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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. LOL! This is lame stuff, man, befitting A lesser leering sort, Who would creep about on other Dumb, damn near moribund forums. LOL! God doesn't hate... anyone, Didn't you know? Not even Descartes, Monet or Bridgit Bardot. Belmondo neither, As he guns the asphalt jungle corners In his '57 Ford Fairlane convertible... is midnite black W/gold slash-marks searing the sides. :cool: Keep firm in mind, IF You are able. What defiles YOU... is, As has been said, What comes out of your... mouth piece. Since we can't actually see you, Or size you up in some other way, This is how... you show your... colors. It establishes reputation. How you equate to Impossibly complex Society. IF you can stand-up straight when it's time, And IF you won't bawl and fall... down When the going gets blood-letting tough, As, in a necessary war, or Then you are down and out And said - by many, and many... to be Utterly done for. What, what? Do you mean to be - majestic, Or, merely Puling small and drooling in a caul, At beck & call Of others... likewise sly and shameless? Wake up. Life is... quite short. Too short to be flaming some Cool SC Cat Like rambo, who Can easy as home-made American pie, Practice a serious Spiritual integrity In the face of mindless nihilism Spoiling like a damned dumb madness Fast unbound, of late... all around. ___________________________ Ah, Jersey, thanks for the kind words, But, We ALL know who is the actual raconteur, Smiling, whiling there on the park-bench With some another mysterious chess-mate. The convivial, ever-questing sort who is Inviting IN ALL the ones left... OUT, and happily Teaching them great crafty skills Like... baseball. :cool: Take one forlorn forgotten kid Who might otherwise become Shiftless and show-off **(... there ARE genuine Outlaws, who ARE direly required, BUT, you ain't gonna find 'em with a puny gun or any dreck & nickle bag, in hand) And teach 'em how to properly hold That Louisville Slugger, Or, Grip them stitched seams - so to strike-out! Mantle or Mays or the Brooklyn Boy, Duke, In the bottom of the 9th with the sacks Loaded! with tying and winning runs, And oh LOL! LOL! and so, There you have it. One less... punk. One more... fearless Truth Seeker Who has... ALL of Eternity As... glad companion. [ November 26, 2004, 07:33 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  2. LOL! Ah, JPW, I do sometimes sound like an old broken record, eh? Well, Sorry, see... it's due to way back when, I used to listen to Bobby Darin Wailing out about Mack the Knife, And I played it SO often... that get-down, kick a** hot-licks track... it Got... cracked, and then... You know. Now I occasionally can't help it. ______________________ The thing is, however, it would be VERY oustanding grand IF some other game designers would do the same or similar as Hubert is VERY generously doing for all of us, so that we might ALSO modify their games, but, I guess they prefer... holding back. Keeping their game X-tremely limited, Sly, stringent stuff like that. Anyway, Everyone who buys this new! SC2 is gonna have the time of their lives... just like... Mack the... Mack the... Mack the Knife.
  3. If the default game doesn't include a HQ that YOU think SHOULD absolutely! be in the game, Well, All you gotta do is go to that incredible Editor and type one in... whatever name you prefer, and whatever inherent strength you think it should have. For instance, IF the final version doesn't have a HQ for: 1) Finland. 2) Rumania. 3) Spain. Three of which I personally would think deserve to have one, then, just add it on in. :cool: Everyone keeps forgetting, every now & then, that the new! SC2 Editor will allow almost limitless variation.
