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Everything posted by Tom TCMHQ

  1. Gentlemen, My website finally found a new home: Thanks to the great support from Mr. Shaun Wallace ( THANKS A LOT MATE ! ) the TCMHQ sites are now hosted by MILITARYGAMERONLINE.COM . Please change your bookmarks to: http://www.militarygameronline.com/TCMHQ Stay tuned for the huge amount of new scenarios and mods that will be published here during the next weeks ( and - yes - I will try to finish my " Street Fighting Mod " too :- ). Check out the first new mod on the " Effects " mod page: Juju´s hires " Hollywood Explosions Version II " will add a lot to the dramatic mood on your CMBO/CMBB battlefields. P.S: Thanks to all of you who send me encouraging mails during the last weeks and especially to those , who offered me their own webspace. The CM players are the BEST gaming community ever !!! Cheers Tom P.S.: If you want to contribute something to the new TCMHQ website ( mods , scenarios , aar´s , tactics , reports etc. ) ...drop me a line.
  2. QUOTE]Originally posted by Juju: Heya! Will be posted at Tom's before the end of the month.
  3. First battle ? Mhh... total randomized meeting engagement between me and the AI ( + 50% strenght ) or a " heavy snowstorm " qb... After cooling down I will check out the scenarios. Cheers Tom
  4. Gentlemen , OK .... this is the end :mad: ...at least for my cooperation with " Arcor ". I´ve deceided to switch over to a more professional solution , which means two things: 1.) I have to PAY for my CM site :eek: 2.) You have to wait for the relaunch till end of the month ( probably a few days longer ). I found a nice company which offers 150 MB webspace and UNLIMITED TRAFFIC :cool: for $10 each month. Sounds fair. Cheers Tom
  5. Stoffel , believe me , there are MUCH crueler things than reading these postings. I live 50 km north of Koblenz and was looking forward to this happening since Marcus posted his thread. Now I´m ill , couldn´t travel :mad: and - worst thing of all - I got a phone call 20 minutes ago..... when I picked up the phone I heard a deep roaring sound followed by some " ooohs " and " aahs " in the background. Seconds later an evil voice whispered through the Handy : " Guess WHAT tank this is " :mad: :mad: :mad: Tom P.S.: Marc , if you EVER read this lines , be SURE you will PAY for this !!!!! :mad:
  6. Andrew , I KNEW you would post something like that sooner or later BTW. looks GRRREAT !!! Cheers Tom aka " Where´s the Chaffee mod ??? "
  7. Michael , I am sorry for all the trouble my provider caused during the last days :mad: Your interface mod( and all other goodies ) will be soon up again. And - yes - TCMHQ will definitly host CMBB stuff , so your input is always welcome ( without swastikas of course ) Cheers Tom [ September 02, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Tom TCMHQ ]
  8. Gentlemen , In one of the demo scenarios ( guess which ) my three MG teams were responsible for more than 50% of the enemy casualities. Unlike CMBO I guess it´s clever to avoid unsupported frontal infantry assaults against these killers. BTW: I recall a posting on the old TALONSOFT " Eastern Front " forum a few years ago with a strange story about a single (!) German soldier equiped with an MG-42 who defended his position against a whole sowjet infantry regiment for several days. Myth or truth ?? Cheers Tom [ September 02, 2002, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Tom TCMHQ ]
  9. I guess all demo sounds were downsampled to 22 Khz to minimize the filesize for the demo. The sounds on the full version will be in 44.1 Khz..like in CMBO. And - believe me - there are A LOT of CMBB sound mods in the pipeline. Cheers Tom
  10. Seraphim , kein Problem lies mal lieber die Peinlichkeit die ICH mir im CDV CMBO Forum geleistet habe Nidan: Thanks ...and stay tuned for all the upcoming CMBB stuff :cool: Gruß..and cheers Tom
  11. Seraphim , sollte sich Dein Statement auf mein SIG beziehen: 1.) Bisher hat hier JEDER erkannt das dieses Statement eines englischen Wargamers IRONISCH gemeint ist. ( Ich zumindest hab mich beim Lesen kaputtgelacht...) 2.) Sollte man nicht immer alles so ernst nehmen 3.) Fresse ich als Deutscher nur gaaanz selten kleine Kinder ( und sicher nicht mit Ketchup ) Gruß Thomas For the non-German among us: just a few friendly words about my ironic sig ( at least I thought It´s meant that way ).
  12. Gentlemen , I don´t wanna spoil the party ( how could I ...this is the DAMNED BEST WARGAME ever !!! ) , but I encountered ONE real bug: the combat result table is really faulty. As you know , units can now start understrenght but unfortunatly the missing men also count for the final combat result ! One example: in one of the demo scenarios I started with xxx german soldiers ( no spoilers ) and lost 17 of my men ( I compared the start strenght with the strenghts of my units on the final turn ) The combat result table shows 122 german soldiers wounded/killed........ Please fix it or do somefink Cheers Tom
  13. Rob, Andrews Uniforms will be back soon. Cheers Tom
  14. Gentlemen, Good news and bad news at TCMHQ. Let´s start with the good ones: Ed Kinney has released his breathtaking " Rural Buildings Version 2" on the " Buildings " mod website . On the "Axis Armor" section you´ll find a brand new " Panther " G late mod by Marcus ( aka tools4fools ) together with three new Kuebelwagen mods by Andrew Fox. Andrew also designed the fine " Pershing " mod available from the " Allied Armor " site. Last, but not least Flesh presents a phantastic new " Smoke " mod on the " Goodies " section. Now the REALLY bad news: Many of the " older " TCMHQ mods are temporary "off-line". My provider has cut the free webspace about 50% (!) and now only permitts free traffic up to 1GB (!!!)each month. This is - hopefully - not the end of the TCMHQ pages ( this would be a shame , since I invested nearly two years of work into this "small corner of the Internet " ...) At present I´m searching for further free web space ( without traffic limitations ) and hope to offer " business as usual " at the end of September. Cheers Tom P.S.: I hope to see you on the 7.9. in Koblenz [ August 29, 2002, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: Tom TCMHQ ]
  15. Bruno, No need for further bumps ....files are up at my " buildings " mod section. Cheers Tom
  16. Hi , Null problemo !! Which means..... do it Cheers Tom
  17. Coe , there are several " Market Garden " scenarios available from the " Scenario Depot " ( Hells Highway for example is a real blast ! ). And - yes - there is also a HUGE scenario about the XXXth Corps breakout from the Neerpelt bridge head ( sorry..I can´t recall the name of this scenario , but I guess it´s " Breakout " ). I am currently working on two " Market " scenarios. 1.) " St.Elisabeth Hospital " --- The attempt to relief Frost at the bridge. 2.) " Panzerbrigade 107 " --- The Germans attack the corridor at Son. I highly recommend to read Robert J. Kershaw´s " Arnhem 1944 - It never snows in September " which deals with the German perspective on " Market Garden ". The book gives you a phantastic insight into the operation ( again: only from the German perspective ! ) and gave me tons of new scenario ideas. If you only know " A bridge too far " , you don´t know the whole story. Cheers Tom BTW: The battlegroup you mentioned was " Kampfgruppe Knaust , lead by Major Hans-Peter Knaust , commander of the Training- and Reserve Batt. Bocholt. A few " King Tigers " from " Schwere Panzerabteilung 506 " were assigned to his group.
  18. Coe , there are several " Market Garden " scenarios available from the " Scenario Depot " ( Hells Highway for example is a real blast ! ). And - yes - there is also a HUGE scenario about the XXXth Corps breakout from the Neerpelt bridge head ( sorry..I can´t recall the name of this scenario , but I guess it´s " Breakout " ). I am currently working on two " Market " scenarios. 1.) " St.Elisabeth Hospital " --- The attempt to relief Frost at the bridge. 2.) " Panzerbrigade 107 " --- The Germans attack the corridor at Son. I highly recommend to read Robert J. Kershaw´s " Arnhem 1944 - It never snows in September " which deals with the German perspective on " Market Garden ". The book gives you a phantastic insight into the operation ( again: only from the German perspective ! ) and gave me tons of new scenario ideas. If you only know " A bridge too far " , you don´t know the whole story. Cheers Tom BTW: The battlegroup you mentioned was " Kampfgruppe Knaust , lead by Major Hans-Peter Knaust , commander of the Training- and Reserve Batt. Bocholt. A few " King Tigers " from " Schwere Panzerabteilung 506 " were assigned to his group.
  19. Al, the whole thing is 95% done , but I´m still fighting with some of the curves and the bitmaps where the dirt roads meet the streets. Unfortunately I was forced to deal with several " real life " issues during the last weeks like job , familiy , vacation in Arnheim ( more about that later ). Maybe I am publishing a kind of beta version of this mod during the next days , but with the close release date of CMBB , I am not sure if there is really a big interest in mods like that. BTW: Am I the only one who will keep on playing CMBO even after the release of CMBB ?? Cheers Tom
  20. :cool: Thanks Garry ..OUTSTANDING JOB ! :cool: Cheers Tom [ August 17, 2002, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Tom TCMHQ ]
  21. :eek: :eek: :eek: OUTSTANDING GORDON !!!! THIS is the KT I was always looking for ( and unlike the original LaGleize KT it has the correct Muzzlebreak ) Cheers Tom BTW: I hope all of you mod giants won´t stop to produce such CMBO beauties AFTER 20th of September...we are still missing the German truck , the Humber and several pieces of Artillery in " Molek , Bergmann , Fox , ( insert your favorite modder here ) quality. [ August 07, 2002, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Tom TCMHQ ]
  22. Parabellum , Marcus and all other CM fans from Germany , Belgium , Netherlands etc... A great chance and a fine location for a BIG CM meeting !!! I´ll be there ( just watched the stunning movies from last years exhibition at " www.jagdtiger.de " and was convinced to go there ). Can we meet a few hours before ? Where and when ? Cheers Tom
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