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Krazy Canuck

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Everything posted by Krazy Canuck

  1. Well right now I can't get in, the pop-ups seemingly fill my memory and crash my system. This is an issue for me........(shrug)...guess I better try and find some free blockers. Personally I'd rather pay a subsciption of some kind, say $10-20 per month.....how many of those would you need? KC
  2. Before this gets moved. For smooooooth, affordable wisdom?.......*Glenfiddich*, of course!! KC
  3. When I go there now so many pop-ups happen that I get the *Netscape has run out of memory* panel and then my machine crashes. Anyone else?.....or am I alone here? KC
  4. In the present operation I'm trying, I have a 158mm Rkt FO, I'm trying to get him to embark but he won't. I've tried to get him on everything from a PzIIIH to a Pz38(T)E. No, there is no-one else on these units. So, I guess my question is, can you transport these guys or do they have to walk everywhere? KC
  5. Ahem....*cough*, *cough*..oops just clearing my throat, I gotta quit smoking! KC
  6. Don't hate yourself, vets rarely spoke of the war. In my family, my dad(his brother died in Holland), and 2 uncles fought in WW II. Over the years, even though we spent many weekends together, at the most, and I'm 50, I've heard them talk of it 6-7 times in total. Even if I was asking questions, all I'd get was "not now".....and "now" rarely came! Your grandpa, had he wanted to share the war with you, would have, they just wouldn't talk about it!......{(shrug) it was their hell, why share it?...I guess} KC
  7. I think you're loseing control of your pet. Shorten his leash!!...I've found him elsewhere lately btw. Is this your secret plan, to take over the forum useing Mr.Goodie2shoes as your disruptive vehicle to bring us to our knees?? Well we'll never surrender!! :mad: :mad: :mad: KC
  8. When using Hull Down, does the enemy have to be ID'd? If there is no Hull Down possible, how do you keep your tank from driving alll over the Eastern Front looking for one? Thanks! [/QB]
  9. Don't cry..........it gets worse! ----------------Bump------------------------------ KC
  10. It's my experiance that mine *never* hit, his *always* hits, maybe we should play each other? Just kidding, but air support is unpredictable, wait 'til yours bombs your troops, then you'll be pissed! KC
  11. Cold and clear. To properly deploy 8 Panthers and 9 Tigers completely across the front I have to go off the 1 road. After 5 turns I have lost 2 Panthers and 1 Tiger to *bogged* then to immobolized. Right now(turn 6), 2 more Panthers and 2 Tigers are bogged, and I haven't fired a shot! I'm about to give up on CMBB as it's proveing to realistic for me. Also, I try to stop a bogged tank ASAP and reverse it on the next turn, I've saved one this way...so far. KC
  12. I know, hardly a new topic....... But I need advice, even post patch I'm finding the big cats are still(for me) bogging to much. So, how is the best way to get 'em into position without losing 20-30%, stuck somewhere in, and this is what I find frustrating, the steppes or open ground. No, it's not *soft* ground, I avoid that if at all possible! Thanx guys. Btw, I can think of no better way to pass a dreary Sunday than KICKIN' COMMIE A$$, it is so easy. KC
  13. It seems that the 30.82 or 30.87 are providing the most stability and performance to date, and BTS is recommending them! You can get 'em at NVidia.com, but if its working fine *do not* mess with it! KC
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