  4. [NOTE... BS = Beatific Sage] rambo flips open the cell phone... it's one of those new fangled, multi-tasking things... nothin' but the BEST! for... the local Legend. He takes a quick snap-shot of... a falling leaf. Gotta keep track of... Boise posterity. **Way, way out in the Eerie-Sphere, a faint voice, Slightly annoyed** "Yah rambo, what is it... this time." "Look here you beat up old half-insane, so-called lost-in-the-60's Sage... this latest SC Game I'm rackin' up?" "Yeah?" "Well, damn the double-deuce snake-eyes, I got these here 5 research chits stuck in Rockets, and it is now turn 7 already and... Poland STILL won't bite the dust!" "Accept your personal Destiny, O yee of tiny dice dealing faith." "Nope, no Prophet, Just a great and beat, sweet-teat tasting Scat-man who used to know Jack Kerouac back when he was... erasing all the thin white lines... as King of the Road." "Grack! Better for you if you knew the REAL King... Elvis, when he had black-jack lyrics running fiery like liquid lava - deep down in his freight-training soul!" rambo continues: "And besides, I KNOW what Destiny IS... I've got 10 grand laid down on... Tofu Futures, and I'll collect my dazzling dime on that there New Age Market if I have to wait for the Old Idaho cows to come home!" "Well, pardon, rambo, I've got things to do, and... " rambo, out of patience... just about... out of Einstein time: "Get me Rockets! Level one, level TWO, rip-rap, snap crack & pop! And get 'em raining brimstone blazes on Warsaw, and get 'em here... NOW!" "Say? Earth-bound, Hound Dog howling, 20-handicap Golfer Man?" "Rockets I say!" "Don't phone home again! You are plain wearing me OUT... gotta go, John Kerry is tearing up the satellite line and wants to know why HIS Destiny is even worse than yours." rambo saunters on up to the sprawling 18th green at Boise Municipal Golf Course and Good Shepherd Training Grounds. He indolently fills his divot, and takes a quick snap-shot of his shining, dimpled white golf ball... lying... INCHES??... from the pin. He thinks a moment about this new circumstance. Something... not QUITE... righteous here in the green hills of the Promised Land. That was a hell of a 9-iron shot! If he does say so himself! Fought them swirling Old Idaho winds - all the way out of that wild & thick fairway rough! 90 yards! No! More! Soaring! Up into them blustery blue-white Boise clouds like... well, exactly like! A freaking, claw-wreaking... Eagle! ... SHOULDA gone... IN... that liberal, back-stabbing cup! He abruptly flips the cell phone open... hoping it won't X-plode... like one a' them cheap-jack Euro models, And takes a quick snap of... a poor, falling sparrow. Suddenly he wonders? Did anyone else notice that falling sparrow, other than me? Signs & Wonders, I keep tellin' all them ailing infidels, but... NO! They just won't listen! Yep, That most-artistic shot SHOULDA gone right In there... ker-plunk! He stabs in the phone number, long, long since memorized... he even sees it etched on a slab of mosaic marble, in his dreams. "Hey BS! Inches from the cup? Hey, CAN'T happen! Here in God's Country, You clue-less old hippie codger you... And, by the by... Rockets! Level 3! While yer at it... "
  5. Very true. Weather WILL dictate WHEN and how certain offensives will take place... though, you COULD still try to slog the dog-soldiers through without Air Power and at a slowed, snail's pace. But, what's even better... the "weather factor" is NOT static and predictable, as is the case IRL, eh? You will never know, from one season to the next, or even, one game to the next, just HOW difficult (... or, not) the weather will prove to be. **(... not to forget, there will also always be the "first Russian Winter effect" that the ill clad GErmans will have to contend with... a brief relief for the Berserkers, so to regroup and possibly conduct some small reprisals of their own! After all, they may well have been hiding out of plain sight... those specialty units that have higher level anti-tank gunnery!) The thing is, as I have mentioned before, there are MANY, many variables... so many in fact, that it will virtually be IMPOSSIBLE to play the same game twice. :cool: I had earlier said that you will be playing this game for the next 10 years... I reconsider and amend that now... you will be playing this game for the next 50 years! I personally INTEND to live to be 100, at least, if ONLY so that I can play this most amazing game... and ALL those scenarios and spin-offs that will soon be out there... LOL! _______________________ Since this game is REALLY very much DIFFERENT than SC the Original, I am guessing that there will 1000's of permutations on strategy and tactics. As Bill has reminded, it is not merely a matter of manuevering your game pieces... it is MORE that you will have so many choices (... to include a greatly variant Diplomatic game, and, potentially, a decisive "Battle of the Atlantic") that you WILL have to thoroughly and actively "ponder & consider" BEFORE you launch into the next offensive or hunker down in gut defense. You could, as Stalin had proposed, rely on... "quantity as quality"... OR you could build and then TRY to maintain those "elite" units... though, if the other side has (... secretly!) achieved a decent "motorisation tech," then you'll be in sudden danger of a quick and brutal "blitz, surround and starve." All in all, this game is going to be... one hell of a challenge, even for ALL of those former... "masters of SC1." The upcoming tournaments should be something to see!
