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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Great to hear For the appearance of new units along the coast of Japan this sounds very odd, do you know what the date was in game when this occurred? There is nothing in the scripts or code that should have something like the above occur and I wonder if this is perhaps a mod or perhaps just the US naval units appearing along the coast of Japan out of Fog of War? There are events that allow for the creation of new US naval units like when you attack at Pearl Harbor or just during the course of the war and if this happened with other naval units coming in from previous purchases off of the Production Queue, then it is certainly possible to see a naval unit gain of 11 units in one turn. Not likely for every turn but possible. To clarify, the Reports strength will show you the total number of units even if you cannot see them on the map... so there is a bit of a contradiction but the "New!" section is correct as far as the reports screen report the totals. Thanks and we'll take a look to adjust the railway Hubert
  2. Hi Pacestick, I suspect that this might not be a bug but rather just a possible misunderstanding of the intercept range... for example, intercept range for fighters is strike range - 1, while escort range is = strike range. If you double check your the strike range of your Italian Fighter, is this possibly the cause then of the failed intercept? If not then I'll be happy to dig into this further, Hubert
  3. I just double checked the code and 0 turns is treated the same as 1 turn and I'll change this for SC3 so that the range is from 1,99 so this is less confusing. It does also lower unit morale under the following formula: National Morale < 40% -> unit.morale = unit.morale * 85% National Morale < 75% -> unit.morale = unit.morale * 90% National Morale < 90 % -> unit.morale = unit.morale * 95% National Morale > 110% -> unit.morale = unit.morale * 110% Not intended but not likely to change either. Can you send me this turn so I could take a look?
  4. Hi MJY, Thanks for the report. Unfortunately there are no plans for any further patches for the base WWI package as our efforts are now mostly directed at SC3, but it should be fixed for the Breakthrough and all subsequent releases as this was an error that from memory I've corrected for those releases. Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. From what I've understood this is correct as they only shared a border later in the war.
  6. I believe this is the correct behaviour as you'll need to control the city in order for them to be placed as they are only set to be placed there. Can you elaborate on what you mean by purchasing a unit for the USSR, US, Britain that "brings them back up"? Hubert
  7. Hi Solusky, 1) The current license allows you to install on more than one machine so it would be possible, although we'd prefer you purchase a copy for each user as it helps support developers to continue to make these kinds of products. 2) Network/online/LAN games via TCP/IP is also an option on top of Hotseat/PBEM. 3) The Gold bundle gives you the latest and greatest for the original Global Conflict release while the Assault on Democracy/Communism bundle provides a trove of new content and features including a much larger Global map. I would actually recommend both bundles but if you try the demos of each package you can get an idea of what they have to offer in order to help you decide. Multiplayer is still quite popular and there are Multiplayer threads stickied at the top of each game forum that should help you to quickly find an opponent. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. Ok I was just curious to see if it would be worth the extra effort for a follow up patch now that we are moving on towards SC3. I can see the frustration for having this come up in the tournament, surprisingly it has never come up before, and if we do another patch I'll look to incorporate this change as well... but you are right it won't help your situation now.
  9. I believe we added the ability to have loops work for all countries but if you want to narrow it down to Axis or Allies then you have to set the loops for each individual Axis or Allied parent and from what I can see we did not include France. I think for SC3 we can make it so that loops can be specified as Axis or Allied as well as that will make scripting for these types of case much easier.
  10. Hi Amadeus, It looks like France is not included for the 'Allied' only loops, is this something players would like to see? I only ask as in most cases this type of loop would not apply to France so we left it out but seeing as you've come across this perhaps we should reconsider. Hubert
  11. Hi Baron, With the latest patch the Maritime Bombers should be able to recon. However, if you are attempting to recon within your own AP range then holding down the SHIFT key should then show the recon cursor as you move the mouse over the map. For Armored Trains, these are just a new unit type that can be used along rail lines to penetrate into enemy areas for recon or for combat purposes. They have stats that should put them somewhere in between a Tank and Infantry unit. Hope this helps, Hubert
  12. Hi Mike, Great to hear and yes I believe we left Martime Patrol Bombers off from raiding for now, off hand I can't remember the reason, but I seem to remember an argument against changing them to that capacity. Your solution sounds like it would work as well Hubert
  13. Thanks Ancient Demon, I think I might know what is going on here and let me drop Bill a line to confirm this with him as I suspect this is code related (something from my end) and already fixed for the next v1.03 patch. Hubert
  14. Hi Mike, Can you try deleting any existing Maritime Bombers on the map as well as on the P/Q and then replacing them on the map and P/Q as needed. My guess is that the old data is still held within the unit but once deleted you should be fine moving forward with the latest patch. Hubert
  15. Patch is up , and apologies again for the delay. http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=142&a=661
  16. Thanks Robert and Battlefront just added in the AoD repository
  17. Hi Bertram, Just looking at this quickly and I can add that what is in the manual is likely the default settings we use for most campaigns but in some campaigns it can deviate from the default. It looks like BtoB in AoC has it set so that advances are at 2% per turn per level, i.e. the same whether you are at Level-0, or Level-1 or Level-2. Does this answer your concerns? If there is anything else more specific just let me know Hubert
  18. Good points Ancient Demon, Bill and I agree and we'll add this in for the next patch.
  19. Looks like your system doesn't support Full Screen due to your desktop settings. If you were able to disable it, it would likely do the trick. However, the only way to enable the Full Screen button on your end would be to set your desktop resolution to something higher like 1280x1024. Not sure if that is an option for you but if it were it would likely solve all the issues. Hubert
  20. Thanks for the information and I've tried to repeat it but haven't been able to. I'll keep my eye on it and I wonder if you could try another higher resolution to see if that helps?
  21. That is probably the issue as the units and some other data are not fully compatible with AoD and likely just an error in the Editor allowing you to import this. I would say that anything unit related should not be imported but everything else should be fine. Regular campaigns should not see this problem.
  22. Hi Strategiclayabout, What window resolution is the game being played at? Hubert
  23. Hi Kool Kat, Welcome aboard 1. There still seems to be an active PBEM player base but I think many players have now moved on to the latest Global Conflict expansions of Assault on Communism and Assault on Democracy. Assault on Democracy in particular has a very large and brand new global campaign map that you might enjoy as well. More details can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=317&Itemid=545 2. I think if you've mastered the Pacific Theater you should be able to step right in... the SC system has remained very familiar from release to release over the years but you'll just have more map and strategies to consider. 3. Global conflict has been patched to v1.07 and I believe the latest installer includes this patch but the version number can be double checked on the main screen of the game in the lower right hand corner. Happy gaming Hubert
  24. Hi Mathias, It could work for v1.0 or v1.02 but with all the changes that have been implemented to Global over the years I can't say for sure. All I can say is that AoD and AoC were tested against the latest v1.07 version of Global and that is why we suggest to install that version as the base. Hope this helps, Hubert
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