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Krazy Canuck

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Everything posted by Krazy Canuck

  1. Hb, Again, it seems to me you can accomplish this by taking any canned or preset scenario load it into the editor and swap out/in around to your hearts content. You will have the map and enemy as determined by the author, choose the *good* guys of choice go into the editor and make all the changes you want, I've done this with a couple and I'll warn you, it changes the game, and not always to the better. Also, use only the points alotted and keep a calculater handy. Remember, your on your honor!! KC
  2. You can edit the canned scenarios with any available units now......is that what you meant? KC
  3. Not to kidnap this thread, but hey guys, thanks for lowering my inner guilt, as I've been at CM now for 2 years and most my family shake their heads sadly at this (young) 50 yr. old gamer.
  4. I do believe Soddball has been overcome by his *boy*, or, were they always *one and the same*.....hmmmmmm, could it be? KC
  5. Soddball, Sir, quit goofing around, your creation has gotten out of its cage ....again :mad: :mad: :mad: KC [ December 10, 2002, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Krazy Canuck ]
  6. Guys, I'm not sure what's going on, there was a discussion here a while ago regarding the gainward products and that there was/is a problem with some of them. If I recall correctly there is actually a known issue and some are being returned ASAP. I'm running win 98se and the 30.82 drivers and am having no problems. For what its worth, I see little change with the ansiotropic filtering on and a dramatic change with AAx4 on, go with the AA. KC
  7. Goodness, a busy day on the forum! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bump<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< KC
  8. Wow, you don't talk much I gather? O'k, a mod is made when someone other than the original makes modifications to a tank, terrain, uniforms etc. Normally you would download them from a site available on the internet. After downloading them you then install 'em in their respective location. This is usually done to the individuals taste to enhance his or her gaming, in other words to make the game more realistic. Most of the mods available for CM games can be found at www.combatmission.com and www.cmmods.com As for the print question, that I don't know, but I'm sure someone will be along to help you out shortly. Best rgds, and speak up more. KC
  9. What's your vid card? My MSI G3Ti200 does it all. KC
  10. Stay put!!!!! Jeez, this is gettin' heavy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bump<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< KC
  11. x13th, Seeing as your from Canada you should be accustomed to waste from most administrative types For COG to be able to realize $100-200/mth or as you've put it $1/mth/person he would need a 100 people to donate that $1/mth. To date per the vote stats, 120 total votes, 65 votes for 0(or 50%+), 21 votes for $5, 15 votes for $10, or put another way 75.8% who are willing to contribute less than $1/mth. While the other 24.2% are. Please bear with me here as I'm not a Stat grog. In other words: 75.8% would have access while contributing 35.4% of the revenue, and when we reverse these stats we get, 24.2% contribute 64.6% of the revenue and stands in line with everyone else. Sounds a lot like our medicare system......eh Yeah, I know, liars figure and figures lie, but... Were I COG, I'd pass on this whole thing. KC *note*; I'm sure everyone is capable of running the #'s, they were used for effect only. *note#2*, I, in no way, mean to embarrass, demean, nor in all honesty piss anyone off by stating the truth, I just felt it needed to be pointed out.
  12. Rob, I did not call you anything! The fact that my post followed yours was pure coincidence. Just to expand upon my original post; to date less than 100 people have voted?? If there were only 100 people clammering for more mods or a mod site I'm sure we would not be having this discussion, let alone the *vote*. Where are the others??? As I read this, COG has never said this would be a user pay *only* site! Any contributions would be greatly appreciated, hopefully this community would be willing to support his effort with more than *wows & attaboys*. He, and I'm guessing here, is probably as surprised as I am that, to date, less than 100 people have shown support by even acknowledging the situation through a vote. As Manx has pointed out, a website such as this is time consuming and expensive, so much so that he had to abandon his to MadMatt & co., my point is lets not let this one go down the tubes. I am not advocating a *user* pay system, if you cannot afford it, *welcome* come on in, hope you like what's here. But, by God, if you can afford a buck a month(and only you know this) then pay up and *welcome* come on in, hope you like what you see! COG, if I'm out of order here, then I am sincerely sorry. KC
  13. Hey, where's those screen shots? We have faith MG will need more than his TNT.....how about a couple? KC
  14. I agree with Stug30, In fact, you could probably divide your numbers by 2 and get closer to reality. Conscripts were the draftees and those forced into uniform, they never wanted to be there, I'd scoot 'em right to regulars after 8-10 battles, as by this time they have figured out how to survive. Green troops weren't green long, either dead, wounded or battle regulars within weeks, I guess you learn quick when being shot at. Regular to veteran would take a while longer and crack, well those guys *wanted* to be there and its a guess how long that takes! 2 more cents, KC
  15. Up to this point 38 out of 48 have voted either not to pay at all or are willing to contribute less than a measly buck a month!!! I really do not want to start a verbal(chicken**** hide behind your safe little monitor) debate here, but folks, this is bull****! You expect someone to contribute his time and money, while you get to play for free?? COG, if this the true indication of our real assessment and appreciation of your efforts you must feel ........more than a little pissed? Wow, this is/was an eye-opener for me, I guess the *make everyone but me pay attitude* is not unique to Canada. KC
  16. I can't, my system crashes!!! I did get in far enough to vote, your site loads up to 11% on my system, then crash!!....and I want mods(in pleading voice) KC
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