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Everything posted by DrAlimantado

  1. Being a frequent visitor of this board is no guarantee of any form of reading comprehension ability or any brain activity at all. Of course I have seen people mention the game, here on the board, as CM2, but I have always taken that as a sign of laziness than anything else. A type of 'Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin is too long and complicated so I will call it CM2 instead'-type of thing. But answer me this: If BFC intends to name the game CM2, why is it mentioned as CMBB in the pressrelease? One of these days I will get a life. Most probably it will happen when I get a copy of the game, whatever it is named. Good god, I am a sad sod. Back to work. M
  2. It is? All the official material that I have seen from BFC, press release, etc, has named the game as Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (CMBB). I am sure that CDV has a perfectly good reason to name CMBB Combat Misision 2 instead. But it will lead to confusion, and I am a bit puzzled by the move. But then, that is just me. M
  3. The short answer is: unfortunately no. As far as I understand things, CDV has made a business deal with BFC to exclusively distribute CMBB (or CM2 as CDV calls it for some reason) within Europe, this means that BFC cannot mailorder to Europe. There has been some complaints about this from some Europeans who wants the US version of the game. But hopefully BFC will increase the sales and profits through the CDV deal, something that will be beneficial to all of us in the long run. One solution is to have an friend who is non-European to mailorder the US-version, and then have it sent to you. A cumbersome method, but it works. If I remember correctly, there has already been several people volunteering to do this for other people on the board. I hope that this answers your question M
  4. Well it could just be that it takes some time for CDV to ship the game to the UK, and thus it will not hit the shops until the beginning of october. That is ok I guess. But I am a bit puzzled about to why the English Euro version is not directly shipped to the countries that will not have a localised version. As things looks now, if I want the game within the forseeable future, I have to mailorder the game and I will get the CDV version. Aaah, the best of two worlds. M
  5. Hey, that is below the belt! I have actually worn the same socks now for way too many days in a row now. How is that for defending the traditions? M
  6. Andreas how long have you been on this forum? Two or three years now? Still you manage to post a thread about the consumption of alcohol in the CM forum? General forum, what is that? Gin and tonic, what is that? That is what I will drink, but I guess that you already knew that. M
  7. At first I thought that it was bablefish that was funky as usual, but then I had a look at the said source. My guess is that someone will be beheaded for this. M
  8. Heck that is better than the other cover that CDV has been displaying. But I am a bit puzzled though. The centre picture is a real photograph, the bottom two are from CMBB, but the top two seems to be from CMBO? Oh well, it beats the other 'GI Joe cover' any day of the week. A strange thing though, Amazon.co.uk does not have CMBB listed, while Amazon.fr and Amazon.de has it listed for a September release. But in the CDV interview on Warfarehq.com, it was stated that the initial European September release would be in Germany and the UK, the other countries would assumably follow on a later date. But on the other hand, if one goes into the English version of Cdv.de, one cannot order the UK version of CMBB in their webshop, and the only stated release date is for Germany. Oh well, we will see what happens. M
  9. Screw that, I want 'Run to the Hills' with Iron Maiden. M
  10. 4 CMBB new screenies at the CDV site. Awfully bright as usual, but damn, those lads are hot in their uniforms. CDV site Continue on to the Preview section and then to CM2. [ August 15, 2002, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: DrAlimantado ]
  11. To be honest the only songs I have with him is when he is featured on some BDP tracks. But I liked the quote as I grew up with punk and a dislike for disco. To be honest I never thought anyone on this board would know who Freddie Foxx is, but after looking at your email adress I am not surprised that you did, heh.
  12. It seems like preorders can only be done through the German version of their webite. Oh well. I wonder why the game is initially only released in Germany and UK. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, etc, will all use the UK version, so why the delay? Oh well. M
  13. Sure looks like it. But what type of tank is in the top left pic? Looks like some of the T34-76 variants. But it has a lot of sharp edges, which makes it look different. M
  14. Steve, if I were your wife, I would not have let you back into the bedroom. But then on the other hand, if I were your wife, my guess is that you would not have married me. Despite all the [CENSORED], the preview was superb. Thanks a lot. M
  15. The problem for me in this case, would not be formatting and partitioning. I have done enough Win/Linux stuff to do that until I get bored. The problem would lie in that if I buy a Mac, it would be my first one, and if it is not shipped as an dual-boot, then I would not have a OS 9 cd. M
  16. Does anyone here know if new Mac's will be sold as dual-boots when 10.2 is released by the end of August. As far as I understand, the present line-up is sold as dual-boot machines, right? Or do one have to partition and install OS 9.x separately? M
  17. Most probably not. As far as I understand things, is that these type of work is done by translationfirms hired by the distributors, who then pass the translations on to the retailers. Unfortunately bad translations are common due to a thankless job and customers who do not like to pay for quality. M
  18. Ah, don't be so modest, I always thought you looked good in your own German way, kinda like Nina Hagen. M
  19. Tsk, tsk, Ethan you have been to the UK right? And which UK ISP would be able to handle that kind of heavy internet traffic? BT? HA HA HA HA! But a good try though M
  20. I hope that everything went well, and that things did not become as chaotic as when I, Jon and Peter raided your old apartment. M
  21. AMD XP +1600, 512 DDR RAM, GeForce 3Ti200, Samsung Syncmaster 19" at 1600x1200, a big metallic blue Chieftec fulltower, and a set of fans that are driving me nuts. I am about to rip every fan out of my system and replace them with something more silent. Unfortunately my present job requires me to have Windows, otherwise äI would begin to save up for a brand new G4 tower, and use it with my present monitor. M
  22. Will try to. When are the big book sales in London? First or second week of January? M
  23. Hmm ... I have read your first post, and I must say that I am completely missing the hidden messages that says anything else than what it says in ordinary English grammar. Do you think I would get it if I got laid with Priest? Did we lose against England? To be honest, I have not really been paying attention. But if you say so. Heh, if Englands gets better self-esteem by beating Sweden in football, then I am all for it. You can even keep Svennis, free of charge. I'll say hi to T, when I meet up with her on Monday. We'll try to visit London during xmas sometime. M
  24. Ok, calm down Priest. (That sounded strange, coming from an atheist). I decided to stomp Andreas on the foot because he had a knee-jerk reaction against console games in general. What you are talking about (quantity vs quality), is interesting, but not contained in Andreas banter, nor is it necessary that a CM port over to the console market would constitute a "sell-out". Firstly, do I believe that a console version of CM is likely? Nope. Not at all. From my point of view, what speaks against a console version is the conflict between BFC as an independent company, and the gaming royalties within the console market. But that has no bearing on the game itself or the quality of it, this is just a conflict in economic interests. Hmm ... btw ... What does Halo or Squad Leader to do with wether CM could potentially be a high quality game on a console? Halo was delayed because the rights were bought up by MS, and they decided to hold it past its best before date. SL by Hasbro was bad because they used an old engine with sloppy research, published by a company notorious for bad games. And this has to do what with anything? Look, all I am trying to say is that I would not mind seing a serious wargame on the console market. M
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