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Everything posted by DrAlimantado

  1. How much more expensive have the game become for you during these 20 minutes due to inflation? I demand a UN investigation!
  2. Are you sure? There are some games which have paper boxes of the same size of a dvd case, but much thicker. Morrowind, IL-2, the Fallout collection, are games that I have seen in this type of packaging.
  3. You just wait, I will slap you silly with my fearsome Italian girly-tanks.
  4. The only firm statement that I can remember is from Achim Heidelauf, who works at CDV. He stated in a thread from the 25th of July: And technically he is right, I guess. But, well, yeah .... dunno. M
  5. The game specification for the international version states "Printed 266 page game manual". So my guess is that CDV had to make a compromise in order to fit it into a DVD-case. Unless it has a very small print.
  6. As far as I understand things, that is not going to happen. BFC will not knowingly sell them the US-version of the game for retail in Europe. If the shop buys the game from a middlehand who lives in the US, and then proceeds to sell it in Sweden, then two things will happen: 1) the game will be ridicously expensive 2) CDV will be rather irritated. M
  7. Of course you are correct. Unfortunately people have a tendency to stick to the strategy of wish fullfillment. In this context it means that they ignore the CDV announcements, (which does not tell us that much, unless you are German or British), and hope for a vague promise of an earlier date, coming from a retail source. Heck, I have seen people here in this forum, wish for that the non-European version would be released before the 20th of September. I asked for the release date in a good gaming store here in Gothenburg, and the guy stated 'the 2nd of October, or any date before or after that'. Helpful, huh? M
  8. Rumours start when those who know do not give the information to those who want to know. Nothing strange with that. Of course then there are those who want to believe that they know, despite that they have not been told anything, (Hi Eugen ). M
  9. Heh, don't worry. I should have seen that comment coming from miles away, LOL! Seriosly, it will get here sooner or later. And to be honest, I do not see the point of preordering something that is going to come to the shops, unless one is stuck out in the woods and is dependent on mailorder. I am still a bit puzzled about all the different takes on the release date(s). We will se what happens. But to be honest, I would be wary of some of the claims of the companies where you can preorder. They got your money to win if they give you an too early date, and nothing to lose when you find out that they lied. As far as I am concerned, the voice that matters is CDV, and they have stated the 20/9 for Germany and the 4/10 for the UK. As for when the rest of us Europeans will get it, well, we will know when CDV gives us the release date or when the game actually hits the storeshelves.
  10. Ok, suck on these words for a while. Hmmm ... they taste good. Ok, suck on these words for a while. Yeah ... they taste good too. No! Wait ... they taste like .... bitter irony. Strange I have not yet found a single place where I can preorder CMBB here in Sweden. Marketing works in mysterious ways. Lets taste those words again:
  11. For me? 1) It depicts the East front. The enlarged time scope, and multitude of nationalities, would have made me buy the game even if the game engine was completely untouched. 2) Variable rarity. This feature brings in an element of uncertainty when playing, which will further enhance the already incredible replayability factor of this game. M
  12. Some of us are old and anal. Nothing strange with that. But you are right, these are the two major differences that are known, (and I am not sure that these can be called major anyway). I have a hunch of another difference, but that is only speculation so far. Nothing detrimental anyway, I am eagerly awaiting the day I get my greasy and chubby fingers on a copy of CMBB. M [ September 07, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: DrAlimantado ]
  13. There has been lengthy discussions over this issue during the last few months. If you live in Europe and want the non-European version, you have to ask someone you know to order it and then send it to you. If I recall correctly there have even been people on this board who volunteered to do this.
  14. Steve, do you know where we non-German Europeans are supposed to turn if we have any questions regarding the CM2 release in Europe outside Germany? There is no English forum on the CDV site, heck they do not even have the English demo available for download. It seems that a part of your customer base is kind of stuck in limbo, so to speak. Mattias
  15. Hi there Being new to a community, acting like an idiot is not the best thing to do. Just thought that I should point that out, in case you were not aware of this. Mattias
  16. Last time I danced was after 500 SEK of Gin & Tonic, cannot remember if the devil was involved, but I know that there was a monkey who poured diesel in my mouth when I was asleep later that night. As for me having fired a mg, what do you take me for? Good god, you have met me, and did you actually believe that I did the military service? [ September 04, 2002, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: DrAlimantado ]
  17. Kuma, something is wrong with how you have calculated the price from £ to €. I do not know the exact exchange rate, but a quick calculation from £ to SEK and then to € gave 43 €. If it looks too good to be true it most probably is. I sincerely hope that that the UK release has not been postponed to the end of October. My guess is that there would be a lot of slightly irritated non-German customers then. It would be nice if BFC could shed some light on this. CDV is not much of help, as they only has the German release date listed on their new site www.combatmission.de and no CM forum in English. M
  18. The only real problem that I see with this feature as I see it, is that it only adds more turns and never subracts. In ME's this is not a problem, but in any type of attack/defend scenario it gives somewhat of a advantage to the attacker. The feature makes it harder to do gamey flagrushes, but it also gives more time to the cautious attacker. But I am pretty sure that BFC has a good explanation to why this feature was implemented in this particular manner, an explanation that my feeble mind cannot figure out for the moment. M Johan, did you say that you loved the machineguns? You were not entirely clear on that point.
  19. The only problem I had was that when I played the demo on 1600x1200 on my 19", the bottom text became unreadable, i.e the 'tired', etc. text.
  20. So, so, Soddball. Not everyone knows the pleasure of having a lousy European modem connection. And to be honest, I downloaded the original CMBO demo in the manner zee suggested when I was living in Colchester and had a 36k modem with NTL. M
  21. So, so, Soddball. Not everyone knows the pleasure of having a lousy European modem connection. And to be honest, I downloaded the original CMBO demo in the manner zee suggested when I was living in Colchester and had a 36k modem with NTL. M
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