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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. This is likely a sound card driver error. I would suggest updating all your drivers for your video and sound cards, installing the latest version of DirectX on your system and then applying the latest applicable game patch. The combination of these steps should resolve the issue for you. Hubert
  2. Just a few quick notes on the patch and a reminder that due to the number of changes, previously saved games will NOT be compatible. For those that are playing the larger map campaign mods such as Al's or Nupremal's, the scrolling speed issues have been resolved and they should be perfectly playable after applying the patch much like the other standard campaigns are playable. You will also notice a change in the information bar at the top of the game screen during attacks, i.e. when you place your target cursor over an enemy unit, in that it will now show a breakdown of the combat target values on top of the regular expected attacker and defender losses etc. It should show the current attack and defend target values that will apply as well as any bonuses or subtractions based on common research levels. It may also hide the common research level subtractions if the unit is hidden under Fog of War. This should be helpful to players so that they better understand the eventual expected losses. The patch is of course downloadable from here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=255&Itemid=401 Enjoy! Hubert
  3. From what I remember you need to send a unit to Fort de France to collect the Gold.
  4. This would be a one time check as the #TYPE=0 and only after the conditions are satisfied. We added these to create some variety from game to game for AI players and it looks like you hit the jackpot in your game
  5. A quick FYI that the new patch does correct the noted User Manual errors and whether you purchase a digital copy or a hard copy, both versions come with the manual in PDF format that could then be printed/viewed as desired. Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Just to clarify they were relatively minor errors, i.e. a few instructions in the tutorial that were reversed, and I don't think that is too bad out of an approximately 200 page manual
  7. The first date entry is the minumum date that must be achieved before the script will fire and the second date is the fail safe that will fire the script regardless if the CONDITION_POSITION is satisfied. Since the CONDITION_POSITION you have set is never satisfied the unit will not appear until the failsafe date. To have the unit arrive in 1940 as desired you can change the failsafe date to the same date or simply change the CONDITION_POSITION to one that is true. Hubert
  8. Their total MPP collection is also tied to their current mobilization value, so if it is low then so too will their MPPs. There should be a formula for this in the User Manual but off hand I do not know the page number. Hope this helps, Hubert
  9. Ok I found them, these arrive at or after September 1945
  10. I don't see such a script in the Patton Drives East release, can you be more specific?
  11. I'm surprised since after I contacted them and re-ran my malware bytes scan it no longer showed up. Are you running the most up to date version of Malware bytes with the most up to date definition files?
  12. Purchases are indeed not necessarily read in sequence and if you would like to prioritize then the only way around that is to set up several scripts in priority order. For minors, as far as I remember they can have their own purchase scripts and you can prioritize them the same way by putting them in priority order versus their majors etc. I'm not sure I understand the last question but from the script notes here is the following that might help to answer it for you: ; NOTE: This position will only be recognized when assigning purchase position locations if the position is the current Capital or on ; the Industrial Centers list otherwise the game engine defaults to the normal purchase position logic.
  13. Hi Geofighter, I think this might have to do with 'Compatibility Files' under Windows 7/Vista. This is a bit of a problem with the newer Operating Systems and my guess is that it is saving your changes in the 'virtual folder' and not in your installation directory and as a result you are not seeing your changes. Here is more info on what the new operating systems are doing under the hood: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistasShowCompatibilityFilesAndTheScrumptiousWonderThatIsFileVirtualization.aspx I think the easiest way to work around this is to reinstall the game into another folder other than the default 'Program Files' folder, i.e. for example, install to C:\Games instead. As a result your installation will look something like this: C:\Games\Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict I only suggest this as the 'Compatibility Files' issue does not seem to come up if you install to another folder other than 'Program Files' Let me know if this gets it working as expected, Hubert
  14. Thanks I've received them and will look later today. Hubert
  15. Hi Marsult, as it is this is the only way to currently view the properties of a unit. Hubert
  16. The other option is to of course simply declare war on a common belligerent. For example, if the UK is already at war with Germany then the US just needs to join the war by declaring war on Germany as well, i.e. once the US is fully mobilized.
  17. Hi Mantiss and welcome aboard Likely the US is not yet able to enter into the UK due to the new Belligerence rules which require that two majors share a common belligerent before they can enter each other's territory. Is this the case? Hubert
  18. Hi Geofighter, The easiest way would be to send me an email at support@furysoftware.com with this file as an attachment but I don't believe it is still necessary as I was able to replicate the issue and correct it. Hubert
  19. Amadeus, The only thing I can think of is the new combat consideration for applicable research levels but other than that it should be pretty much the same. mgdpublic, This might be the 25% blitz bonus if you have not yet moved the unit and for rounding the formula used is based on this: Result = ((abs + 0.5).floor)
  20. SeaMonkey, I believe it is still there as supply should drop while at sea for a prolonged period of time, i.e. which in turn results in lowered readiness etc. Hubert
  21. CSS, that is a nice set of house rules and glad to hear they are working for you to improve your enjoyment of the game
  22. Regarding the ranges for AVs, this is a tough one as we found early on that with really long ranges you can unrealistically land troops without having the chance to defend against them, i.e. think Germany attempting a Sea Lion from Kiel etc., if they can reach from such long distances in one shot it makes things a bit unrealistic so this is why we included the Amphibious Warfare research which results in increased range as needed.
  23. Thanks for the kind words Ludi, and I can confirm that these fixes will be in the first patch
  24. Looks like it was an issue with the Croatian event swallowing up Belgrade and then as a result the subsequent events could not find the previously 'surrendered' capital for reference. This is a new problem as we needed to change the code a bit to resolve other issues and use the 'surrendered' capital for some checking. If you list the Croatian event as the last event I suspect it will work as expected. Hubert
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