  6. [... since deleted] Well, Not so much clever posts... as fairly informed and owing much to knowledge of history. All of them quite good. I would only add this (... and it would greatly depend on WHEN the Russians would capitulate): It would soon become a race... for better and more destructive Technology. The GErmans and Americans would be roughly even, at the beginning of this race, and likely the USA would pull ahead at some point... more Scientists with more freedom to congregate and theorize. You would then soon arrive at "mutually assured destruction," as was the eventual situation vis a vis USA and Soviet Union in the early '50s right on through 1990... and actually, today even. NO DOUBT in my mind that GErmany WOULD acquire atomic bomb secrets from down here in the Desert where I live. The GErman Bund was of course forced underground, yet not much diminished... and there were and are MANY AMericans of German-American heritage, so... ONE of those surely WOULD have stolen "the big secret" and sent it on along to GErmany (... which didn't lag all that far behind anyway). The USA could NOT have made enough A-bombs, in time (... given the primitive technology THEN extent) in order to defeat GErmany in the 1940s. One or two would NOT have caused GErmany to quit. Therefore, it would indeed be that arms race toward jets, and jet bombers, and long-range ones at that, not to mention the ever and fast improving rocket science. OK. Stalemate and forced peace. But... a fascist regime (... assuming that Hitler was not fast dispatched to some distant Austrian mountain "home"... if not assassinated) can NEVER exist for very long, IMHO, due to inherent and determined inclination of the "common folk" (... anyway, the kind you would find in those Countries where SOME individual freedoms were part of the heritage) to ACTIVELY resist such brutal and backward-seeking sort of government. So? Eventual collapse of the 3rd Reich would be inevitable... surely within, oh, ~30-40 years... UNLESS some better-natured Angels might assume control of the GErman State and stabilize it in the "democratic" tradition.
  7. Isn't it? Ah, but is anyone really the best versed? And isn't it more true that each SC member is... equally, and UNIQUELY versed? _________________________ Much has been written already. Maybe too much. I doubt that I could do those truly amazing times much justice, unless I were to write 3 or 4 hundred pages... for a start. Doubt VERY much that the brothers (... and sisters if there are any) would stand for that, eh? Let's just say, It was... Magic. Magic, and... Tragic. Apparent opposites, Together one moment and gone All apart At once. Like... a thin falling leaf since a chilling Wind... entwined through the limbs - look-see! The dwindling green! The brittled hints... of sienna, of red! Then, Ghostly old golds Intending... an end. (notice... some ancient great Painter is arisen to visit - out of his hillside home... you realize, it's really a dream, his occasional vision of... a just-bursting! leaf) It was... A leaf that braved a brief, Spring Into Indian Summer life, A curious nourishing kind of life, freely! Offering fresh inspiration - to friend And foe, to the Unicorn kneeling And the Shaman while healing and also, Sans limit, the small Hunted animal alike. And, How it tried. O you know how direly it tried... to see The old treasured tree, and the grounds Frosted 'round... flourish, And finally, survive. And so, As Magic and Tragic Ever and eternally will, yes, yes, They beautifully blended - opposite Together, and For - a long seeming moment... died. ______________ Well, not a lot, but how I NOW remember the 60s.
  8. LOL! Actually, jjr, you make a good point about focusing on those subjects that would indeed foster further dominance in... science. Problem is, we are lagging in that area as well. A second language is NOT imperative, but it never hurts to "communicate" with our neighbors (... given the new means of communication, Europe is NOW as Montana used to be in relation to old Idaho) on THEIR playing field, so to speak. English is fast becoming the lingua franca, ... or "universal language," which is perhaps one reason WHY we are somewhat reluctant to "push" the students to learn another language. Well, No matter the "business applications," I personally am disappointed that we SEEM to have allowed a "two-tier" educational system to develop. BTW: I too "majored" in baseball and building up flame-throwing hot-rods and of course, Coors beer, mixed in with great heapings of Gospel and Blues and Rock and Roll.. and James Bond was one of my "heroes" back in high school... I read EVERY one of those Ian Fleming books, 3 or 4 times... in fact, when I volunteered for the Army in 1966 I seriously considered applying for "Army Intelligence," imagining that I could play "cloak & dagger" with all them most nefarious RED foes! LOL!
