not be so very partisan intrusive, but, here again, YOU can do whatever you choose to for YOUR game. :cool:
  21. Bulky and disdainful of ANY other TD, but an awful clanky tank that hardly could go even 5 piddling kilometers without hoving over into the ditch. The crew required a factory trained mechanic - outfit in rakish beret and silk scarf, riding right along. Otherwise, I agree... better gunned PzIV's would have, finally, ruled all of the Steppes, and very probably most of France '44 as well. Kind of like... a caged Panther, only... the iron-clad door has been left... slighty ajar. :eek: __________________________ For all of those worrying over a LOT of extra playing time with this new SC2-Blitzkrieg... well, forget it. Mostly you will only need to learn the many new features and techniques and then... maintain a larger picture or schematic "in your mind." The actual game-play should NOT be very much longer per turn. First game or two? Sure, you'll futz & frazzle around a little bit, but soon enough you'll be racing 'round the track as though you were driving a Willy's jeep that has had a quad-carb'd 440 Chrysler Hemi engine bolted in! Whee! :cool:
  22. This is probably one of the very least appealing parts of that other game, to me anyway, and so... Alternately, Adding to Mr Bill's excellent and pertinent and helpful remarks, One could probably just make China part of USA, in the similar way that Egypt is "part of" UK. With Chungking as an added "industrial city" so that some MPPs might be used to repair and reinforce mangled units. Since USA will very likely have a VERY LOW industrial modifier, until 1942-43 anyway, then China should pose, appropriately, little threat to Japan. The game player would have to apportion those LOW USA MPP's, else USA could not even garrison itself! Nor do research or diplomacy, and etc. :eek: Just ENOUGH level-0 "garrison" type infantry corps units might be placed... until such time as USA would enter the war. Maybe even build the "Flying Tigers." Play-testing would be necessary to insure that Japan could... MAYBE attain conquest of China, but, not without the historically expected... time and expenditures. Also, Italy and GErmany squish-squashed together is not so awful wonderful neither, to me, so I might simply start the game in July 1940 and have Japan assume France's slot. If I am not mistaken - and that is always a dicey proposition, no mainland Vichy France is actually required, and you could lower France's conquered resource ratings to "adjust" for the additional ports/cities in the entire southern area. The game-beginning script for creating Vichy could simply make the Med colonies, and French Indo-China (... and any other French holdings in the Pacific, the names of which escape me at the moment - one near Australia?) as per usual, with the Capital located somewhere among them, movable or not. [in this scenario, mainland France is simply an inherent part of GErmany, as Austria is. This would entail no future "liberation" of France, but, really, that's no main complaint in terms of actual game-play... by then, GErmany's about finished anyway, and how many Free'd French units actually contributed to the eventual conquest in any event? USA or UK would still get the conquered resources in France which GErmany has lost.] UK could have Syria right from the scenario outset, which is historically reasonable I would suppose. Well, As pzgndr has quite ably demonstrated, there ARE indeed MANY ways to go with your OWN whole World War encompassing scenario. Once everyone is familiar with the new Editor and scripting capabilities (... and please note: not even Bill and I are CERTAIN of ALL of the potential features, as these things can, and do change on occasion, according to Hubert's wishes), then That "whole shooting match" scenario is not only possible, given the current schematics, but... WILL be accomplished, no doubt whatsoever in my mind, within a mere matter of weeks, if not days, most likely. :cool: The altered scale, due to map-size restrictions, will actually make the larger game more manageable, and not tedious or interminable, and appropriate adjustments can be made in the Editor for movement and combat ratings and force pool restrictions, and the like. Again, some serious play testing will be necessary. Yes, surely. There is also Iran, which hardly takes up any space on the currently constituted game board (... has no resources, and "Persia" can be politically assigned to UK), and as previously discussed, some countries could start the game as "colonies" or "conquests"... IE, such as Baltic States or Denmark (... or Poland and Norway, assuming you begin in July 1940) in order to create such critical new countries as Australia and "Pacific Islands Group" and Burma, etc. All things considered, should be a fabulous blast, eh! [ November 27, 2004, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  23. LOL! Ah, Kuni, I ain't up and gone anywhere. I can't speak for Immer, who is In that Desert loony bin, As we full well realize, BUT, Awhile back, I already agreed to play you a public game Of... SC2, Once we all have a fair & decent chance To learn the VERY complex ins & outs Of the new game, and etc. I am not playing SC the Original anymore. So. There you have it. What sayeth the one... moon-enthused?
  24. LOL! Hey, I've got an idea! Let's kill off... ALL the educated, And them awful "elites," And the thoughtful ones, And the ones who actually MAKE things, And! your personally dreaded... "experts," Retributar, And then! What we'll have is... The Jungle again! The cave-man conquers all of Earth! Except, Well, then you'll have to appreciate, As I myself, ahem, have hard learned, That there is always Some other Big Bad Dude... out there On that vast, flaming Savannah, Who has... a BIGGER club than you. Always. And usually, They are hunkered down, Breathing real, REAL easy, With no worries or any conscience, Right around the next river-bend! That'll be fun... for a little while, eh?
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