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Krazy Canuck

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Everything posted by Krazy Canuck

  1. Re: Drivers BTS recommends useing the 30.82, my rig hasn't as much as hiccuped with these. In the tech forum there are many cries of anger and dismay after trying anything higher. (this note pertains to CM only) KC edited 'cause I can't type [ December 24, 2002, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Krazy Canuck ]
  2. ..........and your sig ends "Current Wives: None", snicker, tehe, poor lonely man as I ponder *now why did we need to know that?* :eek: :eek: KC
  3. What do you mean? Whenever I have a situation they I cannot work through I come over here do a search and 99% of the time *bingo*... I'm back up and running. Psst, don't let the MadOne hear you say that, he's lookin' to make cuts, and we cannot afford to lose this one!! KC
  4. Yup, MadOne wins handsdown!!! Gotta admire decision makers. :eek: KC
  5. At your age? Slow starters in Scotland are we? ................*BumP*..............................
  6. Hey!!..you be careful with that $%&t, I don't want any of it around me!!....ya sick bastich :mad: KC
  7. I think you can alt-tab out and then bring it back. Run a search top right, you'll find your answer. Luck, KC
  8. If I misquoted you I apologise.....(shrug)hell, if I did, it certainly wasn't intentional. At first I also had difficulty with SHD, cussed at it, swore off it etc. Then when I discovered that when used as intended(as I understand the function) it saved me from being overcautious and missing what should have been an easy shot. I too had my AFV's go off seeking a *poorly thought out* hulldown position. I had either put the location spot on the backside of a far ridge or buried it to deep in the woods and I never *had* LOS. As I see this you dislike it, fine, swear off it if you so choose; I like it and would encourage those new to the game to try it because they may find it useful, as I do. KC
  9. Good Lord, MasterGoodenuff has many disciples .............yes, you winged 'em.............. KC
  10. Worthless information my ass!!!!!!!!!!!! If the huge numbers of newbies would take the time to read this we'd have a helluva lot less repetitive questions. I thought Crowley was kidding around..................wasn't he? ................bump.............................. KC
  11. Implying that you don't get it otherwise? Yes, I do- in all sorts of places. I've *always* wondered what the heck that meant. Obviously it's a good bet that it's a waste of ammo as far as damage, but does it mean you can't even suppress him? Does it mean you can just barely see his pack lying on the ground? Curious. Unimportant, but curious. Eden</font>
  12. Go with the GeForce version, it recognises and supports the fog in CM games, the ATI does *not*. As to price, it has been my experiance that I get what I pay for, in other words go with a known brand name, at least you should be able to get some support. Good luck, KC
  13. In Canada, cable TV and BB combined w/taxes in $70.00(Can)=approx. $40.00US/mth. Installation was free, one of their introductory offers. Next month we get access to cable phone w/1 time intro offer of all 3 for $100.00(can.)= $58.00US/mth. Anyone useing cable phone service?....if so what do you think? KC
  14. bang,bang,bang,bang,bang......bang,tap,tap...tap you hear that? That's me driving a nail to stick this sucker on! There.......hmmm, is it straight? KC
  15. Yup, sounds like AA to me, but, you have got the GeForce drivers recommended by BTS....hmmm. Hell, try this question on the Tech board, I'm sure a tech grog will be right along to give you some help. Welcome btw, but(glanceing nervously over his shoulder and speaking in a very low whisper), shhiish, here in the *world* we do our best not to talk about those people, we find it best, as they sometimes get out of that awfull cesspool and ....well, they're just best left where they are KC
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