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Everything posted by DrAlimantado

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: bump should be fun! Esp if Chup makes it alive <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maybe we should give him a medal if he makes it alive? There should be a medal or two that we could nick inside the museum. Then we can pin it to his chest while we all sing some appropriate song. Any suggestions to which song? DrAlimantado
  2. Hey Cupabuppa! Walking is always good. It's good for the health, or so I have been told at least. But then on the other hand you must handle the trouble of encountering the restless natives in their natural habitat. I will take the tube for sure. But then I am a spineless coward, that I know for sure. If you are bold, take the walk to the museum, but be prepared to have encounters that are unknown to the civilised world. Dr Alimantado Ps. I have been told that the natives can be distracted if you sing and dance for them. 'Achy breaky heart' is maybe something that you would know of?
  3. Nope, have not been there ... yet But dunno if I would get much money if I would position my ass in front of the Finchley tube ... I just have this gut feeling that shifty looking bums who sit and read Nietzsche do not get that much spare change. Maybe I should dance and sing a little bit? Could do a couple of Abba covers. Ah .. better not, would just get arrested for disturbing the peace M
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: *bump* sweet as. I'll be the guy with the red hair and red goatee, and there will be some shifty looking guys there too, that'll be Germanboy and Dr Al and stuff PeteNZ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Me shifty looking? That could explain why all the homeless people around Finchley approach me as an equal and ask me whether I have been to the homeless shelter up in Camden.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: Mattias, as for touching everything inside the museum, well I'll be there, so you can keep your bloody hands off me for one! :><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey that is not fair. My mum tells me that I cannot touch myself. My girlfriend says that I cannot touch her. And now you are telling me to keep my hands off you? Mr Tyson, you are a very wicked and cruel man. I hope that I do not get rejected by that cute PZ-II
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: You three are either to spot while I just look out of place in the IWM with my German Uberdress. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No wonder you will look out of place in that 80's heavy metal outfit of yours. That old Krokus t-shirt you have is the best of the German fashion design. Mattias
  7. How long we're gonna hang around? How long time does it take to shoplift one of their tanks? My guess is couple of hours, until the guards throw us out for climbing and touching everything that is inside. Mattias ps. Hey PeterPan ... starting to forget names?
  8. I have 24-7 Freecall and they are defenitely down on their knees. Two weeks ago everything was fine, but now it is kinda nightmarish to get a decent connection during evenings and weekends. Somehow I am not surprised at all. If you can get PeterNZ'er on to this thread he might talk about some dodgy adsl deal he stumbeled upon. Peter?
  9. You can laugh all you want, but this is serious matters. I have only just recently delved into this particular case, but my conclusions stand firm: This Mr Peng (or whatever you would like to call him) is suffering from an unresolved Oedipus Complex, which he had at a young age. As he never was able to kill his father (Pac Man), and never had sex with his mother (Mrs. Pac Man), Mr Peng is now venting his repressed frustrations at what he sees as symbols for his hated father - the poor and innocent smilies. There is no easy remedy for this. The frontal lobotomy that Mr PeterNZer suggests is an interesting option. But on the other hand I am not sure it would work that effectively. I am proposing that Mr Peng is forced to play the Pac Man computer game - at least for 3 or 4 days straight - in order reconcile with his aggressive feelings towards his father. This new form of therapy might be enhanced if Mr.Peng is forced to listen to Britney Spears - as a kind of soundtrack. Elton John, might also help, (but there are known sideeffects with this option). Do what you have to do, and report back to me on the progress of the patient. Peace (or whatever it is that you *beep* *beep* hippies say to each other. Dr Alimantado aka. Al Gore
  10. Have a look at www.clara.net ..... they may be worth something .. I hope. Tell me if you find anything, I'm in a desperate need too as I move on Saturday and I need a new ISP. Mattias
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Maybe they are Bavarian Space Orcs shouting 'Budda Budda' in a strange voice. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did not know that the Germans in CM actually are Space Orcs in disguise ... I guess that I have to paint my evil Lynx's in red then so that they go faster. Is that modeled, or is it one of those important things that BTS forgot? Mattias
  12. My oh so not cruel supervisor forced me to hand in the latest version of my MA-dissertation today. That means that I instead of writing on my dissertation, must play CM. Horror, horror! Mattias icq: 2116728 / e-mail mjesch@essex.ac.uk [This message has been edited by DrAlimantado (edited 08-18-2000).]
  13. I understand your frustration. When I moved into my present apartment, the first thing I unpacked was my PC. It must have been a funny sight: a two bedroom apartment, 10 moving boxes, 1 matress and a computer stacked upon a box. And the heating did not work properly (in november), so I was sitting inside with a heavy jacket, boots, and a wollen cap. mmm..... those were the days Just hold out a few more days, and hope that the PC do not get lost somewhere .. he he Mattias
  14. Peter, back to work! Mattias ps. I managed to get the apartment just off Finchley Road, so now I am just waiting for the guys over at FS to let me know if they want my sorry ass.
  15. I would guess that the 6-story Waterstone's bookshop at Picadilly Circus should carry a book or two. Otherwise you could check the Blackwell bookstore, which is located two or three hundred meters south of Charing Cross. Good luck and have fun. Mattias
  16. This is a public promise: If the little twat we know as Prince William marries that wonderful artist called Britney Spires, I will rally to his side and sing whatever national anthem they sing here in the UK, and wave the Union Jack until I faint of exhaustion. Peter: welcome to the UK. Remember that it is the duty of the immigrant to complain about the host culture. It is an easy job, and someone have to do it. Mattias
  17. hmm... the only thing postman Pat gave me today was a HUGHE phonebill from NTL. He better bring me something better tomorrow
  18. Congrats! Now I just hope that my copy find its way out to Colchester.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester: Hey Dr. A, Pretty nice area over there in Gunnison. Been awhile since I've been over there, but nice change of pace vs. the hectic hustle and bustle of being here in Denver. We'll have to play a game once you get your copy. Mike D aka Mikester<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would be delighted to play against you as soon as I get my copy. I just hope that the package do not get lost on the way, when I lived in Gunnison I sent a post card to Sweden that took ... some 8 months to arrive I just hope that the postal service has improved their service since '94. Gunnison was a wierd experience for me. I am a city kid who loves the concrete and asphalt. And during 1 year I was living in the mountains with the cowboys and hippies. But I loved Denver. It is a wonderful city. I especially love Wax Trax, and they seemed to love me as I spended some $200 within half an hour. Anyway, enough of my ramblings .. enjoy the game Mattias
  20. Congrats to recieving the game. I was just amazed that there were a lot of people from Colorado making themselves heard. I thought that i had paid attention to the board, but obviously not. I lived in Colorado for a year. In Gunnison to be more precise, up in the mountains where the hippies and hillbillies roam free. Have fun with the game, I will have to wait for another week until it gets to the UK. Mattias
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freyland: My wife plays Combat Mission with me Jonathan <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Even if my girlfriend accepts my gaming, she would not go so far as starting to play CM with me. But then on the other hand I feel that it would not be reasonable of me to ask for that. She has already moved to England with me, and that is to ask for a lot ... so I am afraid that I would stretch things a little bit too far if I asked her to spank me in VoT Mattias
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Hehehe - I knew it was her. So, are you going to enlighten us non-Swedish speakers or do I have to get my Swedish ex to work on it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oops, forgot the request for a translation. A rough translation from Swedish would be: Hi Darling! Thought that I would give you a public declaration of love. There you go. Bye." .... so Joe's translation was not that far of the target. Mattias
  23. That would be my dear girlfriend who left the message. And I won't have to make a hard descicion in the near future, for some unknown reason she thinks it is good that I play games ...dunno, maybe it keeps me less grumpy.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Renaud: Whatever theory of the organization of society is perceived as holding the moral high ground (socialism in this case) is the one men will aspire to, regardless of it's perceived impossibility, inherent evil or destructiveness. This is the reason for the triumphs of Statism in all it's forms in this last century. Men strive to be moral, and if the poison pill of self destruction and abdication of their individual rights is held out to them as the ultimate moral high ground, they will hasten to implement it in practical terms whatever the consequences. Our political philosophers have abdicated their responsibility to civilization by teaching entire generations of statesmen and voters that self-interest is evil, while surrender to the Great God State (as representative of the collective good) is the ultimate benevolent gesture to mankind. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of classical western civilization, most particularly the philosophy of classical liberalism prevalent the 17th-19th centuries, and the documented principles of the US founding fathers. During this period even Germany, now depicted as always having been the haven and source of teutonic fascism, was more free than most European states (or the USA) are today. This was the time of Goethe, Brahms, Schiller and Beethoven. Of course it was a freedom-by-default, not protected by much in the way of a constitution of bill or rights, but it did exist off-and-on for a brief time. Only in the latter part of the 19th century did State Socialism introduced by Bismark start Germany down the path to self-immolation. Once you concede to a government of powerhungry bureaucrats the management of some part of your property, every other right once held to be inaliable goes up for grabs soon enough... Socialism, explicit and implicit (as western 'mixed' economies), triumphs because people who should know better are disarmed by legions of hoary professors and social theorists promoting it through tens of thousands of scholarly writings assuring us that self-sacrifice and self-abdication is moral and self-interest is immoral. If this is true then unaliable and imprescriptable individual rights can only stand in the way of the State's authorship of our utopia. Once your subjects have internalized this lesson they will happily 'vote' you unlimited power. Ren<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> / Mattias
  25. I have no problems at all in labeling the former Soviet union and their allies as communistic states. I do not see any other apropriate label for them. But what one should not do is to confuse them with marxist political theory, (especially not the contemporary variants, even though if I am no big fan of them). This is similar to our western liberal democracies. There is a hughe difference between the theoretical liberal political theory and the practical libaral politics that is conducted.In fact, from my point of view most liberal democracies are not so liberal if you look closer. I do not think that pointing towards the effects of colonialism frees the present opressors/dictators/murderers from responisbility. It is just a partial explanation that you can draw so far. Only rampant biologism or dogmatic religion truly tries to free the subjects from responibility within the political sphere. And of course there is no necessary casuality between the structure of the former colony and what is done later on. Mattias
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