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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. This is correct so long as it is not connected to an Allied Major capital. In this case it is considered "cutoff" so it would max out at 5. Correct and for the same reasons as described above. Hubert
  2. 1. The one big one I can think of is that if there is a convoy linked through the port then if the port drops below strength = 5 the convoy will be disabled. 2. I think this just depends on the in game situation and your ability to do so as well as the cause and effect of the different actions. In some cases it might just be a matter of which costs you less MPPs in terms of air versus naval damage to achieve your goal, i.e. targeting ports directly versus the convoy routes, while some actions such as targeting the naval National Morale positions can have ideally desired political and strategic effects which cannot be achieved from targeting ports alone. Using subs to target the various convoy routes also require your opponent to commit resources to counter that type of submarine warfare, it can be a significant distraction depending on the level of targeting additionally costing him MPPs, and that is a consideration as well.
  3. Hi Lhughes41, From memory it does receive full spotting around the target as well as the flight path and this would be the same for AoC. Hope this helps Hubert
  4. Yes if you want customized sounds for those unit types that use those sound files. In some cases we use duplicate sounds such as this but left individual sound files for each in case modders would like to use more specific sounds customized to their own taste. There is one additional country slot 'Neutral' that is not listed in the Editor but can be seen in the various script files or localization.txt file. Hubert
  5. To be honest I can't see an argument for them to not be able to either so I'll change it back for the next patch Hubert
  6. It is included in the default Sound folder for AoD, which would be where ever the game is installed and then the Sound folder in the same root directory where you can find the game EXE. The campaign subfolders only include changed items, i.e. customized items for that particular campaign, which would have a 'Maritime' bomber sound for the airship sounds in let's say the 1939 World At War campaign. In this case, since the maritime bomber uses the 'airship' slot, if you play the airship sounds in the subfolder it will sound like a bomber instead of an airship. The airship sounds in the default Sound folder will sound like airships. Essentially the names need to be the same for the sound files for each unit type but they can indeed be different sounds if you want the unit to sound like something else. Hopefully this makes sense and helps, Hubert
  7. For the flags it would be the same and for the airship in AoD the Maritime Bomber slot would do the trick. Hubert
  8. Hi Mathias, I believe the unit type list is different from WWI to AoD so you'd have to match the setup from the original AoD unit bitmap files and adjust the WWI files to match before copying over. For example, go through the list of unit types in WWI and compare them to the unit types in AoD and the total numbers and this will give you an idea of how many slots per type are needed so that the bitmap file size (x pixel width and y pixel height) matches correctly. Then you'll need to adjust the unit names in the localization.txt file to match as well. The best thing to do is to make a copy of the campaign you want to modify and make all the changes in the campaign subfolder, i.e. use a customized localization.txt file and customized bitmap folders to make your changes there so that this way you don't alter the default files. I would take a look at the subfolder for the 1939 World At War campaign to see how customized localization text and bitmaps are handled per campaign. Hope this helps, Hubert
  9. Hi Amona, I had to double check but if memory serves I believe this was a change for AoD. This could always be changed back if that is what the majority prefer, just let us know Hubert
  10. Thanks Strategiclayabout I've fixed these for the next patch
  11. Hi Brausepaul, Currently there are no factions set up in game and you control either the entire Axis or Allied side. Hope this helps, Hubert
  12. Hi Amona, Good catch and sorry about this as we'll have it fixed for the next patch, Hubert
  13. Hi Chargin Smith, I'd have to have a copy of the campaign that you customized and a list of the specific changes as well as a saved file where I can repeat the error in order to understand what the issue might be. Could you send these to support@furysoftware.com and I'd be happy to take a look and see what might be happening. Hubert
  14. Welcome aboard Nehaali and happy gaming Don't hesitate to spread the word as well
  15. Hi Rosseau, I believe the thinking here is that for anyone that has purchased the game and not yet upgraded to any of the patches, the latest patch would include the latest campaigns for them that were not included in the original release as each patch is all inclusive. But you are correct, that if you've already upgraded to previous patch this might seem a bit misleading. Hubert
  16. Sorry to hear the trouble and I believe I know what the error is and how this has been changed since the Windows 8.1 release. Can you try running the game NOT in full screen mode as that should get you up and running as a temporary work around for now. This can be changed in the SETTINGS dialog in game in the main menu screen. Hubert
  17. Hi Majorbly50, It might be a bit hard to compare as they are two different packages with differing scope, with one covering WWII in its entirety, and the other covering only the European Theater. I would say that the AI is comparable for either package, i.e. if you compare GOLD versus Breakthrough as both take advantage of some of the latest AI enhancements, so I would say it really is just a matter of which one interests you more. Of course, if both interest you then I would recommend both of them to you I hope this helps, Hubert
  18. Good catch and I've fixed this as well, thanks
  19. Yes I think this is a part of the last patch and set of corrections for AoD
  20. For expansions and maps we released the Breakthrough expansion pack for WWI and the GOLD, AoD and AoC packs for Global Conflict. We also released a few earlier expansion packs for WW2 including Weapons and Warfare as well as the Patton Drives East packs. Quite a bit of content in there but you are correct there will be nothing further for now. For our next game, it is still early and the look and feel may still change as nothing is set in stone just yet Hubert
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