  9. Given that the Allies BARELY secured the landing zones on D-Day... against a flimsy skeleton force consisting in good part...of old men and young boys, without Air cover or Mechanized tank groups, How on Earth could they assult "Fortress Europa" when all those elite, and victorious, and experienced GErman units (... save a few for occupation and anti-partisan duties) would be immediately transferred West? To include the Air Forces that would presumably be reconstituted and augmented with, possibly, even better models... and now, there would be time and money available for Speer to direct the mass production of... the jets and rockets and improved Tigers and 88s and and and, etc. It's a pipe-dream to suppose that the Allies could successfully amphibiously assault a fully and deeply reinforced Western Europe, to include northern Italy. IMHO, of course. Stalemate, and a "forced peace," most likely.
  10. I too have been impressed with all of the Euro's who can capably communicate in something other than their native language. In this case, and since we are rapping around on a North American forum... English. To comment about the one country that I DO know, not very many Americans can speak a second language, which is actually a more recent phenomenon. [... we also used to have many charming dialects - such as the French inspired Cajun ... I used to live in New Orleans and I would often go to Cajun bars and just sit and listen all evening long... to that beautiful musical lingo... and also there were distinct permutations such as Spanglish and Ebonics ... but alack, Mesmerizing Mass Media has pretty much made all those old dialects... X-tremely... blended bland :eek: ] Used to be, here in America, you HAD to take a "foreign language"... in high school. Then, that requirement gradually disappeared (... though not completely - there are "elitist" Prep schools where it is yet required, oh sure, mostly the ones where the very Rich folks send their reluctant but precocious kids) And so, as our story goes, it was left to the American Universities and Colleges to uphold the.... ummmm, "sophisticated tradition." However, now you can go through 4 and 5 years of college and NOT have to take ANY "foreign language." Recent surveys indicate that upwards of 85% of students "elect" to avoid this language requirement. Well, Too bad, but blatant Chauvinism seems to be the common approach to (so-called) "education" here in my dumbed-down home country of US of A. I guess we could say... and it is more and more reinforced, of late, and from the very highest, most influential places, as the... de rigueur attitude: "Stupid is good." Now, You add that to the prior prevailing mantra of the amassed-money-giddy 1980s, "Greed is good." And what do you have? Being... stupid AND greedy is... good! LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Folks are actually PROUD of this emerging zeitgeist , and will wave their little guns around (... kinda like a new cast-iron flag ) and challenge all them "elitists:" "Yep, I'm stupid and greedy, so what? Whatcha gonna DO about it, you feeble dweeby elitist ?" Ah, Lord love a punk Donald Duck, an evolution towards an eventual American Enlightenment... seems to be... fast & gladly! regressing! LOLOLOLOL! [ November 11, 2004, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  11. Hey Kuni, Just having a little FUN for awhile. Nothin' WRONG with that, eh? No need to intrude so brutely. Don't care for it? OK. Click-on by. Just... click on by.
  12. LOL, ah, it's great to see But another of Plato's Philosopher Kings At his arisen, out of Sea... ease. I might only add... this, To that... most excellent list: Have you raked the falling leaves? And have you? Easy breathed... the Ohm That ghostly roams In between? The day-to-day "real," And... the slumbering dream? :cool:
  13. No doubt many will choose to very often play the default game, me included. It will be thoroughly tested and remain faithful to WW2 GS history and incident. One thing to remember... this is Hubert's baby, through and through. He ALONE decides what goes in, and what is excluded. IMHO (... yah, call me a fan-boy if yers wants to, I don't mind ) There has NEVER been ANY other game designer that has provided this kind of "editorial" possibility... that you COULD change the game to such an extent that you essentially have... ANOTHER game. Games. Games. Games. (Who knows why? Maybe the others just prefer to keep deep secrets close to the vest, or for economic reasons, or whatever.) Whether that be smaller WW2 era campaign spin-offs, such as Battle for Stalingrad, or the Spanish Civil War, or Alexander the Great taking on the whole known world! Having been around this genre for over 40 years, I REALLY respect that he offers these tremendous possibilities... and also fully realize that everyone is VERY anxious to get their hands on this new game. Please, allow enough time so that he can do it his own way, in his own time, and with... an incredible elan. Meanwhile, as they say... anticipation is a great feeling to carry through these coming days and weeks... or whatever additional time is needed, eh?
  14. Reading through the recent postings, I have noticed that some are yet concerned about such various things as: 1) Will Air Fleets still be too powerful? 2) Will LUCK be too much of a factor? 3) Will the game remain faithful to historical actualities? Etc, etc. I have thought this over a bit and this is what I can tell you. For all of those who PREFER a WW2 GS game that is VERY precisely "modeled" on the exact actuality, and comes VERY close to how the real war was conducted, consider this: You can set the "combat target values" FOR EACH individual combat unit, and FOR EACH individual country, major or minor. And for all those who have chafed or complained that LUCK was too decisive, well, You can limit (... or even, eliminate altogether) research advances in ANY field. Therefore, let's say you don't care for AF's being able to destroy so many strength points of those huddled ground units... then, you'll go to the Editor and lower the soft attack rating for AF's. You might feel that it should be easier for GErmany to annihilate hapless France? :eek: You go to the Editor and lower the defense ratings for French Armies and Corps (... keeping the tanks as tough to kill as they actually were) so France might be over-run in a 6-week timetable, as it happened IRL. You don't care for Italian Navy being able to compete with British Navy? You go the Editor and set Brit RN surface vessels naval attack ratings higher (... or, give them one higher level for "gun laying radar") than Italy, which you may also have lowered slightly. No more Italian dreams of Mare Nostrum! I am no Math Guy, but the possible permutations must be... in the millions, at least. You can VERY PRECISELY model the various attack and defense ratings of ALL your combat units, SO THAT You CAN play a whole grand campaign that will ALMOST exactly re-play... the way it was. You can do all this, and "cap" every research category, and change or deny diplomacy, and change the weather patterns, and and and etc, and finally! There you have it. :cool: THE very PRECISE WW2 GS game that you have always wanted. With PRECISE ratings for every single combat unit, according to how YOU perceive the relative strengths of each Country. I tell you now... as has been suggested over in the FAQ... the sky IS the limit! NO! The outer moons of UNDISCOVERED planet Placentia ... is your actual limit. NOW! You WILL have that WW2 GS game that is the VERY ONE that you have designed in your mind. Admit it, all these years you have felt that... "Hey, I could design the PERFECT WW2 GS game!" [... of course, for competitive purposes, you may want to keep the default game, which WILL be very accurate and balanced] And so, for your OWN purposes and pleasures, soon! will come into existence, THE GAME that YOU have VERY much wanted, all these many years. The one that you will STILL be playing 10 years from now. Now, How can you beat that? And, Isn't it worth... the wait? For... "the perfect storm?" :cool:
  15. More serious response: Everyone here, and me included, have waited for a fabulous WW2 GS game like this for - some of us, oh, 20, 30 and 40 years. Everyone can notice, from the postings, and from the FAQ and screenshots, That there are a TREMENDOUS number of new! and exciting features for SC2-Blitzkrieg! Everyone is also asking for: a VERY good AI. And, Fairly faithful historical parameters. And, All of those special items that would make for VARIATION and immensely re-playable games. Not only SOLO, but PBEM and tcp/ip. No sense in having a game where each comes to resemble the last, eh? Anyway, all of these features and even more! Takes some particular time. Surely, everyone would PREFER a game that is great, and dependable, and FUN to play... right out of the box, so to speak. Well, and again, As you might imagine... this takes time. There is no use trying to put a SPECIFIC DATE on release, when Hubert is even now implementing ALL (... or, many of them anyway) of those great features that EVERYONE has been clamoring for. And adding in some that he alone has conjured out of thin air! Given all that, "when it is ready" IS indeed the ONLY true answer that might be given. I have seen enough of the game to KNOW... it is WELL worth the wait. Really, it won't be ALL that much longer. And, one thing is for certain... this is no fast tracked, one night wonder... it IS a real and fabulous project that is... getting closer, and closer. :cool: [ November 09, 2004, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  16. Someone, wandering long, paused To inquire: "How do I know when an egg is done. I want it... soft boiled." "Would that be - 3 minutes or Closer to... 4?" Moon: When it is ready. Weary wanderer, taken aback: "But, how does that help me? There are different sizes of eggs, And soft waters and hard waters, And I might live in a high altitude place? And doesn't it make a difference If I plunge it into cold waters?" Moon: WHEN it is ready. As time and time went on, Many learned of this wise man and Hard traveled from many miles around To learn of: very vital things. Soon, Moon realized it was become crowded Down on teeming Earth, and so, Retired... high in the sky. An aerial Ashram of devoted followers Soon became as... shining-eyed Stars in the sky. Folks would arrive from all over the Universe. And one day, it was, It HAD to be... oddly asked: "How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?" Moon smiled that light-bringing smile, And wryly replied: "You are not quite ready, no Not yet, yee alien Seeker. You will know..." *CHORUS OF THE STARS* "When the Egg is... ready!"
  17. Waltero is some sort of absolutely UNIQUE Individual, And that is ALWAYS refreshing to see, And, as such, he knows things. Heark to this here crazy curious Clown. NEW day's a'coming. THE next most amazing game WILL be... SC2. Never mind all those... pretenders Fooling & futzing around out there In "milk the WW2 GS market," With their crooked "area movements," And their BIG budget enticements. And, I don't say that merely because I have some very TINY insights into this latest Geyser-like! game development. I say it... as a 40+ year... PLAYER. Of ALL manner of board games. And computer games. And, Games where your very existence Stumbles over... a dice-rolled edginess. Now, This next most amazing game, SC2 ... is gonna send ALL Them OLD player rankings, And them "speculations" about WHO is such & such A so-called... PREMIER player, OUT - the fun-house window! :cool: All of EVERYTHING is now... topsy turvy, Like some sort of crazy kaleidoscope You look into and Stare once again, and... can't QUITE Determine - what? :eek: Is... the figure, And what? Is... the ground. That mangled, Panzer-claw'd ground. You will soon! See new! Masters of the quick-ripping blitz, And new! Crack cats of... the bad-track nasty. Old "top-dogs" will have to fight, And scratch, And claw, And howl - to that soon! subsumed Moon, MERELY... to simply survive. It's gonna be... some kind of merry mayhem, oh Yea, all you contenders and pretenders, Some kind of... mayhem MOST amazing! :cool:
  18. Fair enough... some would, some wouldn't. I am one of those who have gnashed my incisor teeth when one of my expensive naval ships takes a route that causes some "accidental surprise contact" that was not desired. :eek: **[... one good solution... make shorter, less extravagant moves during each phase, so that you sort of "creep up on" the intended target... this will be an even more useful tactic given the much more elaborate "naval warfare game" that we will have in SC2... as with U-boots VS ASW Cruiser groups... :cool: ] I don't recall much, if any difficulties in ground movement, but, perhaps that is "selective memory" since... I AM in favor of allowing SOME random "movement to contact" which causes some unusual results... "fog of battle" we might call it, and especially in the HUGE sea and ocean expanses where detailed AND reliable dispositions of the enemy are X-tremely difficult to determine. In any event, this was NOT a feature in SC the Original, and, as of this date, There will NOT be a special ability to select exact or precise "movement way-points" for SC2, other than for... Convoy routes. As always, ALL opinions, comments, suggestions and general GS gaming desires are greatly appreciated, and fairly considered. :cool: [ October 26, 2004, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  19. And, yep, given the time and terrain scale, A very good case indeed. :cool: And, given... all the ruts in the road, And those sign-posts which howitzers X-plode. About the only things that go DIRECTLY From one place to the next, Are... Crows when flying, and Life forms when dying. Actually, A point-to-point micro-management does not Allow for any happenstance or initiative On the part of subordinates. That sort of EXACT following of orders Has NEVER even existed has it, really? By soldiers, Or workers or robots or drones Or WW2 GS game players neither. Better, IMHO, if we have accidental encounters And the occasional rough-house ambush, Than merely the time-consuming plotting Of... quite... particular... way... points.
  20. Well, I would... but, You didn't provide any... phone numbers! Although, IF... I could even reach them by phone, Whatever would we rap about? Hmmmmmm... I know! :cool: I could say... Get on board, all you cool loony friends! SC2-Blitzkrieg is on the way, And, I know enough to say, It IS indeed going to be... the very greatest WW2 Grand Strategy Game This crazy-amazed! old world our Earth Has ever yet seen!
  21. Good to have you back, WHATEVER the reason! I'm sure you'd have been a great soldier, but, hey, now you can be an even greater citizen cvilian! :cool: Yep, not missing the oncoming release of SC2... IS the most important thing... I'd feel the same way. BTW: Really, REALLY like the bottom of yer sig line... I am with you on that one!
  22. vveedd, as currently constituted, (... keep in mind that here, as with all else, NOTHING is etched in Moses stone UNTIL beta testing is actually completed) Forests (... wooded areas) will have +1 defense modifier for all types of attacks with a max entrenchment of 3. [All types of attacks = tank defense, soft defense, air, bomber, naval and carrier defenses, excluding subs, of course! ] Mountains will have +4 defense modifier VS Tanks, and +2 for all other attacks, with a max entrenchment of 4. Cities have +2 VS Tanks, and +1 VS all other attacks with a max entrenchment of 4. Capital cities is the same as above, except the max entrenchment is 6. Hope that helps.
  23. Well, Les, there is another way To look at it, eh? IOW, all of the rest of the outside world Is... the Asylum, And the goings on in here are... a shelter From the storm, or... a typical normalcy. LOL! For over 40,000 years humans have needed Some sort of release, or catharsis From the everyday, ordinary, mundane SAMENESS :eek: Thus, The mystery cults of Morpheous, Or the group frenzies surrounding Dionysus, Or American Pro Football, Or Canadian Pro Hockey, Or down in deep South tent revivals, Or rock & roll stage plays, Or... occasional off-topic threads In a war-gaming forum. Where folks can go nearly certified crazy In a somewhat... "sanctioned" way. NOTHING wrong with that. Otherwise the murder & mayhem rate Would be 100 Xs as great as it already is! I would hate to live, or post In some place where ONLY the same old Same old, Is always, oh, hell and ho-hum, the USUAL. See, NOBODY can... CONTROL everything. Many people TRY, which is WHY There are these musty attic rooms Where dotty ol' Uncle the drooling Fool Wears the SAME old clothes Year after odorous, moldering year, And just... rocks & rocks and rocks The crazy days away. Trying TOO hard to control EVERYTHING... is why there are Asylums In the first place. NO easing release, baby. The thing to do... just go with the flow, And just have... a little FUN Now and then again. Speaking of which, I can tell you this much. From what I have been privileged to see, SC2-blitzkrieg ... IS going to be The greatest, Most originally conceived WW2 GS game EVER created. :cool: As a war-gamer (... and, a devoted acolyte to the Dionysian miracle, oh, part of many "mystical participations") For over 40 years, I am MORE excited about this game Than any that I have EVER seen, Or even heard tell of. It's getting close To actual AAR's and screenshots, And then all this fulminating about The occasional hi-jinks and... off-beat Be-bop-a-lu-lu... lunacy, Will soon be shoveled under. Though, as I say, it HAS served a very valuable Catharsis function for The Group, eh?
  24. Well, F-S, Since you haven't been around much... and, I should know since I've been here going on Three years, You likely couldn't remotely KNOW what Is the most amazing happenings In SC-land -- even should you consult The local Curandero's curiously thrown Chicken bones. The ones that rattle around in that old Upended Pz I turret housing. :eek: And, where-at did that other low-brow, trash The "local SC yokels" stuff come from? None of that is yowl-cool, ol' alley cat. :cool: Excuse, please, I was simply asking for These SC folks Whoso DECLARED a participatory voting process Some several days ago, To shake out the box... reveal the results, So that all SC Citizens might see, And sanction them, As is appropriate to any quasi legitimate "Selection election." This is "in-house" stuff, And I don't mind, and never have minded Giving my OWN opinion on ANY matters That arise herein. To the extent that I have damn near as many Padlocks as the all-time leader, Kuniworth. May even get another here, I don't care A whistling nit-wit scat. The thing is, I have argued since time immemorial, or, April of 2002, whichever comes first, That I, personally, Don't care for these little "Our little special clubhouse" routines. I don't belong. Would never belong. Could NOT belong even if I should want to, Which I don't. But those joining-up others can have ANY sort Of inclusion-exclusion game they choose to, Say la vie, fine by me. Well, As per usual, Each to their own. Meanwhile, jjr, As disinterested observer, Where is that requested recount? Come to think of it, hmmmm, I don't remember any votes being cast In those FIRST two "selection elections" Of 2002, or 2003, Either! Let's recount those while we're at it! LOL!
  25. Ah gosh, LOL! I guess we can consider this... a selection, Oh pardon, and sure, sorry, I meant to say, An "election" by... fait d' accompli? IOW, O wherever at is... the "official" vote count? We don't really need one, you suggest? Well, As Josef Stalin once declared: "It doesn't matter who CASTS the votes, It only matters who COUNTS them!" LOLOLOLOL! **[... yep, it happened once upon a year 2000, in Florida thissa strange fait... way, and tomorrow... why, lookee toward great grey-sky Ohio, all Yee dis accompli'd folks! ]
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