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Everything posted by Lindan

  1. I bought an Gainward GF2 MX400 64MB AGP There is a tool included allowing to run it at higher speeds. Standard for GPU Clock is 200 MHz. no problem here. What it VERY strange is, that the Memory Speed setting is shown at 135hz. the max setting is at 175. how is this possible? I know that this card should run at much higher memory speed settings?? I have a PII450 with an older ABIT board (BH6) and 256MB Ram. I'm really mystified here. Any input welcome, thanks.
  2. There was a discussion about this almost a year back and many informed people on this board think highly of the book. What are your issues with it?
  3. I wondered about this for a long time (as the dumb foreigner I am ) : where do you get the "Lef" from???
  4. EBAY said: Dear User: Unfortunately, access to this particular category or item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in your home country. Based on our discussions with concerned government agencies and eBay community members, we have taken these steps to reduce the chance of inappropriate items being displayed. Regrettably, in some cases this policy may prevent users from accessing items that do not violate the law. At this time, we are working on less restrictive alternatives. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, and we hope you may find other items of interest on eBay. Thank You. I hate this country! *sigh*
  5. Why do I have the strange feeling that this will change soon?
  6. I'm just reading several books on the fighting near Berlin. It's really amazing. If you were only interested in Karkhov, Stalingrad and such I highly recommend reading something about the last act of the war. It tells a tale of the total destruction of a once proud army.
  7. Mensch, I truly admire your superior tactics...
  8. MACE... you didn't really think I'd apologize, do you? I know of course that you thought that. No, you didn't. On second thought (my thoughts, you fool) you even haven't got enough brains to decently fill sheep with. I know you try, well, I know... what the heck am I talking about anyways? I reconsidered. I just hate you. A little less than Warphead though. Ah forget it. I know I will. But I never liked sheep. Got some sweet plush anacondas though. Suck it baby! so what? Blah! I'm disgusted. Go away!
  9. anyone interested in reviving a hardcore 1988-style Atari ST vs Commodore Amiga flaming war??? those were the days...
  10. but then I'll ALWAYS loose!!! Ok, it's not THIS much of a difference.
  11. Ok, I probably deserved this. But it's really not cool that all post are attributed to another person (even if most of them are utter nonsense). At least my posts don't show up under the handle of an imbecile like Fieldmarshall.
  12. I had to register anew today because the bbs database was corrupted. No big deal. But what REALLY sucks is, that another user got my usernumber (313), and my posts appear under his name, including his signature and all!!! If this happened to more people I expect that several people will be VERY SURPRISED about what posts carry their name now!!! :eek: PeterNZer -> completely replaced me.
  13. From memory, I'm at work: In "jenseits der steppe" (beyond the steppe) an east front biography, the author, a company commander, has on one(1) single occasion 60 men in his company. the rest of the time, his company has a combat strenght between 25 and 40, on 2 occasions only 13. (He reorganized his men into 6 "squads", 2 Mg-gunners per squad.)This from 1942-1944. NEVER more than 60 men. His unit was with AG South and later B in the Kaukasus. ps: how expensive is a 14-strong company??
  14. grrr... just reregistered. if anyone calls me "junior" .... :mad:
  15. I really liked König. A shame that he was fated to die... the movie was ok, some cliches on both sides (sometimes LOTS of them) but interesting to see. money well spent. And about the accents: can't really say, they all spoke German ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
  16. I'm in. (more time now after excessive work) lindan@jagdtiger.de cheers, Lindan
  17. Hi Ted, great idea. I was thinking about something like it myself for a while now, but I've simply no time at the moment to put work into my page. Do it, it's a good idea. ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
  18. one more for the axis. lindan@jagdtiger.de ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
  19. unbelievable! (trying to get mouth shut) asides: when they start to burn, what happpens to the snow? ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
  20. First Tabletop: Space Marines from GW. ~88 First Boardgame: Chess, 1979 First Real Boardgame: Columbia's Bobby Lee (~1990), Still like the 'block' games. Console: Combat (Atari 2600) Atari ST: Universal Military Simulator (you could even make your own battles) PC: Steel Panthers Does anyone remember 'Bloodtree Rebellion" ? I bought it some years ago but never played it, only read the rules. Is it worth the try?
  21. go to the excellent site: www.nahverteidigungswaffe.de to see pictures of the Brummbär, Sturmtiger and Maus. ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
  22. Thanks for the list, very informative! BTW: I bought 'Das Boot' on DVD. It's awe-inspiring. The sounds define 'immersive' for me. You won't regret it, even if you already own the video-version. ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
  23. Gremlin and Wolf: how good is your German? My docs are photocopied pages from an 1979 issue of the German magazine "Waffen-Revue". The editors had access to a lot of original documents.(some of them reprinted including the "Streng Geheim" (top secret) labels on them ) I will try to scan some of the more interesting pages and put them up as soon as my time permits. If you want some parts of it translated than I'd be grateful if you give me some specific questions as this is A LOT of material and I have no time to translate it all. ------------------ ----------------------- Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?" "Nuts!" " visit lindan.panzershark.com www.jagdtiger.